Smimmer Family Crest

The Smimmer Family

Creator: jadeliller
Owner: jadeliller

Members: 5

I meant to type shimmer oh well...thanks to Rosehill for the crest

The Smimmers are an old family. Made up of mostly Grey Pearl Wyrms, there are other species in the family after so many generations. They are quite friendly with guests, and absolutely intolerable to thieves and liars. They've gifted their eggs to Magi before, and plan on continuing to do so.

Rules if you recieve a smimmer
* Prevent inbreeding
* Breeding with another species is okay after generation 5
* If you no longer want your Smimmer, I will buy it back for 1,000g, no more, no less

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (1)