Gifts Family Crest

The Gifts Family

Creator: The_PrincessCat
Owner: The_PrincessCat

Members: 92

I was thinking about this as I was sitting writing a paper (yes, random time to think of this), but I had a brilliant idea for a lineage. I started this lineage to gift all over magi. I used two Gryphs born on my birthday and breed them together. There will be a couple rules assosiated with them, but please do enjoy.

1. Gift only
2. Give as a birthday present if you can (aka have the baby share the persons birthday. Please at least try to get them born on the right day.)
3.DO NOT release (Send it back to me)
4. You can breed with other lineages, ONLY if that other lineage is alright with it as well!
5. Name them! This is cause for sadness as well. Unnamed pets are unloved pets!
6. You can freeze them AS HATCHLINGS ONLY, but I would prefer not. After all, they are gifts to do with as you wish!

You can breed whatever you can into the lineage!


1st Generation (11)

2nd Generation (14)

3rd Generation (17)

4th Generation (19)

5th Generation (19)

6th Generation (10)