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Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 7th, 2017, 3:54:50 am
by PossessedPotato
Sounds awesome xD You be exercising though behind my back German?

I ordered a budgie cage recently along with some new books. Hoping to train my lil babu better in this one seeing as the door is bigger.

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 8th, 2017, 2:43:31 pm
a bit was trying to do 4 days a week but doing plasma donations twice a week and then two rest days gotta go down to 3 :/

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 9th, 2017, 12:58:20 am
by PossessedPotato
You are going to kill yourself at that rate if your giving blood/plasma at the same time >.>

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 11th, 2017, 5:25:05 am
one its just plasma two I dont donate and go to the gym on the same days mainly because cant do heavy lifting for a while after donation and I dont have the time in a single day to do both.

oh also finally got a small spark of hope for the first time in a while, if all things go well enough I'll be able to actually enlist around abouts this time next year. Thinking about either taking up drone piloting but Ill be stuck in SoCal unfortunately if I do, scout cav, or some kinda intelligence stuff if I go army or signing up to be what one of my buddies are in the airforce and essentially work on maintenance on our ICBMs that carry nuclear warheads.

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 14th, 2017, 12:22:25 am
by PossessedPotato
Was a Joke, German >~>

That's awesome though! I am so happy for you with whatever you choose. You're a much braver human being than I am, y'know?

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 14th, 2017, 3:42:02 pm
I know I'm just being the technical A hole that I am :P

Its nothing to do with bravery, I've just always wanted to do what was right and this feels like whats right for me the place I can actually do some small bit of good or at least prepare me to do it. I want to be of use I want a meaning to my life and for a while there I was without it, but now I feel energetic, optimistic, and just generally better knowing I'll have a chance at a purposeful life again. Plus getting into shape helps with that mood buff too lol I can still feel the Pec Fly's I did on wednesday but its a good kinda pain that my chests in, and I've dramatically improved how much I can lift too which is super nice.

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: July 15th, 2017, 11:23:34 pm
by PossessedPotato
I am so happy for you!!:D You just needed that motivation that you needed all along, hm? Optimism is always a good thing and I feel it is going to work especially well for you in time. You got more will power than you know, dude!

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: August 19th, 2017, 5:13:01 pm
Come comrades we must travel to the land of tracksuits and gold chains. A land where gopniks hop out of trunks of Lada and where Mayonnaise is used as currency. The Home of the true Kvass drinking Slavs.

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: August 22nd, 2017, 11:05:55 pm
by Jessi
I saw derr eclipse yersterder.

Also, I realized I never responded: the people who come for tech services aren't lazy, they're just stupid. Like. Really stupid.
For example: middle-aged woman came in whining about not being able to access her flash drive. LITERALLY. THIS WOMAN GOT DRESSED, PUT SHOES ON, GRABBED HER COMPUTER, LOADED IT IN THE CAR, AND DROVE ALL THE WAY TO MY STORE FOR THIS.
"it says 'connections available' when I plug it in, but it won't open my flash drive"
"ma'am that's your wifi"

My manager has to keep reminding me that these people grew up in a time before Google.

But I can't complain too much; at least she offered some ounce of respect to me.
Everyone else in tech is a taller, slightly older dude with dark hair. I am a very small Daenerys Targaryen-sized college student. So when I greet people as they come in and ask them wassup I get: "I NEED SOMEONE IN COMPUTERS"
"that would be me"
"okay but are you actually good at it?"

I'm usually pretty resilient about that shit because I got that shit tenfold in my programming classes, but there literally came a point where I was just laying in bed crying miserably over it. Even my co-worker in PRINT SERVICES is preferred over me. aND HE'S YOUNGER. Barely.
Just. Omg.
"i know ur a girl so you might not get this--" done listening. UGH.

But before I lose my mind and rant all night: how are you all?

Re: The Guild of Hetalia::. Four Years Strong!

Posted: August 26th, 2017, 4:26:37 pm
*sneaks in*

*sneaks out*

Cheeki Breeki.