Luthivra Family Crest

The Luthivra Family

Creator: Cynthia
Owner: Cynthia

Members: 3

This family of Rewin Dragons are somewhat literate. Prism and Crystal have been known to lurk in the library of Zanaris Keep, browsing through the ancient scriptures. Do not worry if a Luthivra starts tugging at your sleeve, it probably has something to share. Sometimes, when inspiration strikes them, you may see a poem written down by a Luthivra Rewin, albeit smudged with pawprints.

1. Please do not inbreed. That's not cool.
2. Give them a good home and a good name~
3. Do not freeze eggs.
4. Breed!
5. Please freeze the first offspring of every generation as HATCHLINGS.

You may request my lineages here:


1st Generation (1)