Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Pok »

AnyaWaltz wrote:I have micophobia (fear of mushrooms). People think i'm really odd because at the sight of a mushroom, I will literrally go screaming and running down the street. Not joking. Oddly, I love to eat mushrooms, and I'm not afraid of cartoon ones.
I think it's spelt mycophobia.

If this were any less serious I'd identify myself with grammatical nazism.

As it is I'm not certain about my phobias, because I haven't ever consulted a shrink. I might have agoraphobia, but this doesn't apply to virtual spaces except in Minecraft. (I walk along walls and am hesitant to go over fields and water, and when doing so I jam the button to run)

Basically I don't like being in open empty spaces, and when I am, I follow a wall or path. Staying too long in the area makes me feel vulnerable even if there isn't anyone around. I feel much safer when there's someone standing in the space.

I feel it doesn't affect me in day-to-day life except when waiting for people, because that's when the phobia usually kicks in.

(Strange... when I was younger, my parents joked that I had claustrophobia as a really young kid. Crying in elevators, taxis, you name it.)
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Javarock »

I'm not sure what the technical name for it would be called, and it's sorta weird. You know the medical masks that doctors wear? And that people will sometimes wear when they are out and about in areas with polluted air? Or maybe they're sick, or a germaphobe, anyway, those masks creep me out to no end. If I see someone wearing them, I get a sinking feeling in my gut, and I have to stay away from them. I've had to get up and move on public buses before because they bother me that much

I'm not sure why it is, or why this particular thing creeps me out, when I don't have many phobias. It just does, and I can't think of a good explanation behind it.

Anyone know what it'd be called?
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by AnyaWaltz »

Whoops, sorry, you're right that is how it's spelled. Stupid autocorrect (LOL)
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by OrcasAndDragons »

Out of everything I'm pretty sure bees scare me the most, especially when they get all up in your face. Like, I have dealt with them in the past well so far, usually not moving at all, or knocking them away with a hat. The hair on the back of my neck always stands up when they fly around me.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by zombiemittens »

OrcasAndDragons wrote:Out of everything I'm pretty sure bees scare me the most, especially when they get all up in your face. Like, I have dealt with them in the past well so far, usually not moving at all, or knocking them away with a hat. The hair on the back of my neck always stands up when they fly around me.
Same! Bees scare me, because I know how badly a sting can hurt and I'm always scared of angering a bee and making it attack me. I've only been stung once but holy hell did that hurt.

I don't know if I really have a phobia of this per say but I really dislike plants. It's not like I'll see a pretty flower or a tree and go running in fear but... it's more so that looking at them up close or touching them or having leaves or something brush against my skin... that freaks me out. The feeling of touching them. x_x It sends crazy goosebumps down my arms and makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have no idea why. Like if I watch a movie where people are in the woods or something similar and they're walking through all of thre brush and plants... it makes me cringe so bad. x_x

I remember going to my Grandparent's house as a kid and my Grandmom would ask me to water her plants for her and I'd be terrified to, because I didn't want to accidently touch one. And even know, we have a pretty decent sized 'christmas tree' (not a typical christmas tree... it's a small, indoors tree that shares the name) that used to belong to my Grandmom and now my sister takes care of it. Its in the corner of the dining room and I will literally go around the table, the long way, to get to my seat, just so I don't have to walk passed it and chance it touching my arm with it's branches. >.<

No idea where or why this weird feelings about plants... stemmed from. :yarly:
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Meep2627 »

Personally, I scream and run from bugs, spiders bring that scream up three or four notches, and my fear of heights is so bad that it feels odd to jump with both legs, though that might be more of a muscle thing.
Also, I will cry if I need a shot. IT HURTS... I would rather get the dang flu... I should not have taken Ag. Science because now I know exactly how shots can go wrong and kill you... :t-cry:
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by UniqueZephlyn »

Gee I didn't need to know that. I'm afraid of Needles (needle phobia), Spiders (Arachnophobia), Wasps (Spheksophobia) and Fear of murky water. (Idek the proper phobia for that ahha.) The spiders are from my Grandfather, who always teased me as a child about spiders, and at one time, tossed a dead daddy long legs at me. Needles are from, well.. They hurt and I just can't stand the feeling. Wasps are because I was stung by a friggen SWARM when I was 7. I cried for maybe two hours >~<. And lastly, I'm afraid of dark/murky water due to swimming at Cozumel and nearly being stung by two different stingrays, which went right underneath me.

So that's that.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Snowstorm224 »

I have Arachniphobia (Not sure how to spell it), and a fear of needles (Don't know what it's called). I nearly passed out one time when getting a shot, and I scare my parents when I start hysterically screaming at a spider the size of the eraser on my pencil. And, I keep having nightmares with spiders that bite my face off, which is just wonderful.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Aareniel »

I'm not sure if both of them have a scientifical name, but I'm horribly afraid of dinosaurs. Not the small cute ones, but the huge carnivorous creatures. I don't know if Jurassic Park sparked this one (watching the scene with the T-Rex from the first movie as a kid might not be the greatest idea) or if it's just one of these unexplained and 'natural' phobias of big predators. I manage to still go to places with dinosaur animatronics and watch movies involving them, but I'll really tense up and sometimes even start shaking.

Another interesting fear of mine are teeth, even though it's more of a huge adversation towards them. Like, I begin to feel dizzy or nauseous when I see them outside of someone's mouth. Same thing will happen if the gums and teeth are somehow infected and look extremely unhealthy. Worst thing are those models of teeth to teach kids how a tooth is build up and functions, especially when the nerves are marked. I even have occassional nightmares about loosing my teeth and spitting them out, or waking up in a pile of teeth. It's kinda strange, when it comes to this 'phobia' of mine, A friend of mine suggested it appeared after some traumatic experiences with a dentist, and instead of focusing the fear on the doctors themselves, it decided to make me scared of teeth in unconventional places, which is just wonderful. Thanks brain.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by kit124 »

yeah thats true. We all have things that we feared of.
example i, am afraid of heights and also on injections..
haha.pls dont laugh. ireally afraid on it :lol:
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