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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 11th, 2017, 7:57:01 pm
by Sochitelya
I had a really bad stomach last night/this morning, so naturally I had a cheeseburger for dinner. Let's see if I regret that tomorrow morning, as I haul my ass out of bed early to make it to a 9 am meeting with a publishing rep.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 1:43:27 am
by Merkwerkee
It annoys the shit out of me that the arbitrary numbers assigned in school (aka grades) still make one damn bit of difference in hunting for jobs.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 5:55:10 am
by NelwNoll
I'm so bored, but feel too ill to do anything. And I hate this damn cough. :t-sick:

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 8:02:36 am
by Rijolt
Thought I had work at 7 AM. Woke up at 5, left at 6, got there at 6:40, bothered the boyfriend there for 20 minutes, went to work for 7, found out I ACTUALLY have work at 12. So Now I'm back. For like, 3-ish hours. Then I'll be there til late. FANtastic.

At least I convinced the boyfran to join MS, hopefully today. He'll adore the lore of everything :>

Edit: He joined <3

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 8:53:35 am
by Mazzi
Probably should have done some hatching this week so I could buy my birthday donis. Oops. :sweat:

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 9:08:05 am
by Wolfsister
Ugh. It's almost 70 degrees out. And it's 76 in my office. We'll see if I make it through the day without feeling like total shit.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 1:25:31 pm
by Niverdia
So much art to get done by Sunday. D:
I can do this. //picks up the pen

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 2:42:21 pm
by KorrianaVeil
Just applied for a $5,000 loan for school. Well. For daycare and vehicle care (oil change, new brakes, etc.) so that I don't die. But still. I am not a happy camper. I NEVER wanted to take out a loan. But I have no choice now. Let's hope I can get a good enough job and pay it off. :derp:

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 3:06:06 pm
by CinnaminDraconna
Word of advice about a student loan. Keep meticulous records, because they'll come back and bite you in the butt if you aren't careful. I lost one piece of paperwork.. just one receipt.. and wound up having to pay $19,000 dollars that I'd already paid, AGAIN. Pretty much ruined my credit at the time and due to the 'suspicious nature' of the transaction (their words, not mine) the next time I had an issue with my credit, I wound up with no credit. At this point, I'll never have credit again.. all because of a damned student loan, a missing receipt and a greedy collection agency.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 3:11:15 pm
by MageLorelei
Well shit. Just got a phone call that I got dropped from my classes. Which start on Tuesday.