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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

I'm glad to hear! Haha... I just love putting everything I thought of them as into my forms. x3 Can you say... inspiration strike?!

I'm glad you can see the reason. I was looking up about Native American Surnames and I found out that they actually never had any but were forced to due to the people who overtook their lands saying 'you have to do this to be a citizen'. AND OMG SO DO I O_O I spend hours, sometimes about five hours, maybe even all day, finding THE perfect pic that represents my character's personality/abilities. I am literally a perfectionist on that, too. Only the best will do!

And squee! I actually thought there might end up being some things in there that might be needing changed and, although I was proud of it, I wasn't going to expect an 'omg this is a great form' or a 'this is the worst form ever ._.' response. XD I don't mind the aesthetic changes. You can do what you need to make it look better. :) I just worked with what I was given. :P I'll let you know if I approve of the changes or not. *hard stare but is unable to hold it before she bursts out into laughter*

Oh noes! *begins frantically looking for a way out* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *doesn't find one!*

Just kidding, I'm glad to be along for the ride! *grins*

EDIT: Forewarning you, I LOVE being extremely mean to my characters. Heheheh *eyes Ama with a wicked grin*

Ama: Oh dear... this doesn't sound like my life is going to get better...

Me: Mwuahahaha *evil laugh*
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

I've gone too far.
I slipped a pun into the rp thread.

Oh god just the entire history of Native Americans is horrible once foreigners stepped foot. But I digress. >.> And yes! I think finding the picture is always the first thing I'll do, because I never know what sort of details it might spark or change in my creations. That and it's easier to think of names when I have a face in mind. Trust me, were not the only perfectionist. :lol:

It's done if you feel like scrutinizing! :D Did I do good? :3 It's not much different. xD

Glad to hear, because I'm excited for these ride~ :bounce:

Ha, join the club. x3 I've learned that plenty of rpers have a perverse joy in torturing their charries. And this is when we love them too. :italian:
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

Pun? What? Where? *looks around for puns because she is hopelessly slow on getting what is a pun and what isn't*

Yea, it is. =( Mom says I may share some background with a Native American tribe but most of my roots have been erased because the family tree book that held that information was burned in a fire and my grandmother's memory was failing her so... :/ Not sure.

And yes, the first thing I always do is a picture and if I find a picture I really like, I'll tweak the character a bit to fit said picture. And actually, I usually base my names anymore on my character's personality or base powers now. Usually in a different language or a synonym of the word(s) that describe them. Sometimes I have a moment where I feel like the name just doesn't sound right and I will end up creating the word into a new name that sounds like the original word and has its meaning and similar sound but sounds more like a name.

*looks at her profile with narrowed, scrutinizing eyes and hmphs, nodding* You did okay, kid... <.<


And yes, I'm excited for this ride too! ROLLERCOASTER! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *has rollercoaster camera take picture of silly face*

XD I usually do it in a way it embarrasses him/her or helps a character get into a relationship with them to bring the two closer. XD I keep things like that drama low/free since I've had so many drama-filled relationships, I want none anymore. x_x Of course, you can't help but now again do a sort of drama filled argument/fight that just ends up bringing them closer or just plain causing one of them to get in trouble that the other has to help them out of it. XD

EDIT: Aaaaah I'm getting tired. I'll be heading to bed now. NIGH NIGH.
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by DewDrop12 »

Neko, I love the banners! :yey: I opted for the gigantic one to put into my signature, since I have all that empty space with nothing to do with it anyways. xD

Hi Roseshine! :wave: I'm DewDrop, but you can call me Dew for short, since it's more convenient. I just wanted to introduce myself and express that I'm excited to roleplay with you. :D
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by nyn »

/sneaks in quietly.
Umm, hello ^-^. I haven't RP'd in a long, long time and thought I'd give it another shot, haha. Honestly, I'm kinda scared cause back then, I was a pretty weird RPer and wrote like three lines. -shot- :derp:
But, I've come back after a few years of being whipped into being literate and I find it a lot easier to write now. Though, honestly, Jayce is pretty weird ._.". I was lacking imagination and went with the classic arrogant rich boy who cares nothing for others. -shot again-. Hmm, well tell me if there's anything that I should change on the form and I know his power is kinda weird. I thought it was too overpowered and placed some limits on it but it's still pretty powerful in my opinion :/. I couldn't really come up another power atm. Hmm..well um yea :lol:

Username: Nyn
Name: Jayce "Z" Li
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Appearance: Image
Clean, crisp and uniformed describes Jayce. He is the very image of young success and fame with a angled and defined jaw and a straight nose. He has narrow almond eyes and dark eyelashes, giving him a sort of serious gaze that compliments his personality well. Those that have looked him in the eyes, describe him as chilling and unreadable but one of his acquaintances states that Jayce seems to look into you and twist you inside as if looking at your deepest secrets (in fact, he's simply calculating your worth). Cut a little above his eyes is his black and semi-non lustrous hair. It is cut above his ears and ends at the nape of his neck.

Jayce has a lean and toned figure and stands at the average height of 180cm and weighs 66kg. His bloodtype is A. Jayce wears light white, or black, rarely grey shirts as his first layer. Overtop of it, he wears an unbuttoned heavy white dress shirt with cuffs that end at the end of his wrists. Jayce refuses to wear ties as they constrict his throat and he hates anything that touches his neck. He wears dark blue, almost black, jeans. It is extremely uncommon for him to be found in any other attire. However, for unknown reasons, Jayce only wears white running shoes.

Personality: When people think of heirs to millions or world wide companies, they think snobby, arrogant, shameless...and well most of the things that sum Jayce up. Jayce, being one of these world class heirs, lacks imagination and a general sense of people.
Cold and calculating, he prefers logic and safe bets over risky and unnecessary actions. If there is no gain to be made, Jayce will either cease the operation if he had been already doing it; or he will avoid it and pretend that this option does not exist. This is the reason for his attitude towards what he considers "pointless time wasters who have no need to interfere in my life".

Being an heir, he had been prepped and trained like an obedient dog to become one of the future leaders. His entire purpose has been shaped in one direction in life; to expand his power, ensure a legacy for the new generation to inherit and quietly move on to the next world. This leads to Jayce having a strict schedule and plan for every detail in his life. Any failure to follow or being behind in this schedule is a irritation for Jayce. All he ever considers is the quickest and best way to reach the next step as soon as possible.

Jayce of course, is intelligent and well versed in several languages. These languages include manipulation and what sociologist's call, practical intelligence. Practical intelligence is essentially, the ability to talk and manipulate others to the user's benefit. However, the catch with this is that Jayce only can use his practical intelligence on those on the same 'playing field as him'. The lower-class, Jayce looks down upon as unnecessary beings that he has no need to interact with. This has led to Jayce being easily offensive which causes others to avoid him which in turn, doesn't help with Jayce's lack of experience dealing with people. He has no sense of shame, lenience, sympathy or patience which causes Jayce to have a foul temper and sour personality.

History: Jayce Li had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Or rather more in the terms of gold. Jayce had the privilege of being born to wealthy and powerful parents. Even luckier, he had the privilege of being the only child born to these wealthy and powerful parents. During the time of Jayce's birth, his mother had died in labour. The natural response of the father? Sue the hospital, run it bankrupt and then invest in it and become it's only benefactor. This was Jayce's first lesson of society. Revenge is a sweet, sweet thing that can be turned into your favour.

His father, unlike in most clique situations, had too much time for Jayce. Jayce was whipped and raised to become the successor to his father. No mistakes must be made, you must learn how to deal with these areas of society and the thousands of proper greetings to the thousand of different titles. He was raised to be practical, logical, intelligent and manipulative in order to rise in society rankings and to expand his circle of allies and foes to gain more power. Almost greedy and desperate for it, Jayce made every thing in his life run smoothly and precisely in order to achieve what he believes is his purpose in life.

This led to his first mistake that would haunt him. The young man had been put through some tiresome experience and events that would later benefit him in public opinion. Just as he had been about to leave the grounds; a desperate politician had approached Jayce in an attempt to gain power. Jayce had attempted to shrug him off as he calculated this politician as unfavourable in the next election, thus a worthless time waster. The man had clung onto Jayce and he had been forced to waste a good twenty minutes. This was when he had run into the Creator. The Creator offered Jayce a chance for a wish. Jayce, not believing in such nonsense, and already in a foul mood, had sarcastically used the wish. It had been for the noise in his life to be silenced.

Over the next few months; this had backfired on Jayce, much to his confusion at what was happening. At first, it had simply been for maybe an annoying barking dog to suddenly go quiet. Then he realized that everything was silent. He attempted to see a doctor in thought that he was going deaf. However, this wasn't the case as his hearing was perfectly normal. This caused several problems for Jayce as he had to be aware of his surroundings. Finally, he met the Creator once again. Demanding for this to be fixed, the Creator granted this wish and sent Jayce to the rift.

Attribute: Sound.
Ability: Jayce has the power to "silence" or "mute" something for an extremely short period of time. With smaller objects or subjects, such as birds or cats, they will become mute. With larger objects, the noise will be reduced/faded significantly and become extremely quiet. This is usually for a few seconds and mostly until he is outside of the hearing range. If it irritates him, he will have no real control over it and the object of his annoyance will be 'muted', even before Jayce realizes it. If Jayce does not move out of hearing range, he becomes weak and suddenly his ability will stop functioning. After a period of silence, any sudden noise will seemed amplified even if it is not. So this causes a startle for Jayce which if extremely loud has caused him to go into a state of shock. This ability only applies to Jayce and the silenced object will only be silenced to Jayce.

Other: Jayce has a nickname of "Z" because he is the last person that anyone wants to deal with. He is usually the last option, hence, the last letter at the alphabet. To go through the alphabet, a person must go through all the letters before reaching "Z". Jayce also has a fear of thunder.
Last edited by nyn on February 21st, 2014, 12:44:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

Hello Dew! Pleasure to meet you! *tips top hat and bows, monocle on eye*

Okay I don't really have a top hat or monocle! I thought it would fit the mood though with our likely soon to be new addition though. :D

BEFORE YOU ASK I AM NO CO-LEADER OR ANYTHING!!!! NOTHING!!! Just another roleplayer in this roleplay.

I just have a few questions about Jayce's power so I understand him better for roleplaying with.

And yes, NekoKyu, I am a big question asker if you haven't been able to tell yet. :/ If I don't understand something, I will ask questions until I do. x3

Now, when you say silenced, do you mean the person/object is forced to shut up or do you mean he just can't hear them anymore but they can still talk and be heard by others?

Also, I'm assuming from what I'm reading that he only has a few seconds to move away from the silenced object to where he naturally can't hear it before his silencing wears off. However, if he doesn't do so in time, he will always become weak afterwards and have no way of using this ability for a bit. Did I get that right?

And by a 'period of silence' I'm assuming that you mean that as in natural silence. Like, nothing is really, actually making noise and when something or someone suddenly does (maybe an ambusher from the Rift or just someone abruptly talking) the noise will scare Jayce because it will be loud and if it's too loud, he becomes frozen where he is in a state of shock.

Did I get all of that right Nyn? Just so I know how to roleplay with him when the time comes since it was a slight bit confusing to read his power. :)
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by nyn »

Hello Roseshine :3. I liked the monocles and top-hat idea :lol: . /offers you a crumpet and tea.
Did that even make sense xD.
Hmm, yea, his power was confusing ._. . I edited it so it wasn't as powerful and made a bit more sense. In his new power, since he draws out the background noise, everybody in the area would be affected . If he doesn't move away from the 'silenced object' or whatever he's drawing out the background noise to 'mute', it causes him to become weak and he can't use the ability again for a while. In his new power, the 'period of silence' is the time when the background noise returns to natural silence and someone or something does something abruptly beside Jayce that's extremely loud, it causes him to go into a state of shock. But yea, you got all of his old power right :lol: . Hope this makes more sense D: sorry ^-^"
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by RiverHurt »

K see ya Jayce has become mine!! <3 *oh cuddles him*

Torture characters? Who what where when why? :D may i join the torturing?!?! And Neko i just looks at my character i might fix her a little o.o her lips are too big they look like she had botox(luckily i use cheats on the sims to fix it.)
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by Roseshine12 »

I think you meant tea and biscuits? XD

His power is still confusing to me. *cries*

Okay, so now he basically amps up the volume out of his hearing range which also would explain the whole jumpy part when something suddenly makes a noise and it seems louder to him depending.

I'll be honest, I think your old version of his power was weaker since it 'silenced' one person/object.

I'm still wondering though if it either shuts up the person/object or just makes them silent to just him and everyone else can still hear everyone else.

EDIT: Okay if we're snatching relationship characters here, mind if I snatch your boy Riverhurt? XD

And oooh yes, we are going to be torturing our characters, all of us. MWUAHAHA! I can tell this will be a GREAT roleplay. *grins evilly*
"Has fate been cruel to us? You may as well ask if fire is good or bad. Fate is like fire; it can shape us... or it can destroy us. All that matters is what you do with it."
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Re: The Rift OoC

Post by nyn »

Woops x3. Tea and biscuits >.< .
I'll try to explain his new power. Basically you know like when you're messing around with those sound systems and there's a lever for volume for each of the instruments right? Basically, the background noise, which is natural silence I guess or since we're torturing people (mwahahahaha), screaming in the background would get amplified and drown out whatever noise is annoying Jayce, which is basically 'muting' it.

But, yea, now that I think about it, Jayce's old power was a lot less powerful and less confusing (somehow x3). I'll switch back to Jayce's old power then. Hmm, that was the part I was debating on. To be honest, I was originally go gonna with it shuts the person up but then that's godmodding or bunny or something if I used it on one of the other characters ._.". So I'll probably just go with it only makes them silent to him.

@Riverhurt x3. Jayce is a devil, be careful :t-boo:

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