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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira and Sans seeming to have the same reasons of being nervous of each other, the human was at least calmed down enough to see that he wasn’t going to attack her as she had assumed at first, her just wanting literally any kind of help to heal her broken ankle.

This whole confrontation may have ended sooner than it began if she was capable of running off, Mira having plenty of places to hide in the thickets and trees if she could. The cold would have done the human in sooner or later though, her mere t-shirt and shorts not being suitable for this frozen place.

If monster food was capable of healing her wound as this skeleman said it could Mira was willing to give it a shot, the thought being absurd to the non-magic wielding human as she took the hot dog that was ‘floated’ to her so easily.

That was a form of magic in itself, right?

“Thank you”, Mira’s stubbornness wiping away a little as she ate, she almost felt kind of bad now for threatening to harm this monster as the ache in her injured leg was slowly starting to fade bit by bit, “uhh...I-if I can ask, do you have a name?”.

Trying to be friendlier as was her nature, Mira was really a sweet girl if she wasn’t under attack like she thought she had been, her giving a small smile to the monster still keeping his distance as sense dictated.

Untensing as she was able to move her once injured leg without pain, Mira seemed genuinely shocked that the skeleton hadn’t been lying about the food being magic, “mine is Mira, I know I shouldn’t be down here but..I kind of fell and just really want to go home already”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans watched as the human took the hotdog, hoping that once her leg was healed she would believe what he said about monsters not wanting to hurt her. At least the small display of magic didn't seem to have scared her more, as he'd realized a bit too late could have happened. Though, Sans wasn't sure how else he could have gotten the hotdog to her without walking closer, so it had probably been the right move anyway.

Sans was a bit surprised when the human thanked him for the hotdog, and one of the puns that came most naturally to him slipped out before he could think it through, "'snow problem."

Sans was even more surprised when the human asked what his name was, and even smiled at him slightly. That was probably the last thing he'd been expecting, considering how hostile she'd seemed only minutes earlier. So surprised he was, that he didn't manage a reply until after she'd introduced herself.

Sans also noted that the human- Mira- seemed shocked that the hotdog had really healed her leg. Sans supposed he didn't blame her for not totally believing him at first. To a human who'd never had monster food before, that probably would sound like an outlandish claim.

"oh, uh, name's sans." Sans said, offering a small smile back. Now that it didn't seem likely Mira would attack him, immediately at any rate, Sans was able to relax a bit. Not entirely, of course; he still knew she had a knife and he still could die quite easily if she changed her mind.

Sans considered what Mira said about falling down and wanting to go home. Unfortunately, he didn't have a solution as simple as a hotdog for that issue. Sans wasn't sure how the other human had been able to leave, so he couldn't just tell Mira what to do to go home. Well, he could explain as much as he did know, and see if Mira had any ideas. Hopefully she wouldn't be so upset about possibly being trapped down here with the monsters that she'd become hostile again...

"well, uh, unfortunately i don't know how to leave the underground," Sans admitted. "us monsters have been trapped down here by a barrier for as long as i can remember. there was a human who fell down here a few years ago, and they left somehow, but i have no idea how they did it. maybe it was as simple as just walking through the barrier, or maybe they knew some secret none of us know. really, i couldn't say which it was." Sans shrugged apologetically. "i can show you where the barrier is, but we'll probably run into some other monsters along the way..."
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

‘Ok, so maybe I can trust him, but he is still a monster regardless so who knows what he is up to’

Standing up on her once broken leg as she still seemed shocked that it was able to be fixed so quickly, Mira was very, very thankful to the skeleton who had helped her out for seemingly no reason they benefited himself. This was a rarity back in her world to be honest, most humans only looking out for themselves these days.

Maybe it was strange that only a few minutes ago she had threatened what she thought was a monster, but it was only because she had been afraid for her life. It wasn’t as if Mira went around every day with a weapon and brazenly threatened others, the fact that she had even pointed a knife at Sans making her feel disgusting now that he had shown he had no ill intent.

The slight happiness in her eyes fading as Sans explained that there was no real exit from the underground though and that only one human had escaped before by unknown means, Mira felt like her heart was breaking as she didn’t want to believe any of what he was saying was real....

Could she...really not go home? But she wasn’t a monster, this wasn’t where she was supposed to be!

“Barrier?”, her voice hopeless as the last thing she wanted was to be stuck down here in perpetuity, Mira may have been trying to be kind to Sans but inside she was still very much broken over all of this happening at once and was in shock to say the least, “where would that be? Is it nearby??”.

Trying to be calm even though her body wanted nothing more than to sit and cry, that would solve nothing right now no matter how much it was likely needed on her part, Mira taking a hesitant step towards Sans after they had kept their distance for so long, “listen, it’s probably a long shot but if I can get home maybe there is some way you guys can be helped out of here somehow”.

Being naively hopeful, Mira was sure if she could get back home she could tell other humans of the monsters plight down here and everything would work out for the better!
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans immediately felt bad when he saw how Mira seemed to become hopeless after hearing his explanation. However, Sans wasn't sure what else he should have done; it's not like he could have lied to her about it. She would have found out quickly enough- unless humans really could just walk through the barrier- and then she wouldn't trust him anymore and they'd be right back at square one. Besides, she could still try to cross the barrier, and if it worked, that would be great, but if it didn't, at least she wouldn't think he was a liar and possibly become hostile again.

Sans was slightly startled when Mira took a step towards him; since they'd been trying to keep a sizeable gap between them, he hadn't expected her to move any closer. Really, he'd have been less surprised if she'd simply turned and ran away as soon as she knew her leg was healed. Fortunately, Sans managed not to visibly show he'd been startled, or at least not by much.

What Mira said next shocked him even more. Despite the rocky introduction, Mira would actually try to free the monsters if she managed to go home? Of course, Sans doubted that humans as a whole would actually agree to freeing the monsters, particularly if Mira's initial fears mirrored those of the other humans, but it was still nice of her to want to attempt, even if it wouldn't amount to anything.

"well, the barrier's not exactly close, but, uh, i know a shortcut..." Sans said. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to actually teleport her somewhere- that might scare her, even if the levitation didn't- but she seemed to really want to try crossing the barrier as quickly as possible, so he figured he should at least give her the option. It would be a lot quicker than walking through most of the Underground, that was for sure. "i can teleport us there, or we can just walk."

Sans worried that if she wasn't able to just cross the barrier and go home, Mira would be even more upset. Papyrus- or really anyone else- would probably be better than he was at comforting someone who felt hopeless. Regardless, Sans knew he should try anyway, if it did come to that. Mira seemed to be trying to be kind, so Sans would as well. 'papyrus would be so surprised if he saw me now,' Sans thought, imagining Papyrus reacting to how much effort he was actually putting into something.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Mira is as naive as they come and just wants to help ::)

Maybe being this hopeful that she could cross this mysterious barrier was kind of stupid on Mira’s part as it was pretty obvious she likely couldn’t cross if none of these monsters had for so many years. After all, if whatever human had fallen down here way back when had actually made it ‘home’...than why hadn’t they told anyone what was down here?

If humans knew that monsters were trapped down here and were harmless than why was this mysterious barrier still keeping them locked away? Not thinking it throughly enough, Mira just wanted to do what felt right in her heart even if it was probably a really bad idea.

Was she terrified of monsters? Yes, but that didn’t mean they were evil...or at least she hoped...

“U-uh, yeah, a shortcut”, Mira’s familiar nervousness rearing it’s head despite her trying to be brave as Sans recommended they try a short way to this barrier, perhaps that why she had been so keen on being defensive earlier....after all, she didn’t quite know what this monster was capable of with his powers.

‘He can teleport? How is that even possible?’

A bad vibe creeping up Mira’s spine as she knew she was getting way too confident in trusting this mysterious monster, what if this whole barrier idea was a trap? After all, she didn’t know a thing about the underground and being teleported to who knows where didn’t seem like the brightest idea....

‘Just trust him Mira, stop being a baby about this and get your emotions under control already’
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans could tell Mira was nervous about the shortcut, and tried to think of a way to help calm her down. Since she really only had seen Snowdin Forest as far as Sans knew, he figured teleporting her right in front of the barrier would probably scare her a lot. The barrier was pretty intimidating, after all. So perhaps he should teleport them to the castle King Asgore lived in first, and they could walk to the barrier from there? The castle looked a lot more inviting than a dark corridor leading to the barrier, after all. Plus, King Asgore was really nice, and maybe meeting another monster that was nice would help lessen Mira's worries.

"how about instead of going straight to the barrier, i just teleport us to the building next to it? there's a really nice monster who lives there, he can make some tea for us and it might help you feel better. then when you're ready, we can just walk to the barrier; it's not very far from there at all. maybe five minutes, max." Sans suggested.

Plus, if she really didn't trust Sans, Mira could always ask King Asgore instead if she had more questions. Besides, King Asgore might be better at cheering her up if it turned out she couldn't go home now. At the very least he could make more tea, which Sans always found soothing so it couldn't hurt. And since he was presumably the last to see the last human before they left, maybe King Asgore could shed more light on how they'd done it? "actually, he was probably the last to see the other human before they left, so maybe you can ask him if he knows anything about it?" Sans echoed his thoughts, figuring at the very least the possibility of more information on how to get home should help Mira feel a bit better.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Maybe she was stupid for thinking that waking through the barrier was going to be so easy, but what other choice did Mira have besides hoping that this silly idea was going to allow her to go home?

This could have all been a bad dream if Mira knew she wasn’t wide awake, with monsters, magical food, and a apparent whole world under the Earth seeming like the things a child might make up...but no, this was very much real and she was stuck here for the time being.

“Yeah, that sounds like a nice idea~”, smiling a bit as she was unaware that she could potentially be in danger if the king of this underground world didn’t react the way Sans was hoping, Mira was confident things would go right and she would be home in no time.


This was only going to be the start of many troubles that were to come for the human stuck in this subterranean world, as unknown to her there was no exit out of this place for a singular human and never had been, the last human only getting out through sheer determination which she herself lacked, Mira’s soul being full of ‘love’ instead.

‘Love’ that would cause more trouble then it was worth as it wasn’t going to be long before things went south quickly in this calm monster world, the life source of them all, the core, already beginning to show signs of trouble....

‘Love’ that could be used the future of monsters if it was used in the way it was needed...

For now though things were as they always had been, the fact that Mira had fallen not changing much yet as she seemed to be thinking she had made a friend in Sans despite the other’s rather oblivious nature towards it, “so let’s go~!, it should be simple, I cross the barrier and tell everyone that you guys are trapped and I know at least some people will help get you guys out”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Sans was glad that the idea seemed to have lessened Mira's nervousness. Sans teleported the two to King Asgore's castle, being careful to ensure the shortcut was as smooth as possible. Normally he didn't bother too much with that, but he figured it would help Mira feel better if the journey was smooth. Fortunately, King Asgore seemed to be preparing a pot of tea already, so it seemed the two had had good timing.

"heya, do you mind if we join you for a cup of tea?" Sans asked.


Asgore had almost finished preparing some tea and was mentally planning his gardening for the day when he heard a voice speak up. Turning after carefully setting the tea pot down, Asgore smiled when he saw the two visitors. "Ah, howdy Sans! And hello," Asgore began, trailing off awkwardly when he realized he did not know the human's name, but didn't want to seem rude.

"this is mira. she recently fell into the underground," Sans explained. "mira, this is asgore, the king of the monsters."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Mira," Asgore replied, "And of course you both are welcome to join me for some tea. It's almost finished now." Asgore quickly turned back to the tea, and after collecting two more tea cups, began pouring some tea into each of them. After finishing with the tea, Asgore turned back to the two visitors and held out a cup to each of them. "So, is this a social visit, or is there something I can do for you?"


Sans accepted the cup of tea and took a sip, just to show Mira it wasn't poisoned or anything. While she'd seemed less nervous before the shortcut, Sans didn't want her nervousness to return. Sans also figured he should let Mira decide how much she wanted to tell King Asgore, rather than speaking up himself. Of course, if Mira indicated she wanted him to speak up instead, he would.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira being quite a optimist right now as she was sure that this simple plan should work, if she could make it through the barrier and get back to humanity she could talk all about the monsters that were stuck underground and that it was just a barrier between them all.

On second thought, perhaps maybe she shouldn’t be that direct though lest she be mistaken for a insane person.

Letting Sans teleport them to what was to her eye’s a castle as grand as any in the human world, Mira could tell this was royalty and she should be respectful despite the apparent casualness between Sans and the king.

The nervousness still in her heart as she was afraid of monsters as a whole still, the fact that Sans had treated her so kindly was going a long way towards the human not freaking out over the many, many new things she was finding out existed just beneath her feet.

“H-hello, sir”, Mira giving a smile and a nod to the king as Sans introduces her, the human’s heart was beating in her ears as I she could sense home was just barely out of each beyond the barrier ahead.

‘Just be brave Mira, just tell him you want to go home...’

“I fell down here by mistake and I...I really need to get back home”, Her voice quiet as she seemed to be trying to think of the exact words to try and say she needed to go through the barrier, Mira had never been the best at things as serious as this conversation, “there is a barrier, right? If I could go through it maybe I-I can tell the others on the outside your stuck down here”.

‘Be blunt Mira, you know that’s the best way to say any of this’
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

Asgore felt sadness fill him as he listened to Mira speak. Unfortunately, Asgore didn't think it would be possible for her to pass through the barrier, but he also couldn't bear to tell her that. 'No... I need to tell her. She deserves to know the truth.' Asgore finally decided.

"There is indeed a barrier, it's a mere few minutes walk from here in fact, but..." Asgore sighed, hating to be the bearer of bad news. "...While there was a human who was able to leave Mount Ebott a few years back, I do not know exactly how they managed it. As far as I am aware, a human would not be able to cross the barrier alone... However, if you would like to try, I will not stop you. Even in the case you are not able to, you would not be harmed by trying."

Asgore appreciated the sentiment that Mira had expressed of telling the humans, but figured even if she did, they weren't likely to actually let the monsters go free anyway. Not wanting to upset her even more than he probably already had, though, he kept that to himself. After all, the humans had trapped the monsters down here on purpose; they probably wouldn't free them from this prison just because one person asked them to.


Sans felt disappointed when he heard that King Asgore didn't know how the other human had managed to leave, either. Sans had really been hoping he'd be able to tell them, and that Mira would be able to return home. Though, Sans supposed he'd known deep down it was unlikely. Sans glanced at Mira, trying to guess how she was feeling.
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