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The Spider King

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 10:51:59 pm
by LaughingIdiot
Xisitak x Torveus Dragon


A quick sketch by a magi observing the Spider King in the wild. Unfortunately it was never finished as the magi in question was eaten in the midst of their masterpiece.

You're not sure if there is an egg at all underneath all those webs.

The spiderwebs have dispersed but you see no hatchling, perhaps it was just a bunch a webbing. A shame as you were hoping to see the hybrid for yourself. Sometimes faint sounds can be heard from beneath your bed that make you terribly uneasy.

Adult Spider Kings are a little taller than Silvan Narasads, inheriting abilities from the Xisitak and the temperament of their Torveus parent. Webbing is carefully woven on the membrane of their wings in order to create horrific melodies when they take flight, leaving both magi and prey in a mindless panic.

*Not part of the entry but fun to read!
*Thanks to Ruzio for editing and expanding on my descriptions! They are awesome! <3
You're not sure if there is an egg at all underneath all those webs.

Day by day, the spiderwebs disperse, and owners of these creatures will find themselves wondering if there was ever anything there at all, or if it was just simply a bunch of webbing. They do not come out to the light, and do not seem to eat either, instead choosing to stay in dark, dry spaces, a particular favourite being under beds. Spider king hatchlings tend to make faint eerie sounds from time to time, which sound hauntingly like a distant violin. These only get louder as they grow older, causing people to become terribly uneasy when they search for the source and find nothing there.

One of the stranger hybrids to have ever set foot in the Keep, adult spider kings are slightly larger than a fully grown horse, with the abilities of their xisitak parent and the temperaments of Torveus dragons. Their appetite grows as they grow, and these creatures have a particular taste for small woodland creatures. They are easily enraged, and as such it is important to pay mind to them, as their powers could easily wreak havoc on a small village if not careful. This is due to the thick webbing on the membrane of their wings, which creates horrific melodies when they take flight. Depending on what the spider king wishes it to sound like, they can be used to scare both magi and prey into a mindless panic.

With eight legs and a ridged tail, along with the power of flight, it is almost surprising that these creatures do not use force to engage in combat. Spider kings do not weave webs like normal xisitaks do, as they have no need of these to catch their meals. Instead, with a mere flex of their webbed wings, they are able to sound out a tune designed to fit their needs, and if loud enough, it is capable of putting living beings in close enough range in a state where they cannot think. To restrain this from happening, it is not uncommon for magi to bind their spider kings' wings, so they are unable to play their songs, otherwise chaos in the Keep would be imminent. As these are the subject of an experiment that actually worked, these are thankfully domesticated creatures, and do not exist in the wild.

Re: The Spider King

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 10:56:29 pm
by salt

Re: The Spider King

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 12:38:05 am
by RobotChimera

Re: The Spider King

Posted: March 6th, 2017, 12:54:38 am
by LaughingIdiot
Glad you like it! :D