FailFish Family Crest

The FailFish Family

Creator: Mukumuku
Owner: odstbuck

Members: 52

Peurile and Imprudent FailFish have always wanted to celebrate Christmas. In interest of being properly festive, they want more green and red in their lives.
Alas, there is no green in Koi, so they must settle for red. Thus, it has become their life's goal to have RUBY CAPRICORN offspring.

Because rubies are red and red = Christmas.

PS: Puerile is misspelled on purpose. 8D;


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (7)

3rd Generation (7)

4th Generation (7)

5th Generation (8)

6th Generation (6)

7th Generation (3)

8th Generation (2)

9th Generation (1)

10th Generation (1)

11th Generation (2)

12th Generation (1)