Silverfeather Keep

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Re: Silverfeather Keep - Beyond the Castle Walls (Chapter 8

Post by Ricansea »

Pssh. That could never happ -- Talvi, what are you doing? Talvi? No, no, don't do that -- Ack! *is pecked*

Okaaaay you made your point!!! Here you all are -- a special Christmas Talvi chapter. I'm going to try to do periodic Talvi chapters -- they have no influence on the current story, but rather gives insight as to what Keep life was like before the Alosai came. Talvi will probably star in most of them. xD

And here is the first Talvi Chapter, taking place today on the solstice. :3 Hope you enjoy!! (And LightningDragon, the magi I call "Lightning" is you --- I didn't know your magi name, and I hope you don't mind. ^^;

Talvi Chapter #1
What's Solstice without snow?

An enormous cacophony of roars, hoots, tweets, and growls shook me out of sleep. I gasped and looked around, disoriented, wondering what could possibly be wrong.

Every one of my creatures was up and awake, soaring around the enormous Vosmari that had somehow gotten into my keep. Unlike most Vosmari, this one had snow coating its back – and the flocked trees were adorned with dozens upon dozens of twinkling lights.

And then realized that the calls echoing around me were not calls of alarm at all. They were excited, thrilled. Calling their excitement to the high heavens as they darted about, they tugged at the heap of wrapped parcels gathered beneath the Vosmari.


I fell back into my bed as a feathery bundle appeared from nowhere, bowling me over. Talvi was sitting happily on my stomach, his tail lashing from side to side, a small ribbon-wrapped present in his beak. He dropped it on my face then took to the air, giving his little chirping cry as he circled around me.

“I’m up, I’m up!” I said to my over-exited talvgryph, throwing the blankets off me. Upon seeing me vertical, my creature’s cries only got louder. Arje looked like he had serious thoughts about knocking me over in his excitement, but luckily for me, Talvi landed on my head, still chirping happily. Arje held himself in check so as not to dislodge my little gryphon, instead just jumping up and down and wrapping his wings around me.
I heard a doleful hoot and looked up to see Talon, looking over the proceedings with a disapproving expression. Holidays were not his favorite. Then again, I wasn’t entirely sure if he had a favorite anything.

“Happy solstice to you too, Scrooge,” I muttered as I headed to the Vosmari. My creature’s cries reached their peak, and my slow walking wasn’t fast enough for them. My frost Unicorn cantered over to me, and suddenly I was in the air. One of my gryphons – from the back I couldn’t tell who – had grabbed me by my forearms and dropped me on the Unicorn’s back. And then, with all the haste in the world, my unicorn galloped the short distance to the Vosmari and dropped me in front of the massive pile of gifts.

“Are you guys that impatient?” I questioned them as the Vosmari lowered his head, slowly rooting through the ridiculous pile to find the present that was mine. I still had Talvi’s gift to me tucked in my pocket, though I did wonder who had wrapped it for him.

Everyone cheered their assent as the Vosmari finally emerged a bulging stocking held in its mouth. It was tradition for me to open my present first, before they opened theirs – but patience was not a strong in my Keep. I was quite astonished they’d let me sleep in until dawn.

Having a Vosmari was a welcome surprise – usually we had a tree, but no giant turtle below it. I loved the magic of solstice, that strange power that found all gifts within a Keep and gathered them together while everyone slept.

Talvi jumped don from my head and pawed eagerly at my stocking, clearly telling me to get a move on. “All right, all right!” I said, digging inside the soft cloth stocking. There was a multitude of tasty treats, and for once, most of them looked to be meant for humans. Smiling, already looking forward to some of the cookies, I pulled out the last item. This was not edible – a thick red hat, with white fur trimming and a glass snowflake attached. The fur looked very familiar… I looked over at my Angora Jackalopes. sure enough, one of them had much, much less fur and was wearing a thick jacket instead.

“Aw, thanks guys!” I said, jamming the hat on my head. “But I’m sorry you’re so cold, Lear.” Closing my eyes, I flicked my fingers and brought the fire back to life, filling the Keep with its cozy warmth and light.
Everyone was still looking at me expectantly. “I opened it,” I said. “Tradition’s done. Go on!” I waved my hands. They needed no more provocation. Their cheers and squawks renewed, everyone dived into the pile, not bothering to wait for the Vosmari to find their presents for them. And soon the air was filled with paper (both torn and on fire… my phoenixes could be quite exuberant) and wrappings as everyone eagerly opened their gifts. I was a very lucky magi – most of my creatures had bottomless stomachs, and as such, enjoyed nothing more than good treats and meals. It made my solstice shopping very easy.

“Hey, humbug!” I called, dancing around my frenzied creatures and grabbing a small package. “Catch!”
Talon hooted and watched the package sail through the air. As it started to fall downwards, he gave a little ruffle of his wings and dove downward, catching it safely in his claws before it hit the ground. He swooped back to his perch and turned his back to me so I couldn’t see his reaction, but I knew he was happy about it.
“Merry solstice, grump,” I laughed.

Talvi had flown off with the rest of them when the present opening began – but now he was back, pecking at my pocket where I’d stowed his present. I quickly pulled it out and tugged open the ribbon. It was a miniscule wreath, crafted of real and incredibly aromatic cypress. Talvi chirped and nosed it – it stuck to his bill. He chirped once more and headbutted me – the wreath stuck to my tunic instead. It shone bright green and red, bringing forth the smell of the holidays.

“Thanks, Talvi,” I said, gathering him up in a hug.

After all the presents had been opened (and eaten, in many cases) – everyone burst outside. The cold bit at us, clearly speaking of winter, but the ground was covered with only a scant amount of snow. Talvi jumped down from my arms and landed in the snow – it barely covered his paws. He squeaked unhappily as the rest of my creatures had a similar reaction. I was disappointed as well – there’d been plenty of snow last night – but something, whether wind or rain, had blasted most of it away.

Talvi whirled in a circle, still twittering his unhappiness. Then, quite suddenly, he spread his little feathery wings and took to the air, heading towards the forest. “Talvi!” I cried, running after him, but he paid me no heed. When he got going, he was surprisingly swift. Talon swooped over me a moment later, his present clutched in his claws. The hoot he gave me as he followed Talvi sounded reassuring.

Well, at least my present would come in handy. I’d gotten him a Talvi-catcher – a little net I made, that attached to his claws. It was to catch the mischievous gryphon whenever Talon had to scoop him out of trouble – which was often. I hadn’t expected him to have to use it so soon, though.

I didn’t know where Talvi was going, but I wish he hadn’t gone. He wandered off now and again, of course, but this didn’t look like a random adventure, borne from a short-attention span. He looked determined as he took off. I just hoped that Talon would be enough to keep him out of trouble.

Knowing Talvi, I doubted it.

“Nighteyes, Vineda, Iceis, Rozae – go after them, will you? Keep them safe from whatever Talvi has in mind.”
My Tundra Tulluan, Pegasus, Ice gryphon, and Sonerus dragon detached themselves from the group and took off in pursuit. I tried to vary the powers a little, give the best protection. I knew I was being extremely overparanoid, but I wouldn’t have anything happen to him. Not on Solstice.

Feeling rather put out, I gathered the gifts intended for other magi and headed off with my horde of creatures to hand them out.

Despite the distraction of my fleeing talvgryph, the Keep never failed to impress. Trees were everywhere, as always – but this time the trees were all moving with the Vosmari beneath them. Fires flickered within each fireplace, magicked to glint with every color of the rainbow. Lights of the same hue were strung everywhere, draped across arches and floated, unsupported, in midair. Everywhere were magi and their creatures, dressed warmly in scarves and hats, greeting friends and passing gifts from one to another. I managed to seek out Ylana, June, Gingy, Cavalla, Faeryl, Munin, and Lightning, wishing them a happy Solstice and a bright new year. Sorras was nowhere to be found, but no doubt he’d show up sometime – knowing well his habit of disappearing, I’d made sure his present was not time-sensitive. It didn’t seem fair for a poor creature to wait around in its egg while Sorras was on holiday somewhere.

Arje suddenly bolted from my side and flew a short distance away to the courtyard – Brindle was sitting there. I went to grab her present out, but Arje already had it held in his beak. Laughing at the sight, I tugged it out of his beak and handed it to the young girl. We sat together on the bench, watching our creatures gambol about.

“Bummer about the snow, huh?” She said after awhile, kicking at the browned grass beneath our feet. The tracking of multidudes of people had destroyed what little snow was left. I nodded, feeling rather low for the same reason. “Talvi wasn’t happy, either,” I said, missing my gryphon. “He took off somewhere once he saw there was no snow.”

“Probably off to Alasre,” Brindle said sagely. “To play with the snow there or something.”

That sounded like a mighty journey for my little gryphon – but more than that, I wasn’t entirely sure if Talvi had ever seen a map. If that was where he was going, would he know where to go?

Then again, I’d sent a whole host of creatures after him. Hopefully they’d talk or chirp some sense into him and bring him home. Soon.

I’d hardly finished the thought when a shadow crossed over me. A moment later, my tundra tylluan Nighteyes landed between me and a bewildered Brindle. I didn’t have a chance to ask him what was up before I heard surprised shouts, echoing from the front of the Keep. Both Brindle and I stood and ran, our creatures tailing behind us.

We ran through the crowded castle and pushed our way through the front gates – then our shouts mingled with the rest as we were bombarded by flurries of snow.

Snow was falling everywhere, adding to the huge drifts that were already present. Magi everywhere were playing, running, and throwing snowballs.

I was all set to join the fight, but Brindle stopped me, shielding her eyes from the glare. “What’s that?” She asked, peering into the distance.

I followed her gaze. There were irregular white lumps in the distance – I first took them for mounds of snow, with strange points on top – then suddenly my vision shifted, and I saw it for what it was. Icists, icists everywhere, surrounding the front of the Keep and bringing with them flurries of snow. And, on top of one of the icists…

“Talvi?” I said in wonder, pushing my way through the laughing magi and approaching the icists. They shied away at my approach, clearly not Magi’s creatures. But Talvi was sitting on top of one of the icist’s head, looking incredibly pleased with himself. My other creatures that I’d sent to protect him were gathered a little ways away, playing around in the newfound snow.

Talvi jumped off the Icist’s head and plunged down to me, chirping happily. “You did this?” I said in wonder as he flitted around in excitement. I took his exalted cry as a yes. He dropped down in the snow, which was now so deep only the tufts of his ears could be seen.

The icists spread their wintry aura around the Keep, burying it in holiday snow before departing. Relieved of worry from Talvi, I wholeheartedly joined in what proved to be the most epic snowball fight the Keep had ever seen. Snowballs flew everywhere, thrown by magi and creatures alike. Everything from miniscule droplets to entire drifts were thrown as creatures of varying strength joined the party. It was infectious – soon the Keep was emptied of magi and creatures alike as the courtyard filled with snowball-throwers. Even Master Belmos was tempted down from his high tower, and his uncannily accurate snowballs made me think he was finally getting his revenge on misbehaving students at last.

The creatures were very into it as well. The more mischevious creatures were causing quite a bit of trouble. I myself kept having snowballs dropped on me by Talon when I wasn’t looking, and Arje smacked me in the face with slush when I wasn’t looking – though he regretted it when I chased him down with a dozen snowballs of my own. The creatures seemed to be enjoying beating up on the Magis as well – I saw fire and ice phoenixes teaming up to dump perfectly melted slushballs on an unwitting caretaker. I stayed well away from my own phoenixes once I saw that.

The fight continued all through the day, until the sun was finally touching the horizon. A voice that I recognized as Sorras’s suddenly rose above the din – “Last one to Remy’s buys the drinks!”

There was an outburst of movement as the horde started to move as one in the direction of Remy’s, still throwing snowballs as they went. I jumped onto Arje’s back, cheating a little and using magic to levitate snow up to me so I could still throw them.

A Solstice party at Remy’s was sure to be fun – if there was anything that could beat our epic snowball fight, the afterparty might be it. It was amazing how fun friends and ale could be – but that combination, I’d learned the hard way, could also be potentially destructive.

Ah well. It had happened so many times by now, Remy had to be used to what happened when Magis gathered together with ale. I wondered idly if Sorras and I would end up bringing down the chandelier again as we all headed towards our poor barkeep.

Hope you guys enjoyed :lol: And this is all I have, but if you guys want me to write the barscene afterparty I will, just let me know XD

Happy holidays again, everyone! Hope it was great <3
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Re: Silverfeather Keep - Christmas Talvi Chapter!

Post by LightningDragon »

I loved that. c: It was just so cheerful.

And it's fine. I was mentioned, that's enough for me. :haha:

Although, if you want to use my magi again, her name's Neera. xP
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Re: Silverfeather Keep - Beyond the Castle Walls (Chapter 1

Post by Zeteri »

NepetaLeijon wrote:That's really good! I think I've fallen for Talvi already, <3 (Although, I think I fell in love with him as soon as I started drawing him, lol)

Keep up the good work, I want to see how the story goes! :lol:
You made that!!! He's Amazing!! Do you think you could maybe do something like that for me?

Also I love this <3 Infact I love to write my self though some of my stories arn't the best XD You should so get i publised if you ever get permission from the MS people and this could like represent MS and maybe even get more players on here :yey: That would be awesome and i wuld deffinaly buy the book... Also i loce Talvi he's so cute ane nice he's my favorite charater so far...
Clicks would be Appreciated
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Re: Silverfeather Keep - Christmas Talvi Chapter!

Post by Ricansea »

/peeks in

Wow... I'd nearly forgotten about this. Really happy it hasn't been deleted! Would be nice to get this started up again, but boy do I have a lot of catching up to do.

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