A Poetry Chain

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by magnumgal21 »

Do you hear it?
The slow melody?
It's beautiful,
Full of meaning.

A tale told by a mother,
A story to a child,
Used to sing a child to sleep.
In our dark and peaceful night,
Whether it’s about magic,
Or wishing stones.

A mother and Child,
who need each other,
These songs have many uses.
It's a night song,
A lullaby if you will.

Just listen and you will hear their tone,
They will be sung to many,
And bring peace to many,
To bring Sleep,
To chase away the nightmares,
That is the job of a Lullaby.

(My poems are story poems and most of them don't rhyme, plus i am not that good, but this counts for music right? A lullaby?)

Next poem is about freeing yourself from a fear.
Click my critters please.

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by xhunter »

not sure if this is right but this is a poem about freeing yourself from fear

a four letter word
a monster in the dark,
a wispier in your mind,
a silent sound that pierces the mind ravaging the soul,

which is more fearful?
silence or sound,
sight or no sight,
chaos or peace,
thought or no thought,

silence or sound,
remedy yourself with your fear,
make it yours,
in this what do you have to fear,
speak and listen to it,
listen and find solace in silence,

sight or no sight,
remedy yourself with the fear,
open your eyes and look at your fear,
stand your ground though don't let it make you immobile,
like a reed in the wind,
roots firm though stem sways,
lets wind just be wind,
remedy yourself with the fear,
if you can't see with eyes see with senses,
look inward then look out,
with your ears, nose, hands, and thoughts,
like a tree that digs down with its fingers,
listens with its thoughts,
smells the sent of carbon and breaths out oxygen,
hears the word but doesn't react,
lets the word work around it,

choas or peace
remedy yourself with the fear,
if chaos is visible,
look to it and find its structure,
know its source and snip its roots,
the leaves with wither after,
remedy yourself with the fear,
if peace is visible,
and causes harm,
set a pattern and let it disperse your fear,
cause chaos and let the fear fade,

thought or no thought
remedy yourself with the fear,
when thoughts don't quite,
thangling up in your mind,
breath and find the knots,
pull the threads apart till your mind is silence,
remedy yourself with the fear,
when without thought,
the fear creeps in and presents itself,
if out of motion become motion,
challenge the mind over and over,
till the fear is gone,

fear can only be cured with fear,
immunity happens as natural as nature,
you can free yourself by finding the balance,
in all things,

hope this was good enough, next on is about challenging yourself
if i am on i will be clicking
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

That word rings in my head
The voices berating me
For not taking a chance.

I can't work it up
To talk to another
I can only glance.

A crowd of people
Let's talk to them
And see where this goes.

The moral of this tale
Is that challenging yourself
May not work against your foes.

Next poem topic: Revenge.

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by Tsuzemi »

A heart of hate;
a feeling of anger.
The man in front;
a hand reaches out.

The latter misses,
the man leaves.
The latter an avenger;
he must catch the man.

Seas rising;
emotions uncontrolled;
he approaches, knife in hand,
for one reason only.

Born of anger and hatred;
the emotion that trumps all;
revenge is stronger than justice;
the avenger stronger than the protector.

The avenger reaches out,
with eyes of hatred;
a heart of anger.
He slashes and slices,
for one reason only.

For revenge is stronger than justice.

[Wow I was watching Naruto and I just thought of Sasuke ...

Next one be about serenity?]
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

What is good but a weaker man's dream?
What is evil but a gold bar's gleam?
A balance between is true tranquility.
Only in the middle can you find inner peace.

The next poem is about power and the corruption it creates.

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by Tsuzemi »

A force unseen;
so strong, too strong.
A force seeked;
so alluring, so tempting.
A force strong and alluring;
a force that corrupts.

Yet it is not a force, but an emotion.
Then it is an object, a name, a title.
It seems so simple - they call it 'power'.
But power is far from simple.

It is intangible, untouchable.
It makes seas rise and fall;
farms grow and wane.
Power is strong, and darkness is too.

The two are connected,
and so is the light.
But the darker the shadow, the brighter the light,
and power is in both.

The 'power' more commonly seen - the one of the shadows.
It corrupts, captures, enslaves.
Power is a drug - and it is addictive.
It addicts, it draws in, and it

Power is used for many means;
some good, some bad.
But the means that are seen so often,
are those created by what is used.

Power entangles, and it drags.
It is an interesting thing.
It can drag the hiders in the shadows into the light;
and then down again, but somehow going up.

Power addicts, it tells, it dictates.
It tells what to do;
and it says to corrupt.

Power is strong, too strong.
If one tries to use it for good,
they shall end up in the shadows.

Power is neither good nor bad;
it is grey, neutral.
But strong it is, addictive it is,
and thus it corrupts.

[Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, I kind of got off track ...

Next one be on the sea and sky?
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

Tsuzemi wrote:A force unseen;
so strong, too strong.
A force seeked;
so alluring, so tempting.
A force strong and alluring;
a force that corrupts.

Yet it is not a force, but an emotion.
Then it is an object, a name, a title.
It seems so simple - they call it 'power'.
But power is far from simple.

It is intangible, untouchable.
It makes seas rise and fall;
farms grow and wane.
Power is strong, and darkness is too.

The two are connected,
and so is the light.
But the darker the shadow, the brighter the light,
and power is in both.

The 'power' more commonly seen - the one of the shadows.
It corrupts, captures, enslaves.
Power is a drug - and it is addictive.
It addicts, it draws in, and it

Power is used for many means;
some good, some bad.
But the means that are seen so often,
are those created by what is used.

Power entangles, and it drags.
It is an interesting thing.
It can drag the hiders in the shadows into the light;
and then down again, but somehow going up.

Power addicts, it tells, it dictates.
It tells what to do;
and it says to corrupt.

Power is strong, too strong.
If one tries to use it for good,
they shall end up in the shadows.

Power is neither good nor bad;
it is grey, neutral.
But strong it is, addictive it is,
and thus it corrupts.

[Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, I kind of got off track ...

Next one be on the sea and sky?
Is there anything more tranquil than the sky?
Slowly drifting, clouds sing
with the light of the shining sun.
A beautiful thing, a calm thing.

Is there anything more chaotic than the sea?
Waves crashing, water swirling
with the power of the wind.
A beautiful thing, a powerful thing.

Is there anything more fickle than the wind?
Moving the sky and the sea, and like a ring
binding them together in harmony.
A beautiful thing, a curious thing.

The world is bound by the sea, wind, and sky
The sea is its coolness, the wind lets one fly
and the sky is a blanket of unmeasurable worth.
Is there anything more beautiful than the planet Earth?
(Next poem can be about having a psychological disorder. Any disorder works.)

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by Jade07 »

what is it i don't see
is why its crashing down on me
this big thing
they can't take away

why is it always happening to me
[my best shot kinda gave up it reminds me of how my leg will act up and start hurting sometimes]
make one about dog no naruto no naruto dogs [yes ultimate test]
please help them hatch or grow
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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

Not sure what that sentence means, but here's a dog poem.

Big eyes and
Big ears
Puppy I
Hold dear

With you 'til
The end
Good dog
Best friend

Write a poem about birds.

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Re: A Poetry Chain

Post by MidniteScy »


Feathered wings
And cheerful song
Takes off into faultless sky

If only I could
Be free like you
Take me
With you

Bright eyes
Sharp beak
Chirps playfully down at me

If only I could
Be free like you
Take me
With you

I want to see
The sky like you
I want to see
The seas like you
I want to see the world like you
Take me
With you
(Lol so horrible I'm so sorry. XD)

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