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Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 11:41:58 pm
by AdmiralStarNight
This is a story about me in MagiStream: I may continue it and don't be afraid to comment.
Warning, words are everywhere, and there are a lot of them. This is a long post.

There was a slight sound on light feet on stone steps, there almost always was in The Keep. Some creature coming in late from a long day, or an older Magi heading up to their bed after realizing he had gotten too deeply into that scroll he was translating.

However, today, it was not the usual, it was a young Magi, her beautiful dark blue robe fitting her perfectly, a touch of youth still left in her face. Her hair was brown and long reaching halfway down her back and pulled into a Minicorntail and her eyes where a hazel with bright green accents around the iris.

Her name was Caitlyn StarNight and she was one who always tested the limits.

Caitlyn was raised at The Keep by a normal human woman who had gotten lost on her way to her village. Her young child proved a handful and soon it was discovered after a few months that because she had been born here, she possessed great magical powers. The Magi of The Keep had been happy for the mother, and offered to send a tutor to the town where the mother lived once her child got old enough to be taught.

The mother, however, confessed that she did not wish for the child to get into any trouble and that she did not have the experience to handle such a gifted child. So the mother gave the young Caitlyn up to The Keep, leaving her a scroll to be given on how to find her, and why she had left her at The Keep.

Caitlyn grew up under the watchful eye of a few magi who delighted in having a child all their own. When she became old enough, she was put to study under Liav Noris, an older Magi, with good mind for young ones and a great sense of humor. Bothe talents were put to good use with Caitlyn as his student and the two often joked while Liav taught and Caitlyn was petting on his creatures.

But, Liav had been strict about one thing, that she was too young to have a creature of her own. As much as a simple Koi or a Winged Cat might seem easy, they required much patience and attention, which Caitlyn could not spare from her studies at this time.

Tonight, Caitlyn planned to prove him wrong, and Liav had the last two days awake translating a scroll from an unknown language to something she could read and was now asleep in his room, with his loud, snoring Razan Lemur sleeping with him.

Caitlyn stepped outside into the cool night air, her eyes adjusting to the darkness quickly. She looked around seeing some gryphon flying to The Keep for the night and a few Ariessa standing close to each other. The air wasn't all that cold, but she pulled up her hood anyways and walked down to the sparkling dark water that was the stream.

Even in the middle of the night, there were eggs in The Stream and Caitlyn knelt down to study them, the shells of multiple eggs gleaming in the silver moonlight. She sat there for a while, watching some Koi bring a few out of the current and nestle them among the reeds along the water's edge. She didn't see any which attracted her attention and she turned away to go back when a brightly colored fleck caught her eye.

Caitlyn turned to see a rainbow egg, caught under some grass in the Stream. She leaned down and picked it up, drying it off gently with her robe and smiled as it seem to come alive in her hands. The young magi didn't remember what it was, she could research it in the library tomorrow.

Looking around to make sure no one else except a few grazing Cervinus Deer had seen her, she slipped back inside the Keep and back to her room.
Caitlyn woke the next morning to a knock on her door. She blinked then looked down at the red sleeping gown she usually wore and yawned.


"Come one Caitlyn," Liav called through the door, "We are going to study with a few Mermaids down by the lake. They want to teach you some of their spells, and maybe you can show them a few things as well."

"Yes, Liav." Caitlyn answered and she threw off the covers and slipped on a lighter blue robe with hand stitched white patterns on it. She had learned that spell when she was younger from an older woman caretaker, it had been fun.

After getting changed Caitlyn paused and looked at the small dresser in one corner of her room, usually it held books, but the books had unceremonious shoved under her bed and the drawer lined with her older robes to create a nest. She walked over and opened the drawer softly, looking at the brightly colored egg inside before closing the drawer again and exiting the room to go study with her mentor.
It was late in the day when Caitlyn and Liav returned to The Keep, the Mermaids had been delighted to meet Caitlyn, who had a wonderful sense of humor and also would do the favor of helping braid their hair while they showed her different things with water spells and such. Now Liav had sent her to study in her room, while he attended a lecture about some complex thing which Caitlyn still had yet to understand.

The young magi quickly entered her room and set down her books she opened them on her bed to the correct page and then walked over to the drawer. She pulled out the egg gently and studied it. She looked at the page in the book and read the name out loud.
"Puvia. It’s a Puvia egg."

Caitlyn turned it in her hands, admiring its colorful shell, then placing it on the bed beside her she laid down on her stomach and put away to breed book and continued to study the words of the poem the mermaids had given her.

Caitlyn woke with a start as she heard a noise. She looked around confused, before she realized it was middle of the night. She was still wearing her day robe and the poem scroll was still on her bed, a little crumpled from where she had lain her head on it.

But that was no what had waken her from her slumber, no, a small crack had appeared in the egg and Caitlyn quickly put away the mermaid poem and formed up a nest of blankets around the bright egg while she thanked her almost absentminded store of sunflower seeds she kept in her room to snack on. She started breaking open the seeds before she realized she still had that package of waterberries from the mermaids in her pouch.

After about 10 minutes of cracking seeds and setting up a plate of bright blue waterberries, she waited anxiously as the egg cracked even more. She watched as red beak poked out and finally the egg shell cracked enough for a fuzzy Puvia to be sitting on the bed. It didn't cry because it saw Caitlyn sitting at its eye level, but it opened its beak in a clear indication it was hungry.

Caitlyn smiled and started to feed the berries and seeds to the young bird. It was obvious that keeping the Puvia secret would be hard, especially with Liav around, but she would be able to, and the Puvia was already hopping out of the small nest she had made to look around the room.

"Hello Young one." She said gently and the Puvia looked at her, curiously. It hopped over, its wings spread slightly, already drying off from the inside slime of an egg and tilted its head at her. "I'm going to pick you up, alright?" The bird couldn't speak, but it let Caitlyn pick her up and study him.... no her. "You're a girl, how about I name you Sorra?"

The bird didn't seem to mind the name and hopped back onto the bed to explore where to lie on the blanket for the night.

Caitlyn grinned, knowing full well she was in for a tongue lashing when Liav found out, but she didn't care. Sorra was hers now, and nothing would break them apart. So the young magi blinked suddenly blurry hazel-green eyes and crawled back into bed after cleaning up the eggshell, with a puffball of a Puvia sleeping beside her.
A semi-loud peeping sound woke Caitlyn and she sat up to find Sorra sitting in her lap wings flapping a little as she asked to be fed. Caitlyn groaned and looked outside, the sun wasn't even up yet, but she got herself into this mess and she was going to raise this Puvia.

She cradled the bird in her arms to quiet it before she changed back to her favorite dark blue robe and picked up the Puvia and headed down to the great hall where breakfast was served.

After creeping back Liav's room and into the dining hall where breakfast was served she placed her new Puvia on the table and got some fresh fruit for herself and her Puvia along with some seeds just for the bird.

She placed the plate in front of Sorra who quickly ate it up in record time, already looking bigger and turned her now bright purple eyes back to Caitlyn. They were already showing the signs of intelligence and Caitlyn nodded and the bird hopped onto her arm and snuggled close as she brought her outside.
Outside The Keep, Caitlyn could see the sky turning a milky blue and Sorra looking around to study as creatures started to emerge from The Keep.

Sorra made a few peeps before she released a note from her beak that sounded like pure music. She spread her wings and flapped, launching into the air and darting off to play with two young gryphons as they flew through the air.

The young magi smiled and ran a hand over her hair, fixing it with a spell she had learned and binding into a minicorntail and sat down in the shade of a tree to watch her Puvia play as the sun rose.
Liav wasn't angry with his student.

Caitlyn had the odd habit of disappearing whenever he wished to go somewhere early. The sun had just risen and his Talvar had woken him so that he could wake Caitlyn in time to travel to the Koi Pond to get a new fish for his own collection of them. He had a female Koi who had lost her clutch of eggs to a storm and he wanted to her a new egg to care for until she was ready to breed again.

Bit his student had not been in her room, the hastily shed light blue robe she had wore yesterday had been seen haphazardly across the floor in her room and books from yesterday laying unread in a pile on the dresser. Liav had thought maybe she had been in the library and had gone with his lemur trotting next to the large library to see it quiet and cold. He had searched all over the building, and finally giving up he collected a pouch for carrying the Koi eggs from the Koi Pond and set off outside.

Liav stepped outside to a barely risen sun, with a flock of his own creatures greeting him. He gave each one a small caress, projecting his love for them and starting down the path towards the Pond with a few of his companions following before he heard a familiar laugh.

Liav's gray eyes turned to see Caitlyn staring up at three fling creatures, one a young Puvia, the other two young gryphons. The three where dive bombing his student in a mock battle, with Caitlyn trying fend them from attacking her with small gusts of winds from a wind spell.

Liav watched, amused, knowing his student loved to play with the young creatures. And he silently started to approach her when the Puvia landed onto Caitlyn's outstretched arms and placed its multi-colored head under Caitlyn's chin and let out a warbled song which stopped Liav dead in his tracks.

Young Puvias did that only to their parents or two their magi companions. It was a symbol of their bond... which meant...

His eyes narrowed and forgetting all about silence, he walked briskly over to his student, his companions fleeing the wrath of their magi before they could feel it head on.

"Caitlyn StarNight!" He called out sharply and his student turned in surprise, the Puvia bird in her arms perking up in surprise. the young gryphon fled quickly as they sensed his anger, but the Puvia bird huddled down in Caitlyn's arms instead of flying away.

Liav proceeded to launch into a long winded rant about how she should have listened to him, and she wasn't ready for the level of responsibility that came with raising a companion to adulthood. After he had finished, he had reduced Caitlyn to a wide-eyes, pleading young girl with an equally sad-faced Puvia in her arms.

"But I want to keep her..." Caitlyn started, but Liav cut her off.

"No, you will release her at once." Liav stated. "You are not ready to take care of her."

"But..." Caitlyn trailed off and looked down at the Puvia who gave a small chirp. "I’ve already named Sorra."

"You..." Liav began before scrubbed his face with both hands. "You named her?"

"Yes." Caitlyn said in a small voice.

"Alright, StarNight." He said severely. "I warned you about doing this, but Sorra is your responsibility. I am never going to help you take care of her, and you will still go on with your regular studies and exams, do you hear me?"

"Yes Master." His student said meekly before standing. "What are we doing today?"

Liav looked down at Caitlyn for a few more seconds before shaking his head. "The Koi Pond to fetch a few eggs for Hera who lost her own clutch."

Caitlyn nodded before having the small Puvia sit on her shoulder. "Yes, Liav, I'm ready."

Liav looked at the pair for a second more than sighed and headed off in the direction of the Koi Pond, with Caitlyn and Sorra following behind.

Re: Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 11:47:24 pm
by Dauntless
Probably my favorite story set in the magi world. Great description! This was just amazing!

Re: Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 8th, 2012, 11:32:18 am
by LightningDragon
It seems interesting so far. You have a few spelling and grammar mistakes, but I want you to continue. ^.^

Re: Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 8th, 2012, 12:37:59 pm
by AdmiralStarNight
I will, and I wrote this late at night, when I'm most creative and most likely to make mistakes...
I've caught most of the mistakes by now, and thanks for reading!

Re: Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 9:54:17 am
by AdmiralStarNight
:D Thank you everyone for reading, please enjoy chapter II!
Discovery~ Chapter II

A small, sweet, soft tune filled the library and no one looked up as a young woman and her companion entered.

Caitlyn StarNight looked around, and then found exactly what she was looking for. A desk near an empty shelf and she smiled then nudged the Puvia off her arm and onto the shelf as she sat down.

Sorra gave a cheery chirp, still growing steadily and fast. She had almost doubled in size, and was almost as big as Caitlyn now.
So she hopped on the shelf and twisted her head under her wing. Her brightly colored feathers puffed up as her magi settled down to study.

Caitlyn looked up, her eyes bright, but touched with an intelligence that hadn't been there. This past month had been an eye opener, taking care of the Puvia and studying to become a magi was nearly impossible, but Caitlyn had managed it, barely. Her Puvia, growing more intelligent by the day, seemed to sense that her magi saw her studies just as important as herself, and often would stay quiet while Caitlyn studied and even went out a foraged her own food, but would always return to snuggle at night.

Though Sorra's growth indicated that soon, she would be too big and heavy to fit inside Caitlyn's room, and would have to wait on a perch now rigged outside Caitlyn's room window.

Liav was watching his student study from the second floor of the library. His lemur was looking a pretty spider web above his head.

The older Magi had been worried for the Puvia more than his student, but it turned out Caitlyn had been ready to shoulder the responsibility of a companion. She had proven herself able to balance time between him, studying and Sorra, even the Puvia had proven receptive to her young magi's studies.

Liav turned to see an older woman with a dark gray robes and a four humming birds, two male, two female hovering around her head. His eyes widened then he bowed deeply to her.

"Master Juni." He straightened, “How may I help you?"

"Come with me." She said quietly and turned on heal to walk out of the library. Liav looked back for a second, beckoning to his lemur before he followed Juni.
Liav had been confident at first that nothing was wrong, but as he was led through barely traveled passageways and some doors which were intricately carved, he became steadily less sure of himself.

When Juni came to the last door she held out her hand the caving on it glowed a bright blue as it absorbed her magic. The door slowly opened and inside the small room beyond was well kept, clean, but sparse. Four other magi sat waiting and Liav swallowed hard as her recognized all of them.

First was Juni, head magi of The Keep. She had been here for a long time, and raised many companions who had done many quests by her side. She was honored by all and often seen chatting with younger magi or teaching young creatures their manners.

The Second was an aged man with a black beard and dark purple robe. His companion was a Roc who eyes his Lemur suspiciously, but didn't do anything else. This was Master Erir, who lived in the mountains and came to The Keep only on business.

The third was Master Aqan. He was the youngest of the Masters, having every single water creature as a companion he lived by the sea and came by The Keep often to drop off eggs of his companions.

The fourth was Master Arkana, and woman who had no lost her beauty to age. She had an Arkenian Kitsune sitting at her feet under the table. She lived up North on the fringes of Arkene, taking care of creatures which lived in the ice and snow.

The fifth and last was High Master Drico, he wasn't the oldest, but most certainly the most powerful. He lived everywhere and nowhere, preferring to travel over the land rather than live in one place. He would look upon different villages and gladly report if anyone there could possibly be a magi, or maybe if a gang of thieves was running amuck, he would swiftly deal them justice, return stolen goods then move silently on. His usual companion wouldn't have fit inside the building, as a Black Ice Dragon that had been around since before The Keep was of great size.

"Sit, Liav." Drico said, pointing to the chair at the end of the table.

Liav nodded and sat down as directed. There was a silence before Juni spoke.

"Liv, we seem to be having a problem." She said and he looked up in confusion, but was unable to speak.

"The Dark magic of the world is growing." Erir continued.

"Even the pure white snow has been tainted by the touch of dark magic." Arkana explained and Liav tried to speak but found no words would fall from his mouth. A silence spell, they wished for him not to speak.

"And we have the feeling another war is coming." Aqua said, motioned to Liav.

"But what does this have to do with me?" He asked, honestly confused, "I'm just a regular Magi."

Drico looked down the table at him and he kneaded the scar on his temple, a scar from the last Magi War. He seemed to be lost in a memory before he sighed.
"Liav." His voice seemed to echo in the room. "There was something we, I did at the end of the last war, which I now regret." He looked around the room for a few moments. "At the end of the war, we took away the powers of the Dark Magi, and banished them from The Keep. Most, in fact, almost all went to live scattered among regular human villages, but some went to live in the Silva Forest."

"We didn't object, if they wished to risk their lives to the wild Direwolves and Manticores, that was their choice, but it would appear that we did not take away everyone's powers..." Aqan said.

"Yes," Drico stated. "I started to pick up rumors about 17 years ago of a dark robed magi who had been traveling around, swooning all the woman of all the villages, playing tricks on hapless children and generally making a fool on himself. I never found him... Though it would appear I don't need to." He waved a hand and a fine mist seemed to form above the table. In the mist the image of a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes appeared. She seemed happy and Liav noticed a startling similarity between her smile and Caitlyn's. "This is Caitlyn's mother is it not?"

"I..." Liav nodded as he thought. "That is her; she gave birth to Caitlyn here during a storm."

Drico nodded. "Well, it would appear that 'magi' I speak of is the father of Caitlyn, and isn't one of The Keep."

"Then what does this have to do with..." he was cut off by a cutting gesture from Aqan and he fell silent.

"What this has to do with Caitlyn, Liav," Drico said coldly, "Is that she is one of the few remaining Dark Magic Magi on this World. I am not saying we need to banish her..." he raised a hand to stop Liav's protest. "A candle can just as easily go out as burn brighter, she is touched from birth with Dark Magic. But even the darkness has its good qualities. You must make sure she never learns any Dark Magic Spells."

Liav dipped his head, "I know no Dark Magic Spells, and I will try to steer her attention away from any of those sorts of teachings." He hesitated before giving his lemur and gentle caress to calm his nerves. "Should I tell her?"

"No." All the Master Magi said at the same time. Then Juni spoke alone.

"She must not learn about it. She will see no difference in the magic unless she is pointed to those differences. We will continue to monitor her progress. Keep an eye on her and do not let her travel anywhere outside the normal boundaries without your permission. You may leave, Uni?" One of the four small hummingbirds flew over to Juni. "Please lead Liav back to the regular Keep please." The small bird made a few loops in the air before the door opened and Liav followed the tine bird out of the room.

A few months later

"Come of Sorra. You can handle it. I swear I won't move around that much." Caitlyn comforted her Puvia.

However, Sorra seemed less than convinced.

At the moment Caitlyn was sitting on the back of Sorra, who had grown even bigger than her. Sorra had been rigged out with a special harness that the two had been working with for weeks now. The bird did not seem convinced she could carry her magi and the few supplies she had packed into the pouches on the harness. The pair was sitting in the roof of The Keep, and two were obviously arguing, even though one of them could not speak the human language.

"Sorra..." Caitlyn said, her voice tinted with a hint of humor. "You could be carrying Master Roi."

At that name the Puvia seemed indefinitely happier. Master Roi was a heavy man, not obese by any means, but heavy enough, the only companions which would let him ride was his Alpaca and his Baku.

Sorra hopped forward to the edge of the roof and flapped her wings a few times. Caitlyn tightened her grip on the harness, checked the pouch with the scroll and her money and summoned up a slightly wind to help her Puvia lift off.

Sorra leapt off the roof and flapped her wings, lifting into the air with a grace that Caitlyn could only admire. She gave direction only via her magic and the way she shifted her weight upon Sorra's back. Giving a warble the bird dived at the subtle command to swoop above the other animals she had adopted.

Two Adult Pearl Wyrms, one a Female Copper (Ivy Pearl), the other a Male Black (Midnight Pearl) sat near a small decorative pond, watching a young female Kitsune, Ali Berri, play with Ivy's tail and a young male Ibex, named Demor, munching on some grass.

Ali Berri looked up and bounced around in a few circles. Caitlyn smiled, knowing very well the young Kitsune could follow her to the village, and gave Sorra the command to start to the southeast, in the direction of the village. So she was off to see her mother, with a Puvia and a young Kitsune following.
Liav wasn't frantic when he had entered Caitlyn's room to find it clean and straightened out. What had worried him was the note left on the bed.

It read:
'Dear Liav,
Sorra is now strong enough to carry my weight and I wished to go visit my mother, as I have never seen her. By the time you read this, I will probably already be gone. Ivy and Midnight will watch over the eggs and Demor while I'm gone, Ali Berri with follow me to the village I'm sure unless I lock her inside The Keep.
I will always use my manners and try to scare anyone. With a Puvia and a little Kitsune, I should be fine, both are loveable and cute.
I will be back in about a month,
Caitlyn StarNight’

Re: Discovery~A Story

Posted: June 9th, 2012, 1:18:29 pm
by LightningDragon
Oh, a twist :3 I like it!