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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: February 15th, 2019, 3:35:46 am
by Timiyo
Bad grammar? Bothersome? Hah. no; I dont care, about badly "grammar'.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: March 5th, 2019, 1:48:02 pm
by 0009
no since
i indulge in such activities myself lmao
i mean it's something you get quite used to
when you talk to an array of different people of varying types so
it doesn't really phase me as much as it did when i was younger

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: March 11th, 2019, 4:44:20 pm
by Piano
It bothers me quite a bit. I understand if English isn't your native language and you make genuine mistakes, but text talk is meant for texting, in my opinion. I find it childish, but if you like it or find it easier, you do you.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: April 9th, 2019, 8:43:22 pm
by Lennyface420
It really depends for me. If theres a mistake like every 10 words, then its annoying. If its not as often, then its not as annoying, but
I hate it when someone points out a grammar error and then its not fixed at all and ignored.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: April 12th, 2019, 10:50:16 pm
by Bullion
Not really. As long as I can comprehend it

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: November 25th, 2019, 6:49:04 pm
by darksouls
Not really? I mean, I can understand if someone doesn't grasp English syntax fully, just wants to chat quickly, or if English isn't their first language. I'm a writer, and I do notice bad grammar and mistakes anyway, but I'm not gonna point it out unless I literally can't understand what the person typed. XD

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: December 8th, 2019, 6:43:30 pm
by sunsprite
I don't really care about grammar if they're using the shortened version of a word [or a few words] like "wth" or tho," as i am guilty to this as well :sweat:
but if they're consistently using straight up broken english (such as: this game it bad no like it me [or something like that]) then it starts to get a bit annoying
if the person using broken english is not native to that tongue, then i can understand
although if their mistakes don't pop up too often, then it's bearable

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: December 24th, 2019, 8:58:59 pm
by tenorsax
No, it doesn't bother me. Personally, I don't use text talk or anything of the sort. Sometimes I abbreviate but so does everyone else. I'm not going to flame a person or put them down for not using proper grammar on the internet. This is a place to relax and unwind, this isn't formal. Some people aren't fortunate enough to get a good education, meaning they won't know the differences between your/you're, their/there/they're, etc. There's no need to be rude about someone's lack of education.

Educating them and helping them, sure. Just being plain rude and making fun of them or calling it annoying that they're less educated, or even just lazy on a place to unwind and be lazy? No.

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: December 30th, 2019, 1:25:32 pm
by LavenderInk
It very much depends on the person who writes as well as the situation. Some people obviously have dyslexia or similar problems, and while nobody can forbid you to feel annoyed by their grammar/spelling subjectively, you definitely shouldn't harrass them because of it. In some cases, it really seriously goes on my nerves, though. Especially comma faults can drive me crazy because I read text with a melody in my head. False and/or missing commas make the text melody feel messed-up, so I hate this. Also, in general it's FAR more annoying in large texts like stories or scientific articles than in simple stuff like chats.
(My main language is not English, in case someone wonders why I rant about comma faults while making some myself (possibly)).

Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Posted: January 1st, 2020, 5:03:46 pm
by Neuvillette
Having seen bad grammar due to translation issues in video game dialogue. I can say that depending on the severity and how bad it is and whether or not the other person is a native english speaker. It can be annoying. Now I am reasonable when it comes to writing however if a a video games dialogue is badly translated and no attempt is made to polish it at a later date then it's just frustrating. That being said I only cut developers slack when they first release and if the game slowly gets it's dialogue polished and cleaned up over time.

As far as people goes it's situational and even I a native english speaker struggle with grammar issues. So I tend to try and help clarify if someone not familiar with language uses a word that doesn't fit with what they are trying to say. Because it can help them be better understood as long as it's done nicely and not rudely.