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Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 9:44:33 pm
by Fang
"Man" being very loosely defined of course. :yarly:

You open in two days?! We had auditions around the same time didn't we? We don't open for another three and a half weeks. But we're doing a musical... Are you guys doing a straight play?

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 10:08:19 pm
by metal
I'm an ambitious youngster, at the very least. :yarly:

Yup. Directly after the straight play, we're doing student directed one-acts, which last for about two months, then go into a spring musical. It's a bit of a time crunch, and since we had two weeks shaved off due to the show getting switched, I've been kinda stressed. :yarly:

So yeah. Forms. :D

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 10:35:20 pm
by Fang
I feel that feel bro. I have five rehearsals a week right now. :headdesk: And we do four shows (a musical, a collection of shorts, a competition one-act and a straight play in the spring) so I feel you on cramming shows into the year. :derp:


Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 11:34:07 am
by Silvereye
metal wrote:
Silvereye wrote:]I'm mostly on hold till metal has me some info on her trainrobber
I feel it necessary to clarify that I am indeed a man. A man with a deep, sultry voice. My masculinity is fragile. :yarly:
So sorry dear, confused you with another friend of mine for some reason. Won't again. *grins*

Also, I think that was all the info I needed, so I'll try and get Elena (train robber) done tonight or tomorrow.
Angelo is mostly done, just gotta tweak him a bit to fit with your stuff.

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 14th, 2014, 5:51:44 am
by Revilation
Take your time I guess. We'll get started...eventually.

Ah, I remember those day back when I busy with school. Haha, no more for me now I get to toilets, vacuuming, and dusting walls.

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 16th, 2014, 7:48:46 pm
by Silvereye
I maybe won't be finishing my forms until...maybe Wednesday, if you guys are willing to bear with my slow-butt? Because my mom got me Dragon Age: Inquisition over Origin, and it comes out tomorrow night at 9pm for me, so...I'll be playing that. I've never had a game release week, and I REALLY wanna play it. So bad. If not, I'll scrape the rest together tomorrow after after school.

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: November 28th, 2014, 3:25:46 pm
by Silvereye
Does everyone here hate me for how long it's taken me to get ym forms done, or is everyone as busy as I've been the last couple weeks? I should be free Sunday to finish them and finally send them, but...they are so late and I am SO sorry...

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: December 13th, 2014, 12:11:06 pm
by Silvereye

Sorry...we had a storm and the power went out, and I was like almost totally done with my forms, and I lost now I have to start all over from SCRATCH. I am going to kill Windows 8. On XP that thing happened and it would be FINE.

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: April 18th, 2015, 12:32:50 pm
by Revilation
Hey, would anyone be interested in reviving this? I know we didn't really get started in the first place but I'd like to do so still. I know I totally poofed, but life happened and now it's settled down.

Re: The Flying Zephyr OOC

Posted: April 18th, 2015, 3:36:28 pm
by Fang

Also, I've missed you Revi!