of the Darkness Family Crest

The of the Darkness Family

Creator: ChuChu
Owner: ChuChu

Members: 5

~Credit to Rosehill for the crest~

You trudge through the dark swamp, making little progress as the mud sucks at your feet seeming to want to pull you under. Finally, after hours of struggling through the marshy nightmare, you come arrive at what seems to be a barren wasteland. The sky is a jet black, even though it is the middle of the afternoon. You turn to leave only to find two Dark Minicorns blocking your path. A dark energy seems to flow from them. A gust of wind blocks your view for split second and the Minicorns are gone, an egg sitting in the spot they had been standing in.


1. Breed them only with Dark Mincorns.
2. Don't freeze or inbreed.
3. Name them after something that causes chaos, or destruction.
4. Don't release them. If you no longer want it, send it back to me.
5. Don't use them for the quest.
6. This is a free lineage. Gift them if you'd like but don't sell them.


1st Generation (2)

2nd Generation (1)