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Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 8:22:15 am
by Derpy
*gasp* TIME TO SAVE MS! I am active for like EVERY DAY. I REALLY wish I could donate though. Gotta do something, but what? Adverise by vid? Email? This is a problem.

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 8:25:07 am
by ToxicFlame
I think the ads would be a great idea, yeah. I would hate that it would clog up the site... but we might need them. I'd accept just about any change except having to pay to be a member. Other than that... Whatever it takes to keep MagiStream alive!~
And I only say that because a lot of users are children who can't pay/donate...
I'm in the same boat. If I could donate, I would. But it isn't like I can hand you the 20 in my back pocket. Again, if I could - I would.
I also think putting breeding potions would be a great idea. I know breed-crazy people who would pay for it. (Again... I'd buy them and donis if I

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 9:09:10 am
by Niverdia
randomname wrote:I agree--breeding potions for shards for the donis and advertisements would bring in cash. MS is great ad-free, but maybe it's time to make the switch.
Both of these suggestions, besides, ads don't necessarily have to be the big and flashy kind (GPX+, I'm looking at you .__.).
I'd totally buy a breeding potion to get some cardinal gryphon hatchlings. :B

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 9:12:11 am
by BlueEyedWolf
Hm.. I'm online pretty much everyday. I can't donate sadly [no credit card : x]. It'd be good if we could donate with SMS.

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 9:32:09 am
by ChibiAsh
I put a plea on my PF page :/

I can't access facebook at the moment... But since this is one of the few sites available without my falsh working properly, I love it even more and would hate to lose it...

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:05:38 am
by Derpy
Advertized at Pony Central. HOPEFULLY some people would join..

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:36:45 am
by cutiemark
O.O I am a new player myself and cant think of losing this site i think that some creatures should be made costing 1 shard that way it will bring more people to buy and you got more money.

I told some of my friends about the site they might join i hope this helps.

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 10:38:58 am
by SeaCrest
Advertising on all the sites I'm on!

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 11:27:47 am
by Bajka20
Very good idea with FB. I just wrote on my profile about MagiStream and maybe somebody will read and wants to play. :bounce:

Re: Operation Save MagiStream

Posted: March 20th, 2012, 1:04:03 pm
by altan
Tristan wrote:First, all those features that have been sitting on my todo list are going out.
Hopefully this one is on the list:
Shards to pay for potion to make Donation creatures breed once- Accepted