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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Alright give me a bit to catch up on things. xD

Addressing Nyn first, welcome! Thanks for joining, you'll find that both Dew and myself haven't rped in a few years either so promise you're not alone. x3 And thanks for choosing the Rift as your first rp here and welcome to MS! I hope you like it here. ^w^ I personally love a diversity of personalities, so Jayce should suit just fine. The way I interpreted his power is that he makes sound disappear. As in the sound is still there, such as a person talking, it just can't be heard (almost as if it's out of ear shot). As for his startle, my guess is being used to the silence, it's shocking to hear something "loud" all of a sudden. Also, I'm imagine background static as silent noise, but that's not so important. Assuming I am right in these interpretations, I say he looks great! I don't think his ability sounds too powerful, more interesting than anything to me. However, I will ask they others on their opinion first to be sure of no brewing issues.

Guys? if Nyn decided that Jayce's ability, along with all the other restrictions already implemented (time limit, loudness, etc), were to affect the hearing of everyone close to him instead of just being silent to himself, would you be opposed or agreeable with that?

Also, I'm glad to see everyone's getting along. ^_^
Though, you need not listen to this, I would appreciate it if people didn't already form relationships. If only because it's very interesting to see what happens between characters without their being a prior verbal agreement between the rpers, but that's just me. I like letting stories shape themselves, but I won't stop you guys if it's what you want. Image Just be warned that I'm a sneaky gamemaster, so be prepared for any twists I might throw. :srs:

@Dew - Aww, thanks so much :t-hugs: /still isn't over your avvie~ :3 /is play pokemon

@Roseshine -
Nature: The manipulator is capable of healing magic rooted in medicinal plants.
Puns are a play on words, though they can be as difficult to identify as irony is at times. My pun's not so clever, I'm just lame. x3

My grandma claims I've some roots as well, but I know so little about my family that I can't be sure. Image And if they are there, they're likely such a small percentage of my bloodline that it would not "count", at least to most.

I have this weird thing where certain names just don't match faces. Usually with a face, I have an idea of what the name should start with, sound like, or mean. I love name meanings so much, I think about all my charries have names with important meanings.

Hope you have your seat belt on. Image

I have a really bad reaction to stress and drama. In stories though, I usually throw in any form of torture I deem necessary to the plot. :3 It's great character development! :crazy: My characters would hate me if they could. I always give them the ending they deserve though, well after they trek through fields of mud. >.>

And wow you sure do have questions, but they also help with developing details so that's good.

@RiverHurt: Sure thing, just pop in the pic/link once you have it finished. ^_^

I might've missed a couple things. If so I'll address them later, but for now I have to sleep since I have a morning shift.
Last edited by NekoKyu on February 21st, 2014, 8:41:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by RiverHurt »

I love how i just noticed that mistake last night...XD and wow i just wrote like a million paragraphs o.o
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by nyn »

Thanks Neko :3. Magistream is pretty fun so far and this RP is awesome :lol: . I was stalking the RP forum for a little bit but I was kinda scared to join RP's that already started; or they didn't sound that interesting :italian: . It's good to know that I'm not the only one ^-^ either.

You're dead on with his powers and background static is what I was considering silent noise x3.
Anyhow, you sound almost evil and sadistic towards your characters. I like that >:3. This'll be a very, very interesting RP (full of torture and screaming and blood and all those good thin-wait waht) :angel:

asdhaksdh. :derp: I feel so bad writing so little in response after like that beautiful essay. My response sounds so choppy too x3. /shot. I dunno, maybe that's just me and my weirdness :derr: .

On an unrelated note/ It's friday, friday, no more essays. All the lab reports are done and it's time to play :3 . Derp, those rhyming skills.
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by DewDrop12 »

Neko: Y'know, I nearly changed my avvie just the other day, just for a change of pace, but then I remembered how much you liked it and decided against it. :D Also, Jayce's ability affecting everyone doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think it just breeds more possibilities for what could happen in the rp. :srs:

Roseshine: Pleasure to meet you, too! *Sips tea with pinky up because, y'know, fancy* Also, I just wanna say that in Ama's form, I loved how you referred to the white settlers as "white gods." I think it's such an interesting and compelling way of referring to them, and a take I've not yet heard before. The concept of gods in general also really appeals to me, though, so. xD

Hello, Nyn! Feel free to call me Dew, or Dewdrop, or whatever you like as long as it's not late to dinner. :yarly:
/severely bad joke
Anywho, I think Jayce sounds like a really compelling character, so I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you! :wave:

Also, RiverHurt! I never found the opportunity to greet you, so, hi! xD I'm Dew, and it's great to meet you.

And just for the record, I love my characters to death. Literally. :derp: So torturing and maiming and emotional turmoil and all that jazz is totally cool with me.

EDIT: Oh, and Neko? I realized that Irina's last name is in the masculine form, rather than the feminine form, so if you happen to be editing in someone's form, do you think you could change that for me? It should be "Krysova" rather than "Krysov." Dx I've been kicking myself over it for a week now.
Last edited by DewDrop12 on February 22nd, 2014, 1:34:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by RiverHurt »

Nice to meet you to,Dew! ^^ It will be fun to rp with new people :D
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

NekoKyu wrote:Guys? if Nyn decided that Jayce's ability, along with all the other restrictions already implemented (time limit, loudness, etc), were to affect the hearing of everyone close to him instead of just being silent to himself, would you be opposed or agreeable with that?
I would actually mind mostly because it does seem like godmoding. No one would really be able to get a word in then and likely Jayce would end up taking lead because of it, time restrictions or not. While I'm not opposed to a bit of drama, I can see that causing a bit too much for my liking. Too many fights might end up breaking out due to the personalities clashing with Jayce's and *glances at Summer Camp roleplay with Taty* I get enough of that there. *dies*

Don't get me wrong, if the rest don't mind, that's alright, I'll go along with it and still play but I just thought I'd toss my two bits in.
NekoKyu wrote:Also, I'm glad to see everyone's getting along. ^_^
Though, you need not listen to this, I would appreciate it if people didn't already form relationships. If only because it's very interesting to see what happens between characters without their being a prior verbal agreement between the rpers, but that's just me. I like letting stories shape themselves, but I won't stop you guys if it's what you want. Image Just be warned that I'm a sneaky gamemaster, so be prepared for any twists I might throw. :srs:
As for this, I merely do it as to know what exactly I'm doing in the roleplay to get an idea of... how to start off if you would I suppose. I like roleplaying to have relationships off to the side of the plot (#foreveralone) and I prefer to get the guys I like while I can instead of having them taken. xDDD (#jealousy)

However, I very much enjoy building up relationships and I also much enjoy the twists, turns, and hiccups to try and throw them off/bring them closer that happen along the way of the roleplay. It makes things more exciting if you would (and more torturous /shot).
NekoKyu wrote:@Roseshine -
Nature: The manipulator is capable of healing magic rooted in medicinal plants.
Puns are a play on words, though they can be as difficult to identify as irony is at times. My pun's not so clever, I'm just lame. x3

My grandma claims I've some roots as well, but I know so little about my family that I can't be sure. Image And if they are there, they're likely such a small percentage of my bloodline that it would not "count", at least to most.

I have this weird thing where certain names just don't match faces. Usually with a face, I have an idea of what the name should start with, sound like, or mean. I love name meanings so much, I think about all my charries have names with important meanings.

Hope you have your seat belt on. Image

I have a really bad reaction to stress and drama. In stories though, I usually throw in any form of torture I deem necessary to the plot. :3 It's great character development! :crazy: My characters would hate me if they could. I always give them the ending they deserve though, well after they trek through fields of mud. >.>

And wow you sure do have questions, but they also help with developing details so that's good.
It's not that you're bad at puns! I'm just slow and stupid at picking them up. Image That was actually a funny pun there. Image I know what puns are, I just have trouble spotting them. Image

Yea, same here. Mine are so little left that it just 'doesn't count' to make me a Native American citizen. I'm pure white. O_O My nieces say underwater at pools, I look like a ghost I'm so white. Image But I do have a few Native American traits.

Oh yea, I have that problem at times, too, but I usually end up picking a good name to match the face. It's also another reason I look for a picture first, to help determine their name.

And yes, I definitely have my seat belt on. I have a feeling this is going to be just as on the edge of your seat as Doctor Who is. Image And I totally agree, give them the fame and glory they deserve but ONLY after they've trekked through huge fields of deep, sucking mud. *rubs hands together evilly*

Rofl! I know. Image As I said, I don't understand something, I will ask questions until I do. Image It's a habit I picked up from school. I just love learning so much that I ask ten million questions before the class is over! Image


@Nyn: Still not sure what 'background static' is though... *pokes Nyn's last post about it*

And speaking of screaming, torture, and blood... Can I ask that we keep the gore (if we have any) to a minimum when it comes to detailing it? I don't mind, I just don't want full details. X_X I have a weak stomach.

@Dew: Cheerio then! *sips tea with pinky up as well and daintily eats a biscuit, legs crossed and monocle and top hat complete with suit on despite being female* Oh yes, m'dear, very fancy indeed. *nobleman's British accented voice*

And thank you! I actually heard the Native Americans once referred to the white settlers as white gods in history and text books in school when they first came. The reason they were called that was because of what they could do was so otherworldly to them, they were considered as gods but when it came time to try and revert them to Christianity or what have you and they weren't too sure on it and ended up outright refusing, that was when they weren't all niceynice anymore. That's why I referred to them as Gods because the white settlers showed them things they had never even thought possible like guns and huge ships before they came along.

Uh... yea I didn't get that pun by the way. Image

"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Fang »

Hey guys! I'm not exactly caught up on the current conversation but I figured I'd stop in. I'm working on a pair of characters (Neko I'm sorry - you can kill me later) that are - unfortunately - taking awhile. I just got home from NYC after several days so we'll see if we can't get at least one done for tomorrow.

Anyway, just figured I'd swing by and say hey! ^_^
+Good and evil are always at war inside you+
-That's rough, buddy-
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

WHOA! This roleplay actually caught the interest of one of the big time advanced literate roleplayers in the roleplay community! O_O

*bows reverently* Master Fang, it is good of you to be joining us.

*is squeeing on the inside because she'll be able to roleplay with an advanced literate roleplayer!*
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
~Lorewalker Cho from World of Warcraft

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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Fang wrote:Hey guys! I'm not exactly caught up on the current conversation but I figured I'd stop in. I'm working on a pair of characters (Neko I'm sorry - you can kill me later) that are - unfortunately - taking awhile. I just got home from NYC after several days so we'll see if we can't get at least one done for tomorrow.

Anyway, just figured I'd swing by and say hey!
It's fine girl, no worries. Image I know how busy life can be, so I shan't hunt you down. Or if I did, I'd probably give like cookies and marshmallows or something to bait you.... Hot guys maybe? Image Hope you liked NYC, and welcome back! :bounce:
nyn wrote:Thanks Neko :3. Magistream is pretty fun so far and this RP is awesome. I was stalking the RP forum for a little bit but I was kinda scared to join RP's that already started; or they didn't sound that interesting. It's good to know that I'm not the only one ^-^ either.

You're dead on with his powers and background static is what I was considering silent noise x3.
Anyhow, you sound almost evil and sadistic towards your characters. I like that >:3. This'll be a very, very interesting RP (full of torture and screaming and blood and all those good thin-wait waht)

asdhaksdh. I feel so bad writing so little in response after like that beautiful essay. My response sounds so choppy too x3. /shot. I dunno, maybe that's just me and my weirdness.

On an unrelated note/ It's friday, friday, no more essays. All the lab reports are done and it's time to play :3 . Derp, those rhyming skills.
It's been hard to find any rps since I've returned, so I understand the sentiment. I'm super picky about my roleplays. I usually stick with advanced rps, with maybe one casual rp for stress release. I tend to write paragraphs of post, it's how you tell I'm excited.

Yeah, I'm right! x3
And ohhhh, my characters are kind of mentally screwed over at the moment. So yes, I'd say you're right. :3 I am so, so cruel with my stories. Torturing is how I show them my love~ (Ezekiel Hart, Dew?) If that's your thing, we'll get along great. ^w^

I get the same way sometimes. I'm guessing you writing paragraphs for texts as well?? :orly:

/jealous. of those rhyming skillz
I wish I could say the same for me. But alas, tis not my week. >_< But congrats, be sure to enjoy your weekend! :)
DewDrop12 wrote:Neko: Y'know, I nearly changed my avvie just the other day, just for a change of pace, but then I remembered how much you liked it and decided against it. Also, Jayce's ability affecting everyone doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think it just breeds more possibilities for what could happen in the rp.

EDIT: Oh, and Neko? I realized that Irina's last name is in the masculine form, rather than the feminine form, so if you happen to be editing in someone's form, do you think you could change that for me? It should be "Krysova" rather than "Krysov." Dx I've been kicking myself over it for a week now.
Aww, you're so adorably sweet!~ Seriously, you're awesome. Don't ever change girl. :)
And of course! That should be easy enough to fix. Now you leave me curious about the masculine/feminine thing. I'm guessing so far it's part of Russian culture? :orly:

Spoilering for length /OCD like that
Roseshine12 wrote:I would actually mind mostly because it does seem like godmoding. No one would really be able to get a word in then and likely Jayce would end up taking lead because of it, time restrictions or not. While I'm not opposed to a bit of drama, I can see that causing a bit too much for my liking. Too many fights might end up breaking out due to the personalities clashing with Jayce's and *glances at Summer Camp roleplay with Taty* I get enough of that there. *dies*

Don't get me wrong, if the rest don't mind, that's alright, I'll go along with it and still play but I just thought I'd toss my two bits in.

As for this, I merely do it as to know what exactly I'm doing in the roleplay to get an idea of... how to start off if you would I suppose. I like roleplaying to have relationships off to the side of the plot (#foreveralone) and I prefer to get the guys I like while I can instead of having them taken. xDDD (#jealousy)

However, I very much enjoy building up relationships and I also much enjoy the twists, turns, and hiccups to try and throw them off/bring them closer that happen along the way of the roleplay. It makes things more exciting if you would (and more torturous /shot).

It's not that you're bad at puns! I'm just slow and stupid at picking them up. That was actually a funny pun there. I know what puns are, I just have trouble spotting them.

Yea, same here. Mine are so little left that it just 'doesn't count' to make me a Native American citizen. I'm pure white. O_O My nieces say underwater at pools, I look like a ghost I'm so white. But I do have a few Native American traits.

And yes, I definitely have my seat belt on. I have a feeling this is going to be just as on the edge of your seat as Doctor Who is. And I totally agree, give them the fame and glory they deserve but ONLY after they've trekked through huge fields of deep, sucking mud. *rubs hands together evilly*

@Nyn: Still not sure what 'background static' is though... *pokes Nyn's last post about it*

And speaking of screaming, torture, and blood... Can I ask that we keep the gore (if we have any) to a minimum when it comes to detailing it? I don't mind, I just don't want full details. X_X I have a weak stomach.
When you refer to fights, do you mean between the characters or the roleplayers? Truthfully, I can't imagine Jayce taking the lead simply because of his personality clashing with other characters. I can't imagine most characters would just stand around being silenced and doing nothing. To me, noise is such a small aspect of everything characters do, even less so since I think my characters at least would still keep talking regardless of whether they can be heard (looking at you Eli >.>), which would lead to lip reading and thereby reestablishing communication.

Please don't think I'm trying to disregard your two cents, I value all the rpers opinions. However, all the characters abilities will strengthen and become useful. That means Sound abilities need to grow as well, but I have to be sure that the group is okay with however it should grow. Jayce's ability is creative and, unlike a more powerful attribute such as Life or Death, limited to control of sound and thus us mostly incapable of harm. To me it's a very passive ability. I have to be sure that it can become more powerful, but I also have to be sure that the rpers are okay with it's growth direction.

I understand dear, there are plenty of rpers around who want romance. From my own experience though, I know that some users don't appreciate their characters being claimed, and others don't want their characters romantically involved. Not to mention, sometimes things happen in a roleplay that you never planned for. My biggest example being when I agreed for my character to be in a relationship with someone, and when the roleplay started I learned that she had a much stronger connection with someone else. Sort of an arranged marriage, I guess you can say. I thought it would work, but while one relationship was forced and resulted in OoC moments to make it work, the other was more natural and happier.

Oh, and then you get Fang. Image She's prefers love triangles and other fun shapes. :3

My only point is every rper has different likes and wants. Continue to keep yours and be yourself, as long as you remain aware of the feelings of everyone else in the group as well. Which, I'm sure you are, I'd just rather have it said than take it for granted.

/used to play improv games involving using puns
Puns are fun. :3

I'm Mexican, but I look white. Even when I'm darkly tanned, my face remains pale. That ghost thing sounds pretty cool and fun though.

Well, I can't say I'm the same level as Doctor Who. That would be arrogant of me I should think. Though I will try my best, and if I succeed it would be a compliment to be a Doctor Who status.

On your TV, are there any channels that are nothing but static? I've noticed that even when you turn the volume all the way down, I can still kind of hear it. That's what we were calling "silent noise".

I be sure to warn and place spoilers on anything pertaining to gore. I also warn of emotional abuse because some of that can become really violent and frightening, even without any physical pain. As I mentioned, I am very mean to my characters, and unfortunately I'm also not shy on details.
Storytellers from the womb to the tomb :cool:

Standing on top of the world,
Who'd have ever thought that we would fall.

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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

NekoKyu wrote:When you refer to fights, do you mean between the characters or the roleplayers? Truthfully, I can't imagine Jayce taking the lead simply because of his personality clashing with other characters. I can't imagine most characters would just stand around being silenced and doing nothing. To me, noise is such a small aspect of everything characters do, even less so since I think my characters at least would still keep talking regardless of whether they can be heard (looking at you Eli >.>), which would lead to lip reading and thereby reestablishing communication.

Please don't think I'm trying to disregard your two cents, I value all the rpers opinions. However, all the characters abilities will strengthen and become useful. That means Sound abilities need to grow as well, but I have to be sure that the group is okay with however it should grow. Jayce's ability is creative and, unlike a more powerful attribute such as Life or Death, limited to control of sound and thus is mostly incapable of harm. To me it's a very passive ability. I have to be sure that it can become more powerful, but I also have to be sure that the rpers are okay with it's growth direction.

I understand dear, there are plenty of rpers around who want romance. From my own experience though, I know that some users don't appreciate their characters being claimed, and others don't want their characters romantically involved. Not to mention, sometimes things happen in a roleplay that you never planned for. My biggest example being when I agreed for my character to be in a relationship with someone, and when the roleplay started I learned that she had a much stronger connection with someone else. Sort of an arranged marriage, I guess you can say. I thought it would work, but while one relationship was forced and resulted in OoC moments to make it work, the other was more natural and happier.

Oh, and then you get Fang. Image She's prefers love triangles and other fun shapes. :3

My only point is every rper has different likes and wants. Continue to keep yours and be yourself, as long as you remain aware of the feelings of everyone else in the group as well. Which, I'm sure you are, I'd just rather have it said than take it for granted.

/used to play improv games involving using puns
Puns are fun. :3

I'm Mexican, but I look white. Even when I'm darkly tanned, my face remains pale. That ghost thing sounds pretty cool and fun though.

Well, I can't say I'm the same level as Doctor Who. That would be arrogant of me I should think. Though I will try my best, and if I succeed it would be a compliment to be a Doctor Who status.

On your TV, are there any channels that are nothing but static? I've noticed that even when you turn the volume all the way down, I can still kind of hear it. That's what we were calling "silent noise".

I be sure to warn and place spoilers on anything pertaining to gore. I also warn of emotional abuse because some of that can become really violent and frightening, even without any physical pain. As I mentioned, I am very mean to my characters, and unfortunately I'm also not shy on details.
I meant between characters. I get enough of it from Taty's Summer Camp roleplay. x3 It's just one fight after another between people there though I still try to keep up though... some people haven't been posting towards my characters *sigh*. :3 But yes, I know... I know full well others have different opinions. I tend to not say mine because they're disregarded both online and in reality anyway. x-x Everyone tends to not have my same thoughts on anything so that's why I don't usually bother with my opinion though you asked so *shrugs* I wasn't going to ignore. And I'm not worried about the whole causing harm thing.

(Though I watch Naruto and there are plenty of ways to harm people with sound such as busting eardrums and making them deaf or whatnot... you should see the ways Naruto/Naruto Shippuden has come up with using the elements like sound and such. You'd be surprised how harmful they can be when used in certain ways).

However, that's the least of my concerns as I said. I just don't want too much drama. I have empathic abilities if you would but moreso on the point I put myself in a person's position and feel what they feel in that situation... that's how I roleplay so well and why I'm so in tune with my characters and also why I have such a weak stomach. It becomes troublesome at times. :/

And yes, I realize that. I was never actually 'claiming'. Love triangles though tend to frustrate the hell out of me. XD But sometimes, it's fun and provides more depth and realism. I do, however, tend to PM people about it and if they're taken, fine by me or if they would rather not, that's okay, too. Also, if I 'claim' anyone here in OOC, it's all in good fun, mostly I did it because Riverhurt snatched Jayce so I decided to play and snatch their boy. :P I was never actually planning anything, not without asking permission first.

Lol I wouldn't know but I do see their claims as real when I look at my arms underwater. X3 But I'll be honest, this roleplay does seem like it will be on the level of Doctor Who considering there's so much room for the same craziness as in the Doctor Who show. XD So, we'll see. ;)

And oooh... that silent noise. Like basically little rustles or movements from scuffling animals underground or something gets amplified and drowns out the primary noises sort of thing?
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
~Lorewalker Cho from World of Warcraft

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