Chosen Fate - A Kitsune Story - DONE!

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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by Nixx »

Moon could secretly be a spy for the Auras...? Or someone else. Like Scar! :omg:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by moondragon »

Well, I did think about doing that. But, here's why I decided not too.
Because Bone is in love with Moon. So, if she were a spy...
And Reeku already betrayed them, so that would kind of be repeating the same thing.
So after I finish chapter four and introduce Shade, i'm making a new poll. Its going to ask who your favorite character is.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by Nixx »

... Shade. *echos* I have a charrie named Shade. Anyways, that's alright. If I think of something else, I will totes let you know.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by moondragon »

awesome! I plan to make three books for this story, so, I could always try to fit it in somewhere. I only have this book and the very end planned out. Which, I have a feeling you wonderful people won't like it.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by Nixx »

... I think I know what happens. :t-cry:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by moondragon »

If you want to tell me what you think you can PM it to me. If you're right I don't want to spoil it for the others. I'm working on chapter four right now. Its going to answer some questions.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by Nixx »

Alrighty then. ^_^
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by moondragon »

Wow guys, sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a while. I got home from vacation and just totally forgot to write it! D: I'll try to have it done soon though, sorry for the wait...
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Three!]

Post by moondragon »

SO sorry this took me so long! I would've finished it yesterday, but I had a dentists appointment. My poor teeth.
Anyways, its a bit short. I've been having a bit of writers block lately. I'm sorry. D: I'm adding a new poll, please vote.
EDIT: The poll isn't working. So, if you could please comment and tell me who your favorite character is? That's what the question was going to be. At least until I figure the poll out.

Chapter Four: The Truth
A few days passed by and I kept training my hardest. I still didn’t do very well, but I was trying as hard as I could. Lunea told me I was doing great, but Reeku kept pushing me. Since the other day he hadn’t spoken much, other than what he had to do. I often wondered who he had to prove wrong. What had his past been?
No matter when I asked Lunea, she wouldn’t answer me about Reeku. I didn’t dare ask Oak, it just didn’t seem right. But, one thing was for certain. I’d find out soon enough.
I was sitting with Lunea and talking just outside my den. I couldn’t take my thoughts away from the prophecy. I’d tried to just train, to not think about it. But I didn’t think I could.
“Want to go hunt for a bit?” Lunea asked. Reeku had gone out on patrol again, so we couldn’t train today. Or, at least until later.
“Sure,” I shrugged my shoulders, not really in the conversation. I was honestly completely lost in thought. I felt a bit bad, but I shrugged off the feeling. I had the right to think!
“Is something bothering you?” Lunea asked as we started to walk.
“Its just this whole thing. I’ve got a lot on my mind,” I admitted, whispering slightly. Lunea nodded in understanding.
“Its okay, everything will work out,” Lunea smiled encouragingly. I couldn’t help but return the smile. Over the past couple of days Lunea and I had become good friends. She was extremely easy to get along with, its no wonder she was general.
“If you say so,” I forced myself to keep smiling. In all honesty, I didn’t really believe it would. I didn’t even know what I had to do, but I just didn’t think I could. I wasn’t meant for this life. I never was.
We ended up bringing a few mice and a chipmunk back to back to the clearing to eat. Reeku was sitting in camp when we got back, so we offered him one of the mice. Reeku accepted, but didn’t say thank you. Rude of him, as usual.
“Why don’t you take Oak this chipmunk?” Lunea suggested, setting down the other mouse. We were planning on sharing it.
“Okay,” I picked up the chipmunk and carried it over to Oak’s den. “May I come in?” I called once I was at the entrance, my voice muffled because of the mouthful of fur.
“Yes, of course, enter,” came Oak’s reply, his voice rough with age. Well, it always was. I stepped inside the den.
“This is for you,” I set the chipmunk down and nudged it towards him. Oak was facing the den’s entrance.
“Ah, thank you Ghost,” Oak smiled at me, taking a bite from the chipmunk at his paws.
“No problem,” I returned the smile. I dipped my head and backed out of the den. Reeku had finished eating already, and was resting with his head on his paws. Lunea had saved me half of the mouse.
“Thanks!” I grinned, starting to eat my half of the mouse.
“No problem,” Lunea grinned at me. “So Rose and Shade should be back soon.”
“Really? Will you tell me where they went?” I asked, excited. Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes! Lunea looked a bit unsure and uncomfortable.
“You’ll know when Oak says you can know,” Reeku snapped, answering for Lunea. She looked a bit relieved that she didn’t have to let me down again. My tails dropped a bit. How much longer would I have to wait?
“I’m sorry Ghost,” Lunea shook her head, looking at me sadly. If she was that sorry she would have told me.
“So Rose is coming back?” I decided to change the topic. There was no use dwelling over it and bringing down everyone else’s moods, I supposed.
“Yup!” Lunea sounded really excited. I’d only talked to Rose once, but she’d seemed really nice.
“And her mate, Shade,” Reeku muttered, not looking over at us. Did he not like them? Or, I think, it was more that he just didn’t like anyone.
“I haven’t met him yet,” I muttered thoughtfully, it was more to myself than it was to anyone else.
“You’ll like him,” Lunea answered anyways. Well, that was good. The world didn’t need any more Reekus in it.
“If you say so,” I grinned, shrugging. If Lunea liked him, then I probably would. I was about to ask another question when Oak stepped out from his den.
“Lunea, may I have a word with you?” the old Kitsune asked. Wow, I think that’s the first time I’ve actually seen him come out of his den.
“Certainly,” Lunea dipped her head in greeting. Oak rolled his eyes at her politeness, and flicked on of his tails in the direction of his den. Lunea smiled at me before following him into the den. I looked at Reeku.
“Do you know what that’s about?” I asked him. Reeku looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders. Well, he’s helpful. I sighed, yawning. A sat there with my eyes closed, enjoying the nice breeze ruffling through my fur.
I sat there for who knows how long. I knew Reeku hadn’t moved, but its not like I expected him to make any form of conversation. Sometimes I thought he didn’t like me. Maybe he didn’t like me. Oh well. Not like I cared.
I heard a ruffling of leaves, paw steps. My eyes flashed open, scanning around. Reeku had heard it too, by the ways his ears were pricked up. But, he didn’t seem worried. He’d didn’t even open his eyes.
Suddenly Lunea was walking up to me, and I turned my attention to face her. She had a huge grin spreading from ear to ear. Whoa…. That’s kind of creepy.
“What?” I asked her, confused. Why was she so happy? What had Oak said to her? I don’t think she’s ever looked so pleased. But, what do I know.
“You’ll see,” Lunea chirped. Okay then. I heard another crunch of leaves and my ears perked up again.
“Rose and Shade are here!” Lunea smiled excitedly. I glanced to the clearing entrance. A few moments Rose’s familiar figure faded into view. But, next to her was a Kitsune I didn’t recognize. That must be Shade.
Unlike Rose’s three, Shade had five tails. He was a lighter black color, and his eyes were green. He had a happy aura about him.
“Lunea! Reeku!” Rose yipped happily as she came into the camp. She still had that almost motherly aura about her. “Ghost!” she exclaimed, looking at me. Wow, she remembered my name.
“Hi Rose!” Lunea smiled. I grinned at her also.
“I’m Shade,” the black Kitsune looked me over. His eyes stopped for a moment on my shoulder before he looked up and smiled at me. “You must be Ghost.”
“Yup!” I grinned happily. I like meeting new friends, I didn’t get to do it very often.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Shade said. “Rose told me about you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” I returned. There wasn’t exactly much to talk about.
“Ah, Reeku!” Rose pouted a tad. “You haven’t even said hi to me! Such a grump, as usual.” Rose shook her head sadly. Shade laughed at her a rested one of his tails on her shoulder. Aww, they definitely made a cute couple.
“Hi,” Reeku mumbled, not opening his eyes. I wondered how early he’d woken up because he looked like he might fall asleep.
“I told you not to stay up so late,” Rose rolled her eyes at him.
“You can’t expect him to listen to you,” Shade shook his head ever so slightly, looking at Rose.
“I can try!” Rose protested, poking her nose up in the air. I laughed. As if Reeku would ever listen to anyone other than Oak and himself.
“She has a point,” Lunea smiled at the two. She had been right. I liked Shade already. It seemed Reeku was the only Kitsune I ever had a problem with.
“Anyways,” Lunea was grinning widely again, turning to look at me. “Oak told me he wants you to know now.”
“What?” I exclaimed, my eyes widening and a huge grin stretching across my face. “Finally!” Lunea chuckled at my excitement.
“She doesn’t know?” Rose asked, her eyes alight with confusion.
“How can she not know she’s the chosen one?” Shade seemed just as confused.
“No,” Lunea corrected, shaking her head. “She doesn’t know about them.”
“Oh,” Rose and Shade said at the same time. Aww, that’s so adorable! Its like the spirits made them for each other. For a moment I wondered if they’d ever have pups. Rose would be a wonderful mom!
“So, who’s going to tell me?” I asked, glancing around. My eyes stopped on Reeku. He’d fallen asleep in the middle of the clearing. I smiled lightly.
“Well, I was going to have Rose and Shade tell it,” Lunea shrugged.
“Ah, have my warriors returned?” Oak’s gruff voice interrupted our conversation.
“Oak,” Rose smiled at him. Shade dipped his head respectfully.
“Hi Rose, hello Shade,” Oak smiled, sitting down and curling his many tails around his paws. “Are you going to tell us about your little trip?”
“Sure,” Rose said respectfully, a yawn escaping her lips.
“I’ll start,” Shade said. Rose nodded her agreement. “Rose and I have been guarding the boarder of Dark One territory the past few days. We’ve been sighting spies around it. A patrol attacked us, but we defeated them easily.”
“Dark Ones?” I asked, confused. Were those the enemies I was supposed to defeat?
“Our sworn enemies,” Lunea said darkly… Wow, she actually sounded a bit scary. “They seek to destroy the humans… And all who appose them.”
“So where do I fall into all of this?” I asked, somewhat confused. Sure, there were to opposing sides, but what had I been chosen for?
“Prophecy has it that The Dark Ones are planning something terrible,” Oak said quietly. “And you have to stop them.”
“M-me?” I chocked out, a bit nervous. Afraid. I couldn’t do that… How was I supposed to defeat some powerful Kitsune? I’d just found out this world existed.
“Don’t worry,” Lunea chuckled. I must have looked worried. “You’ll have plenty of time to practice.” That didn’t make me feel any better. I felt just plain sick to my stomach. I couldn’t do this.
“Y-You said the kill anything in their way?” I stumbled over my words, my eyes widening with fear and shock.
“Yes,” Rose blinked, looking at me pitifully.
“D-Does that mean,” I couldn’t even say it. I thought I was going to throw up. No… No! No! No! I was Oak who confirmed my worries.
“Yes Ghost. They want you dead.”
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Four!]

Post by moondragon »

Bump D:
Starting the next chapter sometime today!

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