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Re: The Furry Community

Posted: September 10th, 2023, 11:52:01 am
by sliceofcreature
Can someone ban mzJal plz

Re: The Furry Community

Posted: October 15th, 2023, 8:54:46 pm
by PhoenixSolblade
Ah, so I have a confession to make...I saw an adoptable that I really liked the look of and managed to purchase it, so now I suppose I'm ready to call myself a furry :t-lol:

I think something that helped was taking a silly 'are you a furry' quiz that a friend posted and seeing that one of the questions was about how many fursonas you had. It's funny cuz I'd seen other people having more than one but it had never really clicked for me that it was possible, you know? So internalizing that let me realize that I didn't have to have a perfect design in mind, and that I can have a few to swap between :roll: