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Re: OC holding place

Posted: March 26th, 2018, 10:18:18 pm
by FireHeartWindy
General Info
Name: Scarlet Winchester

Nicknames: ---

Sex: Genderfluid

Pronouns: She, her

Age fallen: 13

Current age: 24

Species: Once a human, now a sentient ink creature with 2% a bravery soul.

Hair/Fur/Skin color: Peachy
Accents in color scheme?: Orange markings

Eye color: Green

Scars: Three claw shape marks on her upper left leg, a large, faded bite mark on her right wrist.

Apparel: (Drawing in progress)

Mental Disorders: None

The story behind the scars: The Mythiatale K-9 unit. She was attacked. Scarlet had to hide up a tree, only for the branch to break and have her spine chipped in several places. She was then taken to Asgore and luckily they only took 98% of her soul.

Fears, and why:
-Scientists and needles. Gaster made her suffer a 6 hour surgery without aesthetic or pain-killers, that cactus.
-Dogs. Give Scarlet a fluffy, tiny dog and she'll R U N. And the giant dog that Epictale-PaciFrisk rides? Toby? She'll most likely die from terror.

Health conditions, if any:
-A chipped spine that never healed correctly.
-A really sensitive neck. No touchy unless you want an butt-kicky.

Favorite color: COLORBLIND.

Likes to be treated in relationship: ALL SHE WANTS IS SOME LOVEIN, GOD DANG IT! Will legit die for you. Doesn't need much at all. Pretty submissive, but assertive when necessary.

Personality: Scarlet hides all her feelings and is normally very rude to people she doesn't know. If you manage to gain her trust, Scarlet will be protective and sweeter then Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie. She's also a very quiet speaker so everyone has to strain to hear her speak.

Personality flaws: Doesn't have good people skills, and doesn't like to share.

Bio: Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up, Scarlet had 4 older brothers and a best friend named Zoelle. Their mom died of a hit-and-run, so
Kenny, Shawn, Nate, and Zack were extremely overprotective and wouldn't let their sister go out of their sight. As for Nicholas Winchester, the siblings' father, he took up drinking not long after. So when they took their yearly trip to Ebbot Village to visit relatives, Scarlet got into a fight with her family and ran off, last seen near the base of MT.Ebbot.

Zoelle went missing shortly after.

After falling, young Scarlet was cared for a few weeks under the watchful eye of Toriel Dreemur. Then she snuck out to explore more. On said expedition, the royal guardsmen of Snowdin Town, AKA the K-9 unit, chased her. The poor kid quickly thought climbing a tree to safety was a good idea. And it would be, expect that the branch broke and Scarlet chipped her spine in several areas. The dogs took the mangled child to their king. Their fair king decided that because he hates humans but isn't man enough to kill a kid, that Scarlet would be Dr. Gaster's science project. She escaped, but the damage was done; The kid clearly wasn't human anymore. AND THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HAVE TRUST ISSUES!

Now, because she likes to fight and such, and after all that jazz happened, she joined the royal guard because why the hell not. Scarlet needed a job anyway-

He extracted Scarlet's soul about 98% of the way, and the remaining bit went into a special mineral called a Drain Crystal. Drain Crystals take magic and stores it, so it's the perfect thing to keep a soul in. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight?

Anyway, Scarlet's body couldn't handle the loss of most of her soul, so a new one made of a flammable, inky substance. With this new body came new abilities... And weaknesses. The attacks she uses are completely made from thermal magic. And a thin layer coats her body so that water doesn't kill her unless she swallows some or it gets into a wound.

Skills, 1-10 rating
People skills: 2

Moral support: ... (1)

Trust: Depends on how you act. If you act weird, no trust. If you have good qualities (At first-), yes trust!

Flirt: 6

Alcohol tolerance: Give her anything and she'll be hammered in T-Minus 2 seconds. (2)

Common sense: 7

Stamina: 7

Speed: 10

Jump: 10

Dodge: 9

Defense: 3

Melee attack power: 7

Range attack power: 8

Patience- 8

Determination- 3


Love- 5 if she doesn't know you. 10 if she does in a positive way.

LV- 4

Protectiveness- 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Re: OC holding place

Posted: March 28th, 2018, 4:05:06 pm
by FireHeartWindy
Name: Fire Starburst

Nicknames: Fire, Nein, Kitsu

Gender: Female

Looks: In progress

Species: Ninetail FireFox

Height: 4'9

Talents: Her singing is hypnotic; Mind control. Fire has melee fire attacks; She attacks with kicks and punches, charged with flame. She's also a good whistler.

Favorite Cover she sang at Grilbys:

Weapon Preference, if any: Axe; Going Valkyrie style.

Personality: Fire is sweet and loyal to those she cares about and always stays calm. To those she doesn't know, she's distant and often snaps at pretty much anyone older then she is. Severe trust issues.

Bio: Fire, ever since she was a young pup, always wanted to be a musical conductor. She nearly achieved that dream, if only her mentors were less strict and more patient. So she settled for second best; Being a singer.

1 to 10 scale

Magic Control: 9
Speed: 8
Intelligence: 9
Strength: 3
Popularity: 9
Fear Inducing: 5
Insult Pitch: 8
Mingling(Making friends): 2
Common Sense: 9
Weapon Strength: 6
Weapon Making(Chemicals): 4

Re: OC holding place

Posted: March 28th, 2018, 9:07:06 pm
by FireHeartWindy
Name: Chara Cter

Atlas: Yellow

Gender: Female

Pronouns: They, them

Age: 7

Powers?: In season 5 of Instincttale-Golden Blood Ark, It is stated that they can posses Hyperdeath Asriel during the end of the pacifist run. Combined with their extreme battle skills, Timeline Reset, and Asriel's Reality warping powers, Yellow nearly corrupted Frisk's Save.

(List form)
Fourth Wall awareness
File editing
Extreme battle skills
Timeline ERASE [Weak]

Asriel Possesion
Reality warping abilities
Fire magic
Thunder magic
Timeline RESET

Power Flaws: They cannot fight Boss Monsters. Mind you, they're still a seven year old, so they aren't the strong. Physically.

Personality: Yellow's cute and innocent act is all just a façade. Highly intelligent. Manipulative. Sly. Clever. Distant. Corrupted.

Personality Flaws: If reminded of the things they had done, they would slowly break. She cannot fight a certain type of monster due to this.

Role: The first fallen human. They are so happy to see you.

AU: Instincttale

Info: Golden DETERMINATION is normal DETERMINATION that has been given a second trait.

Backstory: Before falling, Yellow never cared about her own life. She was only determined to make her parents love her. Once she knew that wasn't going to happen, she climbed Mt. Ebbot to end her life. Upon falling, Yellow found that she didn't want to die. That new DETERMINATION and exposure to the barrier's magic made her soul different.

Season 1- Fate Falling
Yellow is awakened and isn't corrupted. They find out that they can't leave Frisk and follows them. To her horror they him kill... And kill.. Until there was no one left. That is what corrupted Yellow.

Season 2- Undoing Our Wrongs
Frisk RESETS, but Yellow is no where to be found.

Season 4- Memory Bond
Yellow is reborn from a science experiment and Frisk takes them home to the six other souls. The BRAVERY soul, Scarlet, who seemed uninterested and distant at first was Yellow's main target to entice. They succeeded.

Season 5- Golden Blood
Yellow finds out Asriel is alive again with half of Frisk's soul and lectures their former host about not telling them. Their plan to posses Asriel takes place and the six souls fight the two. Then, being reminded once more of her genocide that Frisk forced her to accomplish, she weakens long enough to be sealed out of the AU all together.

Physical Flaws: Yellow doesn't have a normal human body, like the rest of the souls. They're made of ink, so they can't drink water. It would start off like this:

*Drinks water* Not.. Bad..?

Oh no... It... It burns...
Why does it burn?
I feel sick...

Re: OC holding place

Posted: March 28th, 2018, 11:57:17 pm
by nyghtshadow
i'm glad everyone is getting a use from this lil holdin' place :D

Re: OC holding place

Posted: March 30th, 2018, 2:11:46 pm
by FireHeartWindy
Name: Monochrome Winters

Meaning: Her melancholy gaze, the fact she was born in winter

Atlas: Mono

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Magic: ____

Soul Trait: Corrupted Hate

Personality: She is a lone wolf, afraid to love and be loved. She is afraid of different things, but won't show it. An insomniac.

Eye color: Once blue, now a dull gray.

Skin/Pelt color: Pale

Hair/Fur color: Black

Re: OC holding place

Posted: April 2nd, 2018, 4:09:53 pm
by nyghtshadow
Name: LoveofMoon
Nicknames: Moon
Gender: Female
Species: Nightelf
Side: Alliance
Class: Death Knight
Mount: Chaos (Death Charger)
Personality: If you didn't know her, you'd think she'd outright just kill you, as is stereotypical for everyone to think about Death Knights. Once she was under the Lich King's, also known as Arthas, she simply did what she was told, Kill. Now free, she fights for herself and those close to her. Filled with hope and her spirit reignited, she can be a brutal enemy, or a precious friend. If you go past her class and her armor's terrifying looks, she's actually really friendly and very helpful. Willing to go beyond normal bounds to help even a stranger, she has been taken advantage of many of times.
Backstory: Outcasted as a child from the Horde whom attacked her home, she was taken in by the Lich King. Raised as a Death Knight she never knew what she was doing was wrong. As she grew, she got more powerful. When she was finally an adult, she was sent to kill the Scarlets in a tower, along with an orphanage. She refused to kill the children, as she knew how it was to be homeless. Upon her resistance, she held firm to the morales she now had. As she began to rebel, Arthas caught on, and sent for her to be killed. Forced to feel once more, she turned to the Alliance for safety. When she joined the Alliance, she met her first friend, Cellentus. She helped Moon to develop her morales even more, helping her to refine her sense of right and wrong all the while helping her to refine her skills not just in battle, but in communication and bartering. Cellen taught Moon how to calm a wild animal and gain it's trust, even with this, Moon has yet to select herself an Animal Partner; as she prefers her Death Charger, Chaos. Chaos was always there for her, even in the dark of the night when she was being hunted. As such, despite Moon being the reason why Chaos died and became a Death Charger, the two share a unbreakable bond. You rarely see one without the other.
Hair Color:

Death Charger:

Re: OC holding place

Posted: April 11th, 2018, 3:38:32 pm
by nyghtshadow
Name: Midnight
Species: Dire Panther (From another plane of existance)
Gender: Female
Ability(s): She has a the ability to manipulate shadows to her will, fading from view. Her startlingly pure blue eyes can make anyone freeze from either wonder or fear.

Name: Snowy
Species: Dire Siberian Tiger (From another plane of existance)
Gender: Female
Ability(s): can materialize out of nearly thin air and turn the air around her to a temperature that would be well below freezing, stopping an enemies blood quicker than ice.

Re: OC holding place

Posted: April 11th, 2018, 4:01:39 pm
by nyghtshadow
Name: Kitty
Nickname: Kit
Species: Human Experiment
Gender: Female
Ability(s): Kit uses Raw Magic, which is basically limitless and enables her to create something out of thin air. With this, she is considered God-Like and is tend to be feared by many.
Extra: Kit is not known to attack without a reason, and prefers to avoid conflict. Misunderstood she took to herself at a young age. She enjoys breaking the 4th wall almost constantly. She has her own little "pocket dimension" as she calls it where she and the rest of her 'team' or 'group' reside. This is a safe-haven for nearly any OC, and it almost always has something going on at the house she has there. This 'world' consists purely of Magic itself, and she can manipulate it to her will; although she tends to only do this to expand or change the House.

Name: Blaze
Species: Fire Elemental Dire Panther (fused with Kit)
Gender: Female
Ability(s): Blaze has basically complete control of fire and can make her own, these flames she creates burn hotter than even a White Fire. However, she is generally contained within Kit's mind and thus generally harmless.
Extra: Blaze has a very fiery personality and will attack first, ask questions later. Of the three, she is the most dangerous and is generally only seen when Kit is made extremely mad.

Name: Darkness
Species: Shadow Elemental Panther
Gender: Female
Ability(s): Darkness has complete control over any shadows, and as such, does not have one of her own. She can bend the shadows to entrap someone in a space, or to conceal herself. Any Shadow is under her control, there is almost no escape if you are seen as a threat.
Extra: Darkness is the 2nd most dangerous of the 3, as she will first determine if you are a threat before she attacks; but should you be a threat, she will not hesitate to kill any means possible. She is seen mostly when Kit is in danger..It is unknown what emotion causes her to appear as she will appear from any emotion.

Re: OC holding place

Posted: April 11th, 2018, 4:07:47 pm
by nyghtshadow
(Note, this one was inspired by the Cat from The Legend Of Drizzit series!)
Name: Guenhwyvar
Nickname: Guen
Species: Black Panther/Half-Human
Gender: Female
Ability(s): Guen has both a Feline and Human form that she switches between freely. Her Feline form is her strongest form and she isn't afraid to use it. However in her human form she retains the Senses, Ears, Tail, and Eyes of a Panther.
Human Form: Image
Panther Form: Image

Re: OC holding place

Posted: April 27th, 2018, 10:22:59 am
by nyghtshadow
Name: Cinder
Species: Elemental Dire Wolf
Element: Fire
Gender: Female
personality: Cinder is very much Kit's opposite. She has a fiery temper only matched by her love to start a fight, with anything and anyone. She will purposefully piss someone off just to do it. Granted, she'd never harm a child, but, she would make Kit pissed.