Camelotian Court Family Crest

The Camelotian Court Family

Creator: GeistStorm
Owner: GeistStorm

Members: 27

Welcome to the Camelotian Court's family home.
Named for the Court of Camelot, both that of legends of old and a certain American family.
Trivia: I pronounce the name Camel-lot-ee-anne Court but I have heard it pronounced Camel-lOH-shun Court. Either way is acceptable I guess. We aren't that fussy... Well, I'm not anyway... Merci on the other hand... But there's no need to ask him.
All CC family member names follow the same Basic scheme of naming as a small tribute to the original French poem. As well as the family I mentioned.
The only other request is that if you resell/regift/release one of their offspring, you let me know about it so I can still visit it where possible. Merci mes amias.

Family rules

No egg freezing


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (14)

3rd Generation (4)