Dolphins of Pern Family Crest

The Dolphins of Pern Family

Creator: HoukaRyuu
Owner: HoukaRyuu

Members: 12

With the release of Caeralisi, they gave me the idea to create the lineage, Dolphins of Pern. If the Torveus Dragons become breed-able in the future, then hopefully I'll be the first to create the lineage, Dragons of Pern.

1. Please give them a name from either a dolphin or a character from the book Dolphins of Pern, or just a Pernese sounding name. Names may be repeated.
2. Please breed only with Stream-Born or First Gen non-lineage Caeralis.
3. Please DO NOT FREEZE OR RELEASE eggs or hatchlings.
4. Please keep the lineage pure. No inbreeding.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (3)