Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Iliad »

I just came back after a hiatus, so I'd love to join this roleplay in a few days (after midterms) if you'd have me. I guess for now this is a bookmark?
I am the tactician.
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Greirat »


Yes. Feel free to join. I'll save you a spot.

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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Illegallyblonde »

Heya! I was just wondering if I could join this rp still?. Just wondering what kind of character you might need, to like balance genders or add to the storyline?
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Greirat »

You are certinally welcome to join!! As for characters, it doesn't matter to me. You may chose your own. I'm not looking for a balance of genders. It doesn't concern me at all.
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Appearance: Sora stands at roughly 5'5" and has chocolatey brown skin. Naturally her hair is a dark brown/black, but Sora keeps it dyed a dark mahogany red and cut short. Well, mostly; she keeps a long, waist-length tail in the back. She often braids the long portion of her hair, and the short portion is layered and parted heavily on the right side; most days, Sora gels it into punky, spiky chunks. Physically she's lean with the muscle of a runner or acrobat. Her eyes are a dark honey brown and slightly upturned, giving them a cattish appearance, and she has a strong jaw. She generally wears clothes that're unrestricting and easy to move in, typically tank tops and cargo pants, with boots that have good traction.
Name: Sora Flynn
Age: 23 years
Gender: Female
Personality: Sora is free-spirited and generally good natured, but that quickly turns to bitter rebellion if one tries forcing her into into pretty much anything she's not interested in. She has a penchant for mischief, and trouble occasionally, but rarely means any harm in her shenanigans. Sora's outspoken and caring toward others, but she has almost no respect for personal space; she'll glomp, hug, shoulder check, whatever, with the best intentions that sometimes just makes things worse.

Sora's been known to shirk responsibility -and even relationships- if she finds them boring or burdensome. Friendships with her are few and shallow, generally. She tends to hide her negative emotions behind her straight-forward spunk and, while boisterous and out-spoken, actually reveals very little about herself that goes deeper on a personal level than her favorite color.
History: Sora was born into a family that, while not amongst the 1% of society, was nonetheless pretty well off. They were strict and controlling, planning out their daughter's life and grooming her to take over the business. Which she had no interest in, but her protests were ignored or silenced by being told she was being selfish, and then she'd have another booked shoved at her. At the age of 12 is when her displeasure started manifested as blatant rebellion and disobedience. It started off sneakily not studying when her folks weren't looking, then escalating to the point where her tutors flat-out refused to waste their time on her and she was sneaking out of the house at whatever hour she pleased. During these times, she'd further rebel from her prim-and-proper parents by getting involved in petty crimes. Consequently, she got quite good at running fast and parkour.

When she was 18 Sora straight up left her home, despite threats of being disowned, and struck out on her own. Shortly after that she gave up being a criminal, but she'd still challenge herself for the fun of it from time to time by stealing something and putting it back while trying to not get caught. Unfortunately, due to her relatively short attention span, she's not been able to hold jobs very long because they just got boring.
Word Of The Day: Wings

Appearance: Yrran has a body that is long and covered in dense fur. She has no legs, but six feathered wings. Her underbelly is a soft,pastel pink color, and her body is a deep maroon. Her wings start off maroon and fade to the color of her underbelly and are banded with white. The feathers running down her back and tipping her tail are a rich, deep purple, and her eyes are a striking light blue.
Her body is roughly 25 feet long.
Name: Yrranthiserae
Gender: Female
Personality:Yrran's most defining characteristic is her curiosity. She'll go along with pretty much anything if she's curios about it's process or how it'll turn out and asks a lot of questions. She's otherwise generally even tempered and amiable, and even enjoys teasing others a bit. She's quite proud of her aerial speed and maneuverability, and can become competitive toward dragons that claim to excel in these skills. She's not particularly distrusting of others if she doesn't get a bad vibe from them, and Yrran is driven more by instinct than strategy.
Word Of The Day:Wings
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Greirat »

You are now welcome to post in the Rp itself!
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Thank you!
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Illegallyblonde »

Appearance: Justin Mora
Name: Justin Mora
Age: 21
Personality:Justin hates to lose. Not exactly bad tempered he just has a competitive streak a mile long. Usually he is quite good natured and always willing to make first contact with any kind stranger. His tendency to attempt to remedy any situation with humor, often inappropriate, tends to get him in all sorts of trouble but he will still laugh(sadly). He can be a little blasé and loud at first but anyone who cares to deepen the relationship will find a great friend, honestly I swear he's deep.
History:Originally from a small region Up north where Canada would be today, Justin remembers little from his early life and usually takes care not to because it's embarrassing how together and family oriented his other relatives were there considering how effed up his close family is. Justin's mother was possibly the only exotic dancer in their little corner of Nowhere and therefore went en route between the isolated taverns that paid her well for her trouble. According to his mother his father happened to be " One massive hunk o' man that I took a shining for that one time I got called up for a favor" Usually accompanied by dreamy sighs about his height and sheer shoulder width and such. Although his mother loved him the best a dancer named Trixie constantly on the road could,he obviously didn't grow up the most stable or well adjusted. Anywho the older he got and as trixie matured and settled down with one of the owners of her frequented taverns, they figured it might be best if he took a little time to figure himself and his temper out, so while trixie thought therapy he had his answer in the letter the academy sent. Him and his mother trixie still keep in kind of touch despite the lack of detail he has given her about his location.
Other:Enjoys a good wrassling session and is still very critical of this "dragon academy" deal. Imagines them to be large mindless lizards.
Word Of The Day:Wings

Personality: Beginning his life as a bit of a runt in the multiple hatchlings present in the castle, Naaghai had to develop a valuable sense of humor early on in life and was determined to make it in the scrap filled world of hatchlings. With this he now rarely can be caught off guard either in humor or physically though he has more than filled out and in on level with the others. He rarely loosens his grip on his flashfire temper but enjoyed a good row with a mentally equal partner. With these new humans he is searching for a worthy partner that he can level with but assumes he will have to settle.
Word Of The Day: Wings
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Greirat »


Also, fellow riders! Please be familiar with the horse tack terms.
Parts of a bridle and saddle and grooming kit. They will be a need to know.

Also, we will be sticking to the English Saddle and the Western Bridle. The former because it is more arrow dynamic. And the latter because you'll be able to have more control over your dragonic partner.
As always, your saddle and bridle are custom made to fit your dragon. You alter them to fit your dragon's needs. Just try to keep the form in mind.

English Saddle.

Western Bridle.

Western Bridle.

If you guys need any other information. Or..find better photos. Let me know. I'll be sure to add them on my first post here in the OOC.


EDIT: My next post (after everyone else has posted) will consist of strictly of Serobi Dent.
Make sure you have your saddle equipped as well as your reins.
We will be flying to the Cliffs of Fordure.

On a really random side note. Found this looking at pictures of dragons.
Sure glad these things don't exist in real life... Ali-drake is what I'm calling it. For, well, obvious reasons.
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Re: Tainted Skies | Skyvern Academy - OOC

Post by Greirat »

I have feeling you are all waiting for me to post.... :t-corner:
*slinks off to the Rp Thread to post...*
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[ Updated: 3/09/17 ]
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