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Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 21st, 2016, 8:26:58 pm
by sweetvampwriter
DanaSoraya wrote:Is everyone who joined the competition automatically a member of this guild?

This is a great way to stay in touch with everyone from the Predawn Chill team!
These new guilds are for anybody who was part of the competition originally or for those how like to collect lineage creatures can join. I'm right about that Mir?

@Dana you are right about keeping in touch with everyone from our team. Now since the lineages can be traded now, we can breed new blood lines into this mysterious family line. :devil: :lol:

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 1:27:23 am
by Myrin
Original team list added to the front page! And apologies, but I am not going to list all our kitties there too. For one thing they're not all named, and for another that's over 2000 kitties! Also, people have continued breeding, so I'd have to go through all of them to check if they were born before the contest was closed.

As for who belongs to the guild, anyone who wants to! It's a great way for Team Mist Stalker to keep in touch, but also to share the love of these beautiful cats. ^_^

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 2:25:18 am
by Szarwas
Yay they are tradeable! I should also start looking for other contest family members C:

If anyone wants Predawn Chill babies with random generations, I'm willing to part with these kittens. They are from random generations, 2-24, unnamed, NOT inbred, and none of them has ever bred successfully.
Szarwas wrote: Anyway, does anyone else find it impossible to catch mist stalkers from the stream?
Okay I'm taking it back, seems like patience is the key :splat:

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 8:50:27 am
by paige201208
Wow all that racing to get trades sorted out with the other teams members and then I find out all I had to do was go on the team leaders lists :lol:

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 1:17:09 pm
by Sanna92
Glad to find a place to stay in touch with the team members ^.^

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 4:49:33 pm
by Szarwas
I'll be out of town till Sunday (as my signature says...), because of my job. I won't have internet and stuff C:
But it'll be awesome, I'll be guiding tours in search of fireflies x3

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 22nd, 2016, 6:13:35 pm
by sweetvampwriter
@Szarwas that sounds like a fun job I hope that you have fun, with that camping trip of yours.

Grrr I really don't like this project that I'm working on for my second job. I have this love hate relationship with this yarn and pattern. I have two more blankets to complete this order. This person order two girl blankets and a boy blanket. I got the girl one down, and now I'm working on the boy's blankets. Then back to the other girl's blanket.

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 6:41:54 am
by PeterCamenzind
Could I please request one member of the Predawn Chill? It doesn't have to be 1st gen. :)

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 6:54:33 am
by Myrin
Sure thing! Later gens I can send out now - I've a few that haven't been bred or named.

Re: Guild of the Predawn Chill

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 12:33:51 pm
by Reima
I would like one too~ Generation doesn't matter, as long as it's unnamed~

This was my second team of choice xD Everytime I saw one of our train I was like "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo must clickckck"