Fox hunting (The debate)

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Are you for or against fox hunting?

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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by acaiar »

Against!!! How would you feel if aliens took over the world and "culled" humans?
Since they are like our brothers and sisters, we should not kill them.
We are animals as well. And don't go all technical on me. Would you hunt your own relatives for fun?
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by Grizz »

acaiar wrote:Against!!! How would you feel if aliens took over the world and "culled" humans?
Since they are like our brothers and sisters, we should not kill them.
We are animals as well. And don't go all technical on me. Would you hunt your own relatives for fun?
To be honest? Humans are overpopulated as well. It would suck, yes, but if the hypothetical aliens were to do so, I would understand the theory behind it.

How exactly are they like our brothers and sisters? We're primates, if you want to use the "We're animals" argument and not even on the same evolutionary branch.

Culling is not about fun. It's about the environment not being able to handle the load of that type of animal and them dying in much more horrible ways like starvation or being hit by cars.
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by TxCat »

acaiar wrote:Against!!! How would you feel if aliens took over the world and "culled" humans?
Since they are like our brothers and sisters, we should not kill them.
We are animals as well. And don't go all technical on me. Would you hunt your own relatives for fun?
Foxes are often an introduced species. That means they have no place in the regions ecology and since they have not place in it, they pose a danger to that ecology. Foxes may edge out other predators or destroy resources other species need, resulting in endangerment or extinction. In places like Australia, for instance, they've completely destroyed some indigenous species.

There's also the problem of urbanization. Foxes who do not have a natural habitat adapt remarkably to city living. They will then eat pets, tear into trash and strew it about (sanitary hazard), and they get so used to people they will actually accost them for food. Foxes also, like many other wild animals, are rabies carriers. If the authorities can't catch the exact fox who clawed or bit you (and even if they do sometimes) you're subject to a series of painful, dangerous, and expensive rabies vaccinations.

Given these circumstances, I am in favor of hunting foxes and other introduced species provided it's done humanely and, if they've already established themselves in the ecology, sufficient numbers are maintained in order to stop further damage (yanking out a predator or other animal who has disturbed the ecology to the point of extinction of some of its contents could result in complete collapse of that ecology).

I find fox hunting as a sport distasteful because I think it's cruel to all the animals involved. Many hunting horses (and their riders, for that matter) die attempting jumps they should not have taken. Sometimes the fox will tear up the hounds and the hounds will certainly tear to pieces an exhausted fox.

However, I think your comparison of killing foxes to hunting humans (who, I would agree, are also animals) falls short because it fails to consider the circumstances, some of which I just explained, under which foxes should be hunted and taken from the ecology. It also fails to take into account human motivation, will, and personal feelings. To me, killing an animal just for the act of killing it or killing it for sheer sport is just as bad as if someone were to do what you suggested. At least when the foxes need culled, there's a good chance that no one likes what they are doing but it simply must be done.
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by GallantRed »

1.)Are you for or against fox hunting?
I am 100% against fox hunting. It is a cruel and discusting thing. Personally, I am against all types of hunting for sport, like ducks, deer, and gators, end of discussion. However, foxes are my very favorite animals, so fox hunting is an extremely sore spot for me. It makes me angry just thinking about it.

2.) Why are you for/against it?
I don't believe that people have the right to kill animals for fun. We don't have the right to decide who lives and who dies. And no, I don't care if they are eating your livestock. Maybe if people weren't always cutting down every single tree they can find and polluting everything they come into contact with, perhaps I would understand a bit better, but they do, so I don't. It's not a human's place to determine the course of nature, but fox hunting is a prime example of humans playing 'God'. It's a sick and inhumane practice that reminds me just how hopeless mankind has become.

3.) Why would someone else disagree with you?
Probably because they like the idea of having power over something else's life? They may disagree that foxes are killing chickens and other livestock and probably spreading disease, but humans kill everything else and are pretty much a walking disease, so I wouldn't see the validity of those statements.

4.) How do you see foxes?
Smart, graceful, free-spirited creatures who take care of themselves and deserve to exist just as much as any other creature. I can't understand how anyone would want them killed.

5.) Do you own poultry or livestock?
Yes, well, not directly, but I help out my aunt and uncle tend to their livestock often. It's hard work, but I don't mind. My aunt and uncle could use the help around the place.

6.) Anything else?
I don't think there is anything else left to say...
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by Moonpetal »

1.)Are you for or against fox hunting?

I am mostly for fox hunting.

2.) Why are you for/against it?

My grandma did it for fun when she was younger, and never caught anything. Besides, if the fox hunt turned up successful, it would help keep the population down, thus preventing more livestock, such as chickens, to be killed.

3.) Why would someone else disagree with you?

Because they think that foxes are the most adorable thing in the world and that people shouldn't chase them with horses and hounds and try to kill them.

4.) How do you see foxes?

Interesting, smart, and cunning animals. I respect them just in the case they have rabies and bite me. Even though I've never seen one in real life.

5.) Do you own poultry or livestock?

No, but Grandma does. Coyotes run off with her chickens.

6.) Anything else?

Not really...
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by Agentofthe1Truth »

I find it kind of amusing how most of the people against foxhunting are using the 'they're too cute' argument, though I give kudos to the ones against sport hunting.

As for my input...
1.)Are you for or against fox hunting?
With hounds, horses and all? Against. I'm against sport/trophy hunting in general. If it's for the purpose of population control, and the body of the animal will not be wasted, then I have no issue.

2.) Why are you for/against it?
I come from a family that hunts. Most members of my family participate in duck, deer, and turkey hunts when the season is right. I can't say for sure if anyone's shot a fox for any reason, but I do know that my family takes care to use as much of the animals as we can. That being said about the only think I could imagine useable from a fox would be the pelt, though it wouldn't surprise me if the meat was good to eat. People eat stranger things after all- possum, coon, snake, etc...
I have a bias against hunting simply for 'entertainment', where the body is simply abandoned after whatever trophy is claimed. I also dislike the hound & horse concept of a foxhunt, or any hunt: chase the animal until it's too exhausted to run anymore, and then either let the dogs do the dirty work or if the animal is tree'd- such as a coon or a cougar- sit back and shoot it at your leisure.

3.) Why would someone else disagree with you?
There are people who think hunting in general is bad. That's their opinion, and I can't expect to be able to change it. I simply ask that they in turn respect my own opinion and point of view.

4.) How do you see foxes?
They're interesting creatures, to be sure. They exhibit the same adaptability and intelligence that allowed the creation of dogs from their relatives the wolves and coyotes. There have also been studies done regarding domestication on foxes, namely in Siberia. As a supporter of domestication, I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

5.) Do you own poultry or livestock?
No, but I have cousins who do. Chickens mostly. They don't have a fox issue, because they have several farmdogs that roam loose on the property and chase off any possible predators.

6.) Anything else?
As mentioned earlier, I fully support the domestication of certain wildlife. Things like leopards or bears, no. Things like foxes or servals, yes if it's done properly. The Siberian silver fox project proved it could be done and set the method, so it's not impossible or extremely time consuming...
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by MinervaClay »

First I'mgoing to approach the pro/con arguments, then my actual answers to the questions.

-It controls the fox population.

I kind of want to ask when Human Season is, because we're definitely out of hand and an inconvenience to most of the natural balance.

-If the fox numbers increased too much, there would be little room and food for them.

So let nature sort it out like it has forever and ever?

-The hounds and horses get lots of exercise out of it.

There's non fatal forms of exercise, too.

-Foxes attack poultry and livestock.

And humans attack everything. And birds poop on cars. Let's cull that a little bit too. Or just do better setups for your poultry.

-Foxes can spread diseases.

So can 99% of nature. Let's go cull nature.

-The hounds may not kill the fox instantly; causing a slow and painful death to the fox.

On the other side, this isn't the only form of fox hunting used. But if hounds AREN'T being used, then the whole already weak exercise argument falls through. I don't like miserable deaths for any animal though.

-Foxes only kill domesticated animals because they have to eat.

That's part of it. And because chicken coops could be better watched and guarded, and you can get dogs put on defense of a zone rather than attacking anything in the area. But it's nature. Fox eats bird. I'm tired of people resculpting nature.

-There are much more humane ways to lower the fox population.

Why do we need to lower it again? Oh right... humans decided it.

-There are other alternatives to fox hunting such as 'drag hunting' (The hounds chase a rag instead of a real fox).

Really obsolete. Dogs can be exercised other ways.

1.)Are you for or against fox hunting?
Against, unless you're intending to use it for meat, and are going to apply the pelt for good reasons. Trying to make extra luxurious coats is not a good reason.

2.) Why are you for/against it?
Because its' the result of human supposition of importance over everything around us, and us declaring our view of environmental harmony better and more effective than an eternity of mother nature's?

3.) Why would someone else disagree with you?
Because farmers see them as nuisances. Nature is really inconvenient, at times, and we go out of our way to change it to what we see fit. It's easier to go out and kill them in advance than stay vigilant and train animals to defend a property rather than seek out potential threats.

4.) How do you see foxes?
Beautiful creatures and masterpieces of nature. A part of a harmony we ever-try to defy.

5.) Do you own poultry or livestock?
At the moment no, I've been moving around.
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by ShadyPaws »

I appriciate that you are expressing your opinion but just to let you know I am against fox hunting too but I had to decide some pros and cons so people get a basic idea and I don't necessarily agree with all of them but these are what professionals have said. These things are true but it does not mean they are right.
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by annalily »

If the fox population in an area needs to be controlled their are fasters and more humane ways than building up it's terror by having a bunch of dogs and horses chase after it.
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Re: Fox hunting (The debate)

Post by DracoKnight »

Are you for or against fox hunting?
I'm not against hunting foxes, or hunting in general, as long as it serves a purpose and it's done responsibly. Hunting a fox on horseback is for sport, pure and simple. It serves no purpose other than entertainment(for the humans and dogs). So I'm against hunting for pure pleasure, like fox hunting, but support responsible hunting practices.

I don't hunt, as I just don't think I have it in me to kill an animal unless under duress(like, I'm going to starve or something).
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