Character Survey Thread

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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Faorzia »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
Yeah…I'd have to admit it. I usually only put a side or small quirk of mine though, and sometimes I change that as well.
2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
Honestly, I prefer female characters that are tomboyish, mostly because that's easier for me. But I [think] can write male characters.
3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
I don't really attach to them, because I like to write from a first-person view. So…kind of, because I like…myself, sort of.
4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
Oh...this is hard…Depends on the character. Usually, if I care when they die/are tortured/etc I say that's enough.
5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
Kind of both. They grow around each other.
6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
I usually have a character in mind when I get an idea… Like I said before, they grow around each other. Hutnit doesn't always work, so it's not that great.
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Otterwhisker »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
This all depends on the universe I'm writing in at that moment. A majority of my characters are based off of me, but I change a lot of things, just enough so that people don't know. As the story goes on, their personalities change, so a quiet, shy character switches to a loud, obnoxious character, and vice versa.
2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
Female, and I think the reason is because I lack knowledge on how males think? It's either that or I'm just more comfortable in writing females. A majority of what I read features female characters.
3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
I don't get very attached to my characters, so no, I don't think it's a problem. I set my characters often in hostage situations and set them in pain, so I don't think I'm really attached to them that way. xD
4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
None at all, really, I typically point out flaws in theirs, as well as mine.
Buuuut there are some cases when I get very attached to them.
5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
Both, actually. I make a character to fit a universe, then I bend the universe to fit my character.
6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
Hmm... I typically find one universe I want to make a new story for, so I have a new idea, then I make a character form and develop it that way. Or I just make a character form and find a universe that the character can fit in. I guess both methods are effective for me.

By universe I mean anime universe, just for the record. xD
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Razzi »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."

-I think I have quite a few characters based off of me, or at least partaking in pieces of my personality, wants and wishes. Though the majority of characters I create to get away from myself and the real world, therefore I don't particularly like them being relate-able to me, I prefer to create characters my reader will enjoy the most.

2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?

-I much prefer writing male characters, as I'm a guy, I find it easier getting into the role, despite the personality of the character, I've not really practiced much with female characters because I can't get into the womanly mindset to play them effectively, they always end up tomboyish.

3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?

-Yes, oh yes very much. Some characters I get attached to by accident and they stay with me forever, others I enjoy, but often kill off and rarely use again. This can be a problem when I've created a character with a doomed fate, only to grow attached and not want him to die.

4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?

-I rarely find a character I like enough to get attached to. The last one was probably Darren Shan from the Shan Saga and Demonata Saga.

5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?

-This is an extremely difficult question. Personally, it totally depends. Sometimes I brainstorm characters, develope them, fall in love and just have to make a story or them, other times I have an awesome story idea and sort of just, formulate characters to fit the roles I need in said story.

6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?

I sit down and ask my character questions... I've found it's extremely effective if you can really get into the mindset that they exist and you're actually learning about them. Don't create a character, let the character create itself.

This should help:
PEP Rally: 50 Questions to Ask Your Characters
Just as a reminder, PEP stands for Productivity, Ego, and Procrastination, the three most important things to a writer after their computer or favourite pen. Even though the Rally was created to start a week off right, it can help combat the dreaded writers block any day of the week. These tips and activities will get you moving towards that word count in no time. Well, maybe not the last one, but who said you have to be all work?
One of my most difficult challenges when writing is trying to get into the mindset of my characters. Would they really say this, do that, wear that hat? Sometimes I find that I can really get into their heads and understand everything about them down to the most finite of details for their existence. For example, I know exactly what one of my original characters is going to name all of her children and how far apart they are going to be born. But it’s taken me several years now to fully understand her in that way. Some of you might not have the luxury of not actually having to finish anything and are under more of a time crunch when it comes to learning things about the character you’ve created. Even though they are in your head, there are most likely several things that you don’t actually realize about them yet. 

Today’s productivity task is an interview to help you get a better grasp of your characterization.

Name and age?

Nickname? Who gave it?

What is most noticeable about your character’s appearance/physical presence? How does he or she feel about it?

Describe his or her voice, verbal ticks, pet phrases etc.

Describe a gesture your character makes.

Where does he or she now live? Describe the city, town or village, the house itself. Any feelings about this place?

Has s/he lived elsewhere? What does s/he remember of these places?

What part of her home is her favourite? Least favourite? Why. Describe, using specific details.

What does your character’s bedroom/sleeping place look like?

What does he or she wear to sleep in?

What does your character dream of at night?

Who are/were her parents? Rest of family? What does she feel for them?

Class, ethnic group, religious background?

Who does s/he love, or has s/he loved? Or what. Detail.

Who loves him or her?

Married/ in relationship/single?

How does your character feel about sex/intimacy? What sexual relationship(s) is he or she involved in?

Exactly what does your character do to make a living (or in the case of a child, what do his/ her parents do; or in the case of independent wealth, how does he or she pass the time?)? How much does s/he earn? Feelings about work? What is the best part of the job, the worst?

Who or what does/he fear?

What about his or her life would he or she change if s/he could?

Does the character have a hobby? Secret passion? (Can be something ordinary like soccer playing or yoga classes or mountain biking or sewing or fixing up old trucks - or an unusual interest like some Greek poet from the third century, or collecting spiders, or walking the tightrope…

What would be his or her favourite smell ( why)?

What kind of shoes does he or she wear, (e.g. furry slippers or gumboot or trainers… new or old, style, what colour, fitting properly or too tight or too loose, nice and clean or old and smelly)? Describe exactly.

Favourite meal? Attitude to food?

Favourite clothes?

What is the worst thing that could happen to him or her right now?

What vehicles does your character use/own? (for example: bike, skateboard, truck, yacht, stroller, canoe, spaceship, battered pickup, etc.. please be as exact as possible). What are his/her feelings towards it/them. What kind of journeys does he or she make?

What is his or her most treasured possession?

What illnesses has he or she suffered, if any?

What’s his/her philosophy of life?

What does he or she feel guilty about?

Biggest mistake ever made?

Best thing he/she ever did?

What, right now, does your character want most of all? His or her deepest desire – a glass of water, to get out of their marriage, a new pair of shoes, peace and quiet…
Or this:



Name Origin/Meaning:





Socioeconomic level as a child:

Socioeconomic level as an adult:

Birth Date:

Birth Place:

Current Residence:


Hobbies/Past times:


Past History-


_Birth order:


_Past history:

_Type of childhood:

_Most important childhood event that still affects him:

_Other important memories that still affect him:

_Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about:

_Biggest role model:

_Biggest disillusions from childhood:

First Memory:

Physical Characteristics-












_Face shape:





Distinguishing features:

Physical Flaws:


_Describe their walk:

_Speech pattern:






_Other accessories:


Habits (smoking, Drinking, obsessive compulsive disorders) :))

What does she smell like?:


Left or right handed?:


Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes-))

_Intelligence level:

_Known languages:

_Long term goals/desires:

_Short term goals/desires:

_Self confident?:

_How does character see himself?:

_How does characters express himself?:

_Generally dominant or submissive?:

_Patience level:

_Ruled by emotion or logic?:

_How does the character view life?:

_How does the character view death?:

_Optimist or pessimist?:

_If granted one wish, it would be:

_Most at ease when:

_Most ill at ease when:

_Describe their sense of humor:

_Character/personality/mental/social strengths:

_Character/personality/mental/social flaws:

_Biggest (non-physical) vulnerability:))



_Greatest fear:



_Musical talents/instruments:

_Secret desires:

_Darkest secret:

Relationships with others-

_Relationship skills:




_Lover(s) :))

_Best friends:






_Sexual fantasies/fetishes:

_Describe first sexual experience:

_What person would he consider the perfect mate?:

_How does he view other people/society?:

_Is he judgmental of people and how so?:

How is he perceived by...-




_What happens to change this perception, if at all?:

What type of people does he like to associate himself with?:

What type of people does he not like to associate with?:

What do friends/family like most about him?:

What do friends/family dislike most about him?:













_Historical figure:



Least Favorites-










Simple pleasures:

Greater pleasures:

Most prized possession:

Mode of transportation:

Emotional characteristics-

_Character's sense of morals:

_Character's etiquette:

_How does this character act in public?:

_How does this character act in private?:

_How has this character changed from childhood?:

_How have they remained the same?:

How does he deal with or react to-












_Being wrong:






What does he want out of life?:

What would he like to change in his life?:

What motivates him?:

What discourages him?:

What makes him happy?:

What makes him sad?:

What makes him angry?:

What best describes his personality?:

Spiritual Characteristics-


_Does he believe in a god or goddess?:

_What are his spiritual beliefs?:

_Is religion/spirituality a large part of his life?:


_Chinese Zodiac:

_Astrological Zodiac:


_Deadly Sin:

-Holy Virtue:

Background Story:

Musical play list:
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by foreveranovice »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."

I honestly try not to base my characters off myself when I write. When I was younger I did it a lot more, but I don't enjoy doing it anymore. Reading my old stories helped me a lot in that decision. Occasionally one or two of them will come out with quirks similar to mine, but I can't really say they're 'based off me' in that regard.

2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?

I prefer to write male characters, because they're much easier. Somehow whenever I try to write a women, she turns out overly-complex, even when I'm being very careful not to make her as such. I have only ever written one female that has not turned out like that, but it was in first person and a short-lived experiment.

3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?

I'm one of those writers that doesn't realize she's gotten attached until I get halfway through a particularly draining chapter, go back to reread it and find myself hating what I put the character through. It doesn't really help that the ones I get attached to are usually side-characters, and not the main focus.

4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?

It depends on how well he/she is written, and what their story is. Honestly, I used to get attached to characters a lot easier, but after several years of refining my tastes I'm much pickier. It helps if the character is relate able in some regard, and their flaws aren't written off as a personality problem/ tragic backstory.

5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?

Mm, now that's a tough one. The characters usually come with the story, but I've had stories where I've had to think of characters. Usually when I think up a scenario, the people are already there; I only have to put a name to a face and that's the character. But sometimes its the other way around, and that's when it gets tricky.

6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?

I wouldn't say I 'make' a character so much as I find them. Some come from dreams, others from real-life people that slowly turn into their own being. Inspiration is easy for me to find, so its just a matter of whether or not I like the idea enough to keep it. I would say its effective, but at the same time it can be too effective. Too many characters for a story, too many ideas... it gets draining after a while. Some I merge together, others I just completely scrap. After so many years of this happening, its come down to where I think about the character, their traits, their story, their world, and I slowly plot out who and what they are. If they become something I enjoy and decide to expand on, then they stay. If they're a pain to write and fight against me every step of the way, then they get scrapped and I start over.
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Blindstar97 »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
Usually I like to put a "slice" of me into each character. A part of me is in each one, but not all of me. The only two of my characters that are actually based on me are the ones I made for Dragcave and MagiStream, and those two are pretty similar too.

2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
I like writing about female characters because, well, I am female! I don't know anything about the male perspective of life so it's more difficult for me to write about male characters. Of course, it's possible in a past life I was a dude, but sadly I can't remember that.

3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
I love all my characters, even the really derpy ones from when I was, like, 10. They all represent a stage in my writing skills. My username is the same name as my very old Warriors fan character and I still love her to thus day! There's nothing wrong with being attached to your characters, because no matter how Mary-Sue or derpy they are they're still your characters!

4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
Noe that depends. If it's a character I can relate to, or one that reminds me of someone I know, then I get really attached.

5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
That also depends. I never really plan my stories ahead of time and they kind of just flow out, so really random characters can just poof into existence. At times, I'll write a story based on a dreams and they usually require characters. I have some really weird dreams. :|

6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
They kind of just... poof there. Depending on the situation, they might go through a couple of "trials and errors" in my head until I'm satisfied with them, and then I'll start to use them. Some get thrown to the side and randomly appear again as a minor character, or just die off into the abyss of my mind. I'm not sure if this is effective method. Do you?
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Quillinx »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
A couple, I guess. I don't really base my characters off of myself, I just give them a couple of my own traits. This kind of helps me when I think about what that character might do in a certain situation. But I don't have a character that looks and acts just like me, nope.

2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
Female, I guess. I'm female myself, and it helps me to, again, come up with realistic things that a character might do. I can think about how I would do it myself. x,D

3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
I get pretty attached to my characters x,D I don't think this is a problem, really, but it makes it hard to have bad things happen to them in stories.

4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
Pretty attached, again. It depends on the story. Especially if their character has some kind of relationship with mine (as in a roleplay).

5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
Both, really x,D If I buy a character off of someone, I formulate a story. Most of the time, I think of characters to fit a story, because I tend to think of characters by myself.

6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
I don't really know. Sometimes an idea just pops into my head, and then I make a personality to go along, but sometimes I have to think of a character to fit a certain personality. I wish I had a more effective method, but I don't. cx
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by GrowlingCupcake »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."

My Magi, Cupcake, is strongly based off me as I wanted her to be an aspect of my "Cupcake" identity. But she's not me, there are bits missing, bits exaggerated, etc. For instance, she's probably asexual. I very much am not and that can be a rather core identity. She's a lot like me mixed with a crotchety old woman; much grouchier, much grumpier and far more willing to turn a person into a frog.

My other characters aren't. They may have certain similarities to me but that can be a similarity like "is a girl". None of the others are based off me.

2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?

Female; I find them easier to relate to. I do have a male character I love, though, and I need to play with him more.

3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?

I love my characters. I like molding them. But if I have to kill them off, that's fine. They can live on somewhere else or recycled into someone else. I can write a story about their past or the like.

It can be a problem if it means you cannot do what needs to be done for the story.

4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?

Very. I feel a horrible gaping hole when I finish a series or book with characters I love.

5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?

Story to fit characters, usually. But I make it all up as I go along. I just write and the plot finds me.

6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?

It just happens in my head. It's straight from brain to fingers, it doesn't stop in between.

I don't know. It means I don't always flesh out a character so if five pages in I include a trait, I have to go back and make sure everything is consistent. But I do like the more 'organic' approach.
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by bloodmoonwolf »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you?
most of my characters have trates of me but they are never based on me because my life is boring and i envy most of my charcters
2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
most of my characters are male probly because i understand them better than females because i was rased with lots of boys
3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
most of my characters become friends and i dont see a problem in this because i have few real friends
4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
depens on what the charcters are like, but i have become attached witch usaly means a poster apears on my wall
5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
a bit of both but it usaly starts with charcters
6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
all my storys start as dreams. i then get to now the charcter some times by fact file other times drawing them or writing/drawing were thwy come from. i find it good but it takes a long time
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by WillowPuma »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?

1. Of course. I don't know how other people think, do I? No matter how different I try to make my main characters, the developed ones will always be some form of me.
2. Female. Though I like male characters better. I am a female- writing through what is familiar to me is... easier. And i'm lazy.
3. I get really attached... and I do think getting too attached is bad. Ever heard of a Mary Sue? Of course you have. That's writers getting attached to a certain character.
4. Depends. Ooh that was such a deep and informative answer...
5. I write the story. I write the characters. I put characters in the places they should be in- in a way that fits the character. There will always be tweaks. I dunno.
6. Characters come as inspiration. I start with a one-trait-character, then go into the details.
I'm not sure if it's effective or not... I've never shown any one my stories.
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Re: Character Survey Thread

Post by Luckyclaw »

1. Are any of your characters based off of you? I notice this a lot with the so called "Keep Stories" where people call their character "my magi."
My characters come from many different aspects of thought, but yes. I have many that are based off an aspect of myself even if I don't realize it.
I typically overplay one part of myself in a character then build branching traits off of it, but another thing I do commonly is base characters off of dreams I have, or concepts that come to me at random points. Sometimes I even just have a name in mind, and I can build a whole character off of that. You may think this leads to a lot of flat and boring characters, but even with over 200 unique leaflets in my word documents, I still manage to find something totally different in each and every one. Too bad I never really have any place to use them all, even with my constant role playing, no one could possibly control 200+ at a time.
2. Do you prefer writing male or female characters? Why?
Male. It's a sad feeling when writing female characters that I've come to encounter. You can have two characters who are the exact same personality, almost the same in appearance and even age, but when the male does something emotional it almost always gets a stronger reaction than the female. In the same situation, if they both cry, it's seen as unsettling the male is crying and 'just a girl thing' if the female is crying. If a male and a female have a friend who wants to be more than a friend, if the male friend zones the girl the girl is often seen as a stalkerish character who would want to vengefully break up any other interest the male has even if it's not true. The girl can't win even if she's the one friend zoning, in fact it's worse. THEN they're seen as some stupid girl who makes the nice guy finish last and only wants jerks. She just can't win, ever.
So when I'm not in the mood to challenge stereotypes and just want a little fun, I tend to go with males. Further, they just feel a little more natural to write.
3. How attached do you get to your own characters? Do you think getting too attached is a problem?
I used to be very attached to them, but as time goes on I feel myself getting a little more detached. It's a good distance, though. I'm still able to write them with incredible ease but I find myself willing to allow them to change and be affected as they need to be. I can even kill off characters when I need to. Too much attachment leads to Mary Sues and Gary Stus as well as godmodding.
4. How attached do you get to other people's characters?
Usually depends on how well they're written as well as how they interact to other characters. It's not often I get attached to other people's characters, but when I do, it's because I either see immense effort or tremendous potential.
5. Do you formulate a story to fit your characters, or do you write characters to fit a story?
It's one of my biggest flaws as a writer that stories almost always have to fit around my characters. I really wish I could make a story and then find characters to further the story and not vice versa.
6. How do you go about making a character? Do you think it's an effective method?
I don't make characters, they just begin to exist most of the time. When I'm asked to make a character, however, I do very well and make some pretty good concepts if I do say so myself.
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