To Emander Tyris: A poem about summer.

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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To Emander Tyris: A poem about summer.

Post by RadioactiveWaffle »

Rachel walked down the hallway. She was grinning and swinging her bookbag around her arm, when she stopped at a familliar door. Room 147. Rachel took her book bag down from her shoulder and set it down in front of her room. She unzipped the front pocket, and began to look for her room key. She first took out a few rubix cubes, some snacks for her dragon, and finally a tiny silver key, perfect for the lock on her door. Rachel put it in, twisted it, and opened the door... And was greeted by a tiny but ferocious roar. From her dragon turtle. "Hey Em." She said, tossing a treat to him. The turtle snapped it up without chewing.

Rachel tossed her book bag to the corner of the room and sat down in her wooden chair, handcrafted by a carpender from the city of Synara. And a table came with it for 25% off. From that exact same table, she pulled out a fresh piece of parchment. Rachel took one of three Quetzalcoatl feathers from her desk, and a pot of Blue ink. "Hey em. Guess what happened today." The dragon turtle replied with a small growl. "No, em, not that. Thane told us that a Anthropologist wanted to know of summer magi life. As if he didn't know it already. Anyways, we're supposed to tell him about our daily routines in the summer. And it's like summer homework! Can you believe it?"

Em replied with a little "Grrrrrrrrrr" which translated to "Wow, summer homework? I feel bad for you."
Rachel sat down In her chair and picked up the feather. She dipped the red feather into the ink pot, and began to write:
To Mr. Emander Tyris:

So I heard you wanted to hear about our summer life, you say? Well, as a student at the Keep, I am proud to present to you: Life in summer at the keep.

Life in summer at the Keep

Summer: Is a break from studies, homework, and tests. I usually rest by the pond, meeting new friends, reading books about dragons, and eating cherries. We first gather in the cafeteria and eat our breakfast, then we are free to roam the keep.

Summer: Is when we tend to our eggs and hatchlings, and raise them into the wonderful beings they are meant to be. We play with them and tend them, and love them. Love is what makes them grow, not anything else in the world is more powerful than love.

Summer: Is time to practice magic. I usually do some magic in the morning, evening, and night. I am a magi of all sorts of magic, but I excel in beast calling the most.

Summer: Is a time to say goodbye to the old year of school, and greet the new year.

Summer: Is time to goto the city at night, and shop for elusive eggs. We also collect creatures from the stream and pond. We also go swimming.

Summer: is awesome. Period.

From yours truly,
Rachel (the Waffle)

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