Your Worst Nightmare (Osseo Arachnid X Rewin Dragon)

A Damaged Beastiary
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Your Worst Nightmare (Osseo Arachnid X Rewin Dragon)

Post by Blindstar97 »

Osseo Arachnid and Rewin Dragon
AKA The Dragonskull Spider

Replace the human skull of an Osseo arachnid with that of a rewin dragon skull, with little webbed wings sticking from the sides. Now add the fact that, rather than speaking, the skull on the spider's back breathes flames, or, rather, spits. I'm not sure if rewins can even breathe fire, but let's just say it's a strange side effect of the magical hybridization.

General Description
No one is quite sure who bred the first dragonskull spider. Some say they were created by an evil magi who wanted to conquer the world with an army of arachnids and required a fierce, draconic spider at the head. Others claim it was the result of some eccentric who had a love for both osseo arachnids and rewin dragons. But the discovery of these creatures is well known, and it starts with the story of an arachnophobic magi named Fedi. Fedi studied at the Keep many years ago, and was very fond of his rewin dragon flock. But he had a strong aversion to anything arachnid, and would flee the moment he saw one. A group of mean spirited magi decided to one day play a prank on poor Fedi. As Fedi went to visit his rewin dragons, he was met by a large pack of chattering osseo arachnids, herded by one of the pranksters. Fedi fled to his room, where he refused to exit. That night, a large crash was heard from inside the room. When the masters of the Keep went to to see what had made the noise, they saw the window had been shattered, and that young Fedi was gone. What had taken his place was an adult dragonskull spider. When the masters reached out to the spider, it spat fire in their direction and leaped out the window, fluttering away. And where the spider had stood, sitting nestled on Fedi's bed, was a clutch of bone-white eggs.

This egg has bone-white wings sticking out of it.

These hatchlings are twice the size of osseo arachnid hatchlings, and are far more destructive as well. Dragonskull spider hatchlings have yet to learn how to control their fire-spitting or flying, leading to many things being set alight by the creatures. Otherwise, they are far more similar to rewin dragons in demeanor, preferring to stay close to their magi. They will often weave little patterns of spider silk to give to their magi as gifts, that is, if they do not set them on fire first.

Most dragonskull spiders have mastered their fire-spitting abilities by the time they reach adulthood, and are useful for when one needs a light. They grow to almost the same size as a rewin dragon, and are just as friendly too. Dragonskull spiders rarely leave their magi's side, usually only to hunt for food or take care of their young. Unlike regular spiders, dragonskull spiders do not weave webs to catch their prey, instead preferring to actively hunt and ensnare it with web nets. They will often wrap their prey up in spider silk and present it to those they consider friends, with varying levels of acceptance. These companions are also useful for delivering missives, as they can fly with their dragon-like wings and will go above and beyond to make their magi happy.
Guess who's back... back again (after several years)
Kushanu guards my keep, he likes pats on the head.

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