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Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: December 15th, 2020, 11:25:23 pm
by lemonissourUwU
wings of fire is pretty good. they have graphic novels now, and im pretty excited for book 14 to come out :)

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: December 21st, 2020, 1:07:32 pm
by PaintdGryphon
I've found that I'm just not satisfied anymore with most books, because they're more often than not too thin. I need a large story line with a lot of characters and great world building. I was loving A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) but the extremely infrequent releases have become frustrating.

I think my favourite really satisfying book series are:

The Lord of the Rings
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
The Stormlight Archive

I'm always looking for books like this that are REALLY THICK. It's kind of hard sometimes lol

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: January 13th, 2021, 12:45:49 pm
by Rosehill
PaintdGryphon wrote:I've found that I'm just not satisfied anymore with most books, because they're more often than not too thin. I need a large story line with a lot of characters and great world building. I was loving A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) but the extremely infrequent releases have become frustrating.

I think my favourite really satisfying book series are:

The Lord of the Rings
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
The Stormlight Archive

I'm always looking for books like this that are REALLY THICK. It's kind of hard sometimes lol
Have you read the Shadowmarch books by Tad Williams? There's four books, each over 600 pages. I've only read the first one (read it when the others hadn't been published yet and didn't know it was the first part of a series, so I was slightly confused at around 500 pages or so about how the author was going to tie everything together in just a 100 pages, only to realise that yeah, this is a First Book... Might have to finish that series some time, lol.)

I've also heard a lot of praise for The Wheel of Time, in regards to world building and characters, though I haven't read those personally. :orly:

As for me, my favourite books are Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief series, Patricia C. Wrede's books, especially the Enchanted Forest Chronicles and the Mairelon the Magician books, and of course pretty much anything from Diana Wynne Jones, especially the Dark Lord of Derkholm series and the Dalemark series. ^_^

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: January 17th, 2021, 12:41:12 pm
by NovaAurora
Aaaa I do have a couple, but the first one that comes to mind is Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace! It's not one I've seen many people talk about, but I really enjoy it! Another good book I like is The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert! I also really enjoyed The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender!

I know the style and writing of these books aren't for everyone, but I personally adore them!

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: January 23rd, 2021, 11:55:30 am
by Smams19
By Tui T Sutherland, the Wings of Fire series is my favorite books!

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: January 30th, 2021, 5:07:00 pm
by NonbinaryNobody
Foxcraft is really good

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: February 14th, 2021, 10:04:36 am
by Raptus
My favourite book is "Raptor Red" by Robert T. Bakker. I have reread it countless times.

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: February 15th, 2021, 6:47:19 am
by Challenger007
I love "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, "Catcher in the Rye" by Selinger, "Lord of the Rings" by Tolkien. In general, there are many books that I like and depending on my mood or on another book I read, I can name different works that seem to me the most impressive at the moment. Well, I can't determine which works are the best.

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: November 13th, 2021, 3:20:10 pm
by Bees
PaintdGryphon wrote:I've found that I'm just not satisfied anymore with most books, because they're more often than not too thin. I need a large story line with a lot of characters and great world building. I was loving A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) but the extremely infrequent releases have become frustrating.

I think my favourite really satisfying book series are:

The Lord of the Rings
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
The Stormlight Archive

I'm always looking for books like this that are REALLY THICK. It's kind of hard sometimes lol
Perhaps The Iron King by Maurice Druon (and its sequels) would interest you? I'm reading it now. They're older books, and more historical fiction than fantasy (as far as I can tell so far, but maybe some more magic will sneak its way in later), but they're what George R.R. Martin cites as his inspiration for A Song of Ice and Fire.

Confession, I didn't actually enjoy Game of Thrones and only read the first book, so I don't know if my recommendations will be good for a fan, but the Druon books seem pretty meaty, at least. The series is based on ... I want to say the Hundred Years' War? One of the medieval wars between France and England. I'm not far enough in to say if the first book is really good, sadly.

Someone else mentioned Wheel of Time, and I did read a couple of the later books in that series and thought they were OK, not a lot of fun but at least they kept me occupied for a while. Then the books reached some triggering material and handled it poorly, so I stopped reading.

Re: Anyone have a fave book?

Posted: November 14th, 2021, 10:41:05 am
by sheepska
One of my personal favorites right now is the cruel prince series.
Its about faeries and honestly doesn't sugar coat it. There's three books in the series and I have read the first book twice so far, going on a third.
If you like magic and defiance I would recommend