Hounds of Disaster Family Crest

The Hounds of Disaster Family

Creator: Zunami
Owner: Zunami

Members: 42

Hounds revival!
The original Hounds lineage was created February 25th. The day after a massive server crash.
The entire lineage went MIA in the crash of May 21th 2011. BUT The HOUNDS are back once again!!!

So many Magi lost precious pets. Magi from high and low patch together and work hard to restock the creatures lost.
Community spirit is what it's all about. Helping the individuals. I for one am grateful I'm part of such a community.

~~ Breeding notes: If you are gifted a Dire from the Hounds of Disaster, please ONLY use shopborn Dires as mates. ~~
ONLY exception are the Albino. If your so lucky you breed an Albino, your more than welcome to use an Albino mate. Lowest gen possible thanks.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (4)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (3)

6th Generation (2)

7th Generation (2)

8th Generation (3)

9th Generation (4)

10th Generation (1)

11th Generation (1)

12th Generation (2)

13th Generation (2)