Ghost Sensitive?

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Are You Ghost Sensitive?

I Don't Know
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Thylacina »

I'm mildly clairsentient and clairvoyant so I've seen and felt my fair share of strange things. If I had my way though I wouldn't be. People who think having "the Gift" is such a great thing have NO idea what a burden it is. It's a not a gift as far as I'm concerned, it's a curse.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Twiggy »

I'm not sensitive like my mother and sister, those two see things... Some times feels them, or experience them

While my mom works in a place with growling late at night, there are no dogs in it, and other voices. I warn her to leave if she hears them.
My dad works in a factory where they have seen a ghost or two interacting with their work one lifting a heavy chain off the floor like it was nothing or turning on the radio when everyone leaves. They also seen it along with my mom and sister while waiting for my dad.

I on the other hand just get bad feelings and the urge to get out of there, a reason why I don't like my mom's work place unless its packed. Sometimes that watching feeling, had my door back at school shake for no reason before for most of the day while I was alone. But I guess I'm like a low level clairvoyant, I can see stuff at random but I have no control over it and then it happens a few months after finally giving all the details. Its like extream Dejavu which I hate cause I'm the only one in my family with it.

But I know during last summer we had some problems with both ours and our grand parents homes with a poltergeist. Perhaps the same one, we had to get both places re-blessed apparently the one at my grandmothers was worse then ours. We think it was watching my younger sister though we don't know why it threw something at the younger one when we were home alone. We had the lights the sounds, my poor mom was the one faced with the blunt of it.

Even though its been helpful in the past, knocking down things we need though finding a perfect hoof print in both the front and back of the house is a bit shaky, but not as much as that feeling I get when I'm up late at the computer at home. I hate that feeling and I've managed to pin point the area that I avoid to walk though and go around it during the night. If you ask me who it is I'll say a little girl blond or dark blond hair.
Last edited by Twiggy on January 11th, 2011, 9:34:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by MagicalGhoul »

KathrynHawkBond wrote:Yes that still makes you a sensitive AAliceE. It means like me you're a watcher and a seer; there are 3 classifications for sensitives:

1. seers are the ones who see spirits, read auras and emotions, and deal with the phantoms mainly
2. watchers are the dreamers normally see through only one time past, present or future
3. and specialist are a combined class, charmers, listeners, deep thinkers, healers, etc.

there are mainly si, one power, bi, which are the rare double powered, then there are the tri's who are ULTRA rare triple powered

as far as I know there are only 2 tri's
Well I guess that explains why I seem to be the only one actually experiencing much of the paranormal in my house... My mom's seen a black cat down in the basement, and then couldn't find it, but other than that I seem to be the only one in my house who's had these problems...
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Adelheid »

Does the little girl in my moms office count? :t-shrug:
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Isamalthea »

I've done and experienced a little bit of everything.
There used to be two ghosts that would keep me company, one a teenage male, the other, a little girl.

Tabitha, the girl, became protective of me and would get very angry and throw things whenever someone bothered me. I could hear her talk to me, but since she drowned, she could only whisper. I'd see her sitting in the corner of the room as a silhouette. Her presence always comforted me.

Cole, the boy, because very fond of me. He admitted to me that he had fallen in love with em after knowing him for awhile, too. At night, when I couldn't sleep, or when I was scared, he'd lay next to me. I could feel the pressure and the cold from him, his fingers run through my hair, caress my skin, I've even felt him kiss me before strangely enough. He was very wonderful, would have been my perfect lover if he were alive, but he died in Arkansa(two states over from me) in the late 1800's, if I'm not mistaken.

I could hear their thoughts occasionally when I chose to listen too.

I've very acute to people's emotions and energy, especially with my bestfriend and my fiancee. I can tell, even at a distance, how their feeling. Especially if they're troubled. I could lighten someone's mood with a touch to transfer energy, and mellow them out or hype them up.

One night, I had a nightmare that a demon that looked oddly like Dementor from Harry Potter flew into my room and pinned me to my bed. I was staring right into its empty eye sockets, and I felt cold, lifeless...Then I saw Cole jump up from beside me on my bed and save me.
I woke up with cold sweats and had sleep paralysis for at least 10 seconds.

Personally, I enjoy it. That is, in the daytime, or when there's someone else with me. Experiencing the paranormal alone is terrifying for me unless its Cole or Taby, as I called her. I also believe its a blessing that my fiancee supports me and my abilities, is fascinated by them, even. But then again, he isn't exactly normal himself....but that's a different story.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Cyrelijean »

Does actually being a ghost count?
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Thundersbolt »

When I was a little kid, I encountered a demon thing with blue skin and wild black hair. I also had a protector, some kind of dog creature. It would pop out of my closet and then the dog would scare it away. Also, two years ago, there was a little grey creature with a sleeping cap. It turned out to be a little boy that had been murdered in the 1700's. And in my most recent house before this one on the Navy Base that I just moved into today, there was noises in the bathroom, the curtains would shutter, and there was laughing when I was home alone. Once when I was home alone, I went to go put my laundry in the hamper. The hairs on the back of my neck raised, and I turned to see the dark shadow of a broad shouldered, tall man sitting on the Washer. I threw my laundry into the hamper and bolted, locking and slamming the door. Then later I walked into my brother's room that I shared with him and saw the hunched over figures of two boys and one girl. They were kind of faded, but the girl had dark blond hair, and the boys had black, brown and red hair. The black haired boy looked up, whispered something to his friends, and they all disappeared.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Uprising »

I'm not sure. The only 'strange' encounter I've had is this:

A year ago, I had a glassfish named Glassie. I had him for about a year, and I used to joke that he was half pirhanna, since he ate the other fish in his tank... Creepy. Anyway, one night he died. About a month later, I was sharing a bunk bed with my younger brother and we were about to fall asleep. Suddenly, this weird green light appears on my index finger. I say to my brother, "Look at this!" In a panicked voice, and shake my hand around. It disappears and is on my brother's index finger. i run and turn on the lights and it disappears, and we have never seen it then.

I believe it was the ghost of my fish, but I'm not sure if this makes me or my brother a sensitive.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by Wulfluver »

well i think i might be semi sensitive or maybe more like a ghost magnet, and my brother is one for sure.

well just about fifteen minutes ago i kept getting a weird watching feeling while reading the ghost stories on this, and then about another fifteen minutes i kept seeing a dark figure looking at me with a devilish smile in my head so i closed out of this and put on some soft music on, then the vision's of the "creature" dissipated. but the watching feeling got stronger as if it was walking up to me, and then my music turned up and down and up and down, so i reached to turn on the lamp right next to me and i felt a smack of my hand. and then my music shut off and i heard some whispers in a strange language and i went to turn on my lamp and i felt a smack of my hand and i reached for it again and turned it on and looked around and nothing was there and every time i look in the dark now i feel like im staring at something/someone.

well when my brother was about five and i was three, my brother would have dreams of a little girl named Jessica. she had long black hair and hazel eyes, and he would talk to "himself" on the porch stairs and look to the side like someone was there. and we would look for something for day's and my brother would tell Jessica to help and the next morning the item would be on the center of our living room floor. the neighbor saw her too and mabey i saw her once. and one night my brother had a nightmare about him and jessica by a river and i tire swing and my brother was pushing jessica on the tire swing and jessica lost her grip on the rope and flew into the river but my brother didn't know how to swim and jessica drown, sense that he never spoke to "himself" the items stopped dissipering and we never saw her sense.
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Re: Ghost Sensitive?

Post by WolfSpeaker »

I think I am sensitive, but the only one in my family who is. When I'm alone at night, I sometimes see blurry figures walking through things and sometimes they wave at me and start to aproach, but usually a family member comes and the figure dissolves into nothing. My most vivid sights though, are when I am either daydreaming or sleeping. There are a few people that come and talk to me, and help me through my dreams. Sometimes I have this labyrinth dream, where I'm lost in it, and will dye if I don't get out. The ghosts come and help me, always the same ones. There is a boy my age, named Han, he is British, and died on the titanic. Mary is his younger sister, she does'nt talk much. There are many others, I could go on and on, but I can't give too much about them away. Sometimes, while I'm awake, I can tell animals my thoughts. If a dog is walking by, I can make it come to me by calling it in my head. I don't know if this is sensitive or not, but it is enjoyable and interesting.


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