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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Spectre »

I tend to make stereotypical jokes so long as I'm positively sure the other person won't be offended by it, though I don't believe in stereotypes. I've been on the receiving end of a TON of stereotypes because of my heritage (Mostly Argentinian/Eastern European), and I just shrug them off and laugh about it. Now that I learned to let go and not be completely offended by them, I actually find it funny when someone calls me a gardener. I also look somewhat middle-eastern, so plane rides are hilarious when I start speaking in spanish and people around me don't understand what I'm saying. I think people who do use stereotypes for bullying however are horrible people in general, especially when dissing on other countries. I think we should all just learn to live together without judging :)
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Reah »

I am always smiling around people - Thus I am stupid and nothing hurts me.
I write alot - Thus I am nerdy
I read alot - Thus I am nerdy
I like different stuff - Thus I am ' hipster '

I don't even get half of this stuff.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by RoboWarrior »

Reah wrote:I am always smiling around people - Thus I am stupid and nothing hurts me.
I write alot - Thus I am nerdy
I read alot - Thus I am nerdy
I like different stuff - Thus I am ' hipster '

I don't even get half of this stuff.
I can agree because I'm the same way. ^^

I also don't like it when some one makes the "Ginger's don't have souls." joke. I'm a ginger and I take offence to that, mostly because I believe in God.

I have a friend who is a trans-gender. Does that make me or my friend any less "normal" than the rest of us? :srsly:

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by SinIxto »

I like anime, therefore I must be an Otaku.
I have a crush on an imaginary character, therefore I am childish.
I like someone older than me, they must be a pedo.
I spend a lot of time on the computer, I must be a geek.
I read, I must be a nerd.
I'm sad, I must be emo.

I don't understand why people can't stop labeling me, and possibly just take an interest in me as a person.

Also, as a quote to the person above; I make gingers don't have souls jokes, just like I make blonde jokes, brunette jokes, and racist jokes. There's a time and a place for jokes like that, and it's all about being sensitive to the people around you. Making a ginger joke, lightly, and in good humor with good friends does no harm. But I disagree with making ginger jokes with people who are uncomfortable with them. Then it's time to apologize and move on.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Tekla »

SinIxto wrote: I have a crush on an imaginary character, therefore I am childish.
I like someone older than me, they must be a pedo.
I spend a lot of time on the computer, I must be a geek.
I read, I must be a nerd.
I've never been called childish for having crushes on imaginary characters (who could blame me when the males around here still think gangs and wearing their pants at their knees are cool things?). I don't think it's childish personally. I've heard the second one there too - and it's a stupid stereotype. I tend to lean towards men who are older than me and I am most certainly not a pedo (and you aren't either, I'm sure).

Another one I've heard is wearing glasses makes you a geek (or nerd, or even both, depending on who says it :I). I can't tell you how many times I've been told I'm a nerd because of my glasses, but I refuse to get contacts so I put up with it. Thankfully my university has a much less judgemental/stereotypical pool of students.

My mom and brother get stereotyped a lot. My brother listens to what people call emo/screamo (?) music and is labelled as emo/evil. <.< And my mom is overweight and is often the victim of the "fat people are lazy" stereotype. My mom LOVES work. :I

What I find rather stupid is when people want you (general) to quit stereotyping them but they continue to perpetuate that stereotype. Hooray, circular logic. /not

I'm guilty of making my share of hair and race oriented jokes but I never actually mean. I try not to hurt peoples' feelings and only make these jokes when the other people are okay with it.

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Saffrie »

I do think that all stereotypes have a grain of truth in them. Like saying "Asians are smarter" isn't always true, but sometimes it does apply. However, I can't stand stereotypes that involve people from the south being idiots. These shows like Honey Boo Boo make everyone in Georgia seem like idiots, when in fact this small group of people on the show is way less than 1% of the population in Georgia. If someone ever says to me"You are from the same state as Honey Boo Boo, you must be dumb" I will rage. I'm not joking.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Unnoticed »

Saffrie wrote:I do think that all stereotypes have a grain of truth in them. Like saying "Asians are smarter" isn't always true, but sometimes it does apply. However, I can't stand stereotypes that involve people from the south being idiots. These shows like Honey Boo Boo make everyone in Georgia seem like idiots, when in fact this small group of people on the show is way less than 1% of the population in Georgia. If someone ever says to me"You are from the same state as Honey Boo Boo, you must be dumb" I will rage. I'm not joking.
WAIT. HONEY BOO BOO ACTUALLY EXIST?! /runs off to check google/
Holy shit. I honestly thought that that show was made up by 'South Park'. I honestly couldn't bring myself to believe that... THAT could exist. Jeeze.

Personally, I never take stereotypes seriously. Just as a general rule. Sure, in some cases they can be completely accurate- but as far as I'm concerned, the only real purpose for them in the here and now is for humour. It's fun to joke about. Considering them to be absolute truths is simply idiotic.

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by RowanDreamer »

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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Intempestivity »

I have neon coloured hair and I like glittery nail polish.

I therefore must be superficial, lazy, immature, of average or below average intelligence, and want attention.

All of the opposite are true. I don't judge books by their covers, I work very, very hard, I'm a mature adult, I'm gifted (not to be conceited, but I am--I was in gifted programs from when I was very young), and I am an introvert. I just feel more like myself with my bright hair and sparkly nails. Unfortunately, these stereotypes against hair colour are pretty hard-grained into society and I have had to work twice as hard to prove myself than if I had been a brunette with a French manicure. I have had a couple of people at my work apologise to me for having made snap decisions about what type of person I was and having been proven wrong.
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Re: Stereotypes

Post by Ye1 »

I hang around my friend a lot, and she also happens to be female and we are very close and share the same interests
therefore we must be lesbians.
I've had so many people tell me that people are calling me a lesbian behind my back.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against homosexuals, it's just that i'm tired of being labeled as quickly as the header on a letter. People call me dumb because i ask questions in class, a loser because I trust only a few number of friends, and an idiotic-sick- nonbeleiving-hopeless-ignorant-fool for being an athiest.
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